PhD Counseling Psychology

Course Plan for 2015-2016 Bulletin

Name: / ID:
Degree Requirements / Student Credits
Acro/Num / Title / Credits/
Courses / AU
Credits / Transfer
Credits / Waived
Credits / Transfer School / Attached
Petition / Semester Taken / Grade
Psychological Foundations
GDPC614 / Human Development / 3
GDPC616 / Psychology of Religious Experience / 3
GDPC620 / History and Systems of Psychology / 3
GDPC625 / Biopsychology / 3
GDPC626 / Cognitive Psychology / 3
GDPC629 / Psychopathology: Classification & Treatment / 3
GDPC644 / Psychological Testing / 3
GDPC670 / Advanced Social Psychology / 3
Subtotal / 24
Professional Studies
GDPC554 / Career Development / 3
GDPC645 / Prof. Ethics for Counselors & Psyc / 3
GDPC652 / Cognitive Assessment / 3
GDPC686 / Interventions & Diagnosis with Children & Adolescents / 3
GDPC687 / Counseling & Therapeutic Interventions for Adults / 3
GDPC688 / Advanced Group Therapy / 3
GDPC735 / Clinician Self-Assessment for the Treatment of Culturally Diverse Pop / 3
GDPC745 / Practicum in Counseling Psychology / 3
GDPC750 / Personality Assessment / 3
GDPC753 / Psych Decision Making & Intervent / 3
GDPC765 / Seminar in the Supervision of Counselors / 2
GDPC820 / Internship in Counseling Psychology / 3
GDPC835 / Seminar in Counseling Psychology / 3
Subtotal / 38
Select a Specialty Emphasis
Adult Emphasis
GDPC624 / Addictions & Addictive Behaviors / 3
GDPC720 / Marital Therapy / 3
Elective / By advisement / 3
GDPC846 / Adult Advanced Emphasis Practicum / 6
Subtotal / 15
Child/Family Concentration
GDPC710 / Family Therapy / 3
GDPC720 / Marital Therapy / 3
Elective / By advisement / 3
GDPC847 / Child/Family Advanced Emphasis Practicum / 6
Subtotal / 15
Cultural Diversity Concentration
GDPC730 / International Psychology / 3
GDPC755 / Refugee & Displaced Populations Clinical Interventions / 3
Elective / By advisement / 3
GDPC848 / Diversity Advanced Emphasis Practicum / 6
Subtotal / 15
Health Psychology Concentration
GDPC746 / Issues in Health Psychology Seminar / 3
SOWK675 / Topics In: Psychopharmacology / 3
Elective / By advisement / 3
GDPC849 / Health Psychology Advanced Emphasis Practicum / 6
Subtotal / 15
EDRM605 / Qualitative Research Methods in Education and Psychology / 3
EDRM704 / Design & Analysis of Surveys / 3
EDRM710 / Seminar in Research Methodology / 1
EDRM712 / Applied Statistical Methods II / 3
EDRM713 / Applied Statistical Methods III / 3
EDRM880 / Dissertation Proposal Development / 2
Subtotal / 15
GDPC899 / Doctoral Dissertation / 14+
Subtotal / 14+
Program Prerequisites / Semester Taken / Transferred In?
EDFN500 / Philosophical Foundations for Professionals
GDPC514 / Psychology of Learning
GDPC635 / Theories & Techniques of Counseling
GDPC638 / Group Processes
GDPC640 / Multicultural Issues for Couns and Psych
GDPC650 / Practicum Counseling
GDPC676 / Theories of Personality
EDRM505 / Research Methods
EDRM611 / Applied Statistical Methods I
Please answer the questions below regarding your courseplan.
Yes / No / N/A
Did you transfer in any coursework? / / /
Did you receive an appropriate approval?
(You must receive Dr. Grajales or Dr Kijai’s approval to transfer in research courses) / / /
Did you use any other course to substitute for a required course? / / /
If you substituted a required course, did you submit a petition? / / /
Are you planning on taking any relevant coursework outside of AU? / / /
If you are planning it, did you submit a petition for permission to do so? / / /
Will you have a minimum of 32 semester credits at AU? / / /
Will you have taken EDRM880-2 credits and GDPC899–14 credits? / / /
Will any of your coursework be older than 6 years from the time of graduation? / / /


Student’s SignatureDate


Academic AdvisorDate

Pg. 12015-2016Courseplan for Counseling Psychology