Academic Senate
8045 East Chapman Avenue
Orange, CA 92869-6689 / (714) 628-4831
FAX (714) 744-9285
Academic Senate
30 May 2006
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Nena Baldizon-Rios
Morrie Barembaum
Lynnette Beers
Odette Borrey
Cari Cannon
Shawn Cummins
Michael DeCarbo
Rosi Enriquez
Corinna Evett
Joe Geissler
Regina Lamourelle
Scott Sakamoto
Joyce Wagner
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Lynda Armbruster
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Rosa Salazar de la Torre
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Jim Watkins
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Rick Adams
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Minutes for 30 May 20061
Minutes for 30 May 20061
- Call to Order: Senate President Rosi Enriquez called the meeting to order at 1:10 pm
II.Order of the Agenda
- Prof. Adams will be given time from the President’s report.
III.Approval of Minutes:
- Profs. Cannon and Geissler moved and seconded approval of the minutes from 5/16 as corrected. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Reports:
- President’s Report
- CPAC Task Force
- Prof. Adams presented revised language regarding the election of committee chairs.
- Prof. Sakamoto moved and Prof. Barembaum seconded a motion to accept the revised language.
- Motion passed with two abstentions.
- Prof. Adams presented information regarding applications for summer work related to Title III.
- Prof. Enriquez discussed meeting times for the 2006 – 2007 academic year.
- Because of several conflicts, Prof. Enriquez proposes a new meeting of 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
- Prof. Enriquez reported about the progress in her meetings with Alfonso regarding new PNA program that it will go online through the district.
- Department Chairs
- Department Chairs have been continuing their discussions of SLOs.
- Prof. Adams reported during the President’s report.
- Prof. Kubicka-Miller will be the faculty speaker
- Curriculum and Instruction Council
- Prof. Enriquez presented a SLO grid.
- Prof. Cannon moved and Prof. Sakamoto seconded a motion to table the grid until the Fall 2006 retreat.
- Technology Committee
- Prof. Cannon discussed the iClicker demonstration.
- Student Success Council
- Will report at the senate retreat.
V. Action Items
Collegial Governance Framework
- Prof. Geissler moved and Prof. DeCarbo seconded a motion to place the Academic Senate on the same line as the college president. The motion passed unanimously.
VI. Discussion Items
- Councils & Committees
- Prof. Cannon discussed listing different ways faculty can participate/contribute to the college.
- Retreat Agenda
- The Fall 2006 Senate Retreat will take place on Wednesday, 8/23/2006.
- The Retreat will start with a continental breakfast from 8:30 am – 9:00 am.
- Items on the agenda will include Councils & Committees, Senate Goals, Facilities, Budget of the College and the Senate, Class scheduling, Senate Fees, Program Review, and the SLO grid.
- From 12:30 -1:30, we will have a working lunch.
- From 1:30 - 3:00, there will be a Senate/Dept. Chairs roundtable discussion.
- Jeff McMillan will host a cocktail hour at his house beginning at 4:00 pm
- Principle about attendance on committees
- Prof. DeCarbo moved and Prof. Barembaum seconded a motion to table the action on the principles to the retreat.
- Motion passed unanimously
- Public Comments
- New faculty will be meeting Monday of flex week in the morning
- The library is open for limited service. The move went extremely well.
Respectfully Submitted,
Morrie Barembaum
Santiago Canyon College
Academic Senate
Secretary Treasurer, 2005-2006
(714) 628 – 4895
minutes approved 9/19/2006
Minutes for 30 May 20061