Regular Board Meeting
Date: November 11, 2010 Time: 4:00 pm
Place: CentralIntermediateSchool Classroom
Presiding Officer: Janet Stevens
I. Call to Order
Vice-Chairperson Janet Stevens called to order the regular meeting of the Central Community Assistance Foundation Board of Directors on Thursday, November 11, 2010 at CentralIntermediateSchool’s classroom.
II. Roll Call
Ron Erickson conducted roll call. Present were: Frank Ard, Ron Erickson, Bob Lansing, Dick Metz, Jeff Stanfield, Janet Stevens, and Rhonda Taylor. A quorum was present. Absent – Ronnie Devall and Terry Hebert.
III. Acceptance of Minutes
A motion was made by Jeff Stanfill and Seconded by Rhonda Taylor to accept the minutes of the October 14, 2010 regular scheduled board meeting with correction to spelling being made to Section VI; E.
IV. Treasurer’s Report – None
V. Report by Officers – None
VI. Report by Standing Committees
A. Communications – Brockwell Bone presented 4 logos for the board to
view. The idea to let the public give input was presented. The logo
concepts could be presented to the audience at the Central
Community Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday Nov.18. Flyer could
be distributed and people could turn in their response until Nov. 30.
Jeff Stanfill put the suggestion in the form of a motion and Dick Metz
seconded. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Bob Lansing and Seconded by Rhonda Taylor
to pass out the same flyers to the schools. Motion passed.
B. Clothing – Donna McCaskill reported that Cross Threads had agreed to
donate a shelf to store uniforms and also donated a box of hooded
sweatshirts. She has contacted St. Vincent DePaul to get their policies
and procedures on clothing distribution. The committee is going to go
the schools and, if they are allowed, will collect their lost and found
uniforms and see if Central Cleaners will clean them. Mrs. Levert has
agreed to repair, as needed, all the collected uniforms.
C. Education – Judy Williams turned in a report. The first order of
business would be to try to do a fill the back pack drive. The goal
would be to fill back packs with needed school supplies. They will
need to secure supply lists from the various schools.
The committee also asked that the line in the committee’s description
that reads, “The committee shall provide tutoring, educational
materials, basic school supplies, and personal assistance for students
impacted by hardships in need of supplemental educational support”
be changed to read, “The committee shall provide tutoring, educational
materials, and basic school supplies for students impacted by
hardships.” Dick Metz made the motion to do so, Frank Ard seconded
and the motion passed.
D. Food – Lynn Dawson was unavailable to give a report.
E. Fund Raising –Debbie Cooper reported that the committee felt it would
be a good idea to fax a letter to the newspapers requesting support.
Ronnie Devall will be allowed to give a presentation at the Central
Community Thanksgiving Service in order to solicit funds and receive
an offering.
F. Housing – Janice Green was unavailable to give a report.
VII. Old Business
A. Researchby Board Members of guidelines from other organizations
on how to determine qualifications for assistance is still on going. The
material is to be sent to Ron Erickson to compilation.
recruiting Phase 1 Committee members and chairpersons. The
VIII. New Business
A. Areport was given by Janet Stevens on the notifications that have been made of Services to Homeless.
B. A report was given by Janet Stevens on the meeting that took place
with the Committees’ Chairpersons.
C. Discussion was held on the options for a DotCom name for the
Foundation. The following three options were selected:
1. Helpcentralstudents.com
2. Studentsassistance.com
3. CCAFhelp.com
Brockwell Bone will collect more information and get back to the Board.
D. An agenda for the 6pm Dec. 9th open meeting to be held at Central
IntermediateSchoolwas discussed. A motion was made by Frank Ard
and seconded by Dick Metz that the agenda include the following
1. A report on the results of the worship service
2. A finalization of the Logo
3. Introduction of the selected Standing Committee Chairpersons.
The motion passed.
E. A description of CCAF to be used in a letter for the Central Community
Thanksgiving Worship Service was presented and discussed. The
following items were suggested for change:
1. Correct the presentation of Jeff Stanfill’s name
2. Take out the word “politically” from the first sentence
3. Add the Mission Statement
IX. Adjournment
Jeff Stanfill made a motion to adjourn. Dick Metz seconded, the motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 5:18 pm.
Minutes submitted by:Ron Erickson Sr.
Secretary of the CCAF Board of Directors
Chairperson of the CCAF Board of Directors