CANCEROUS ENTRAPPED REINCARNATION DRACONIAN LUNAR POLICY (CAUSE) AND ARRIVING UNIVERSAL JUDGES (EFFECT)As G.H.REES has revealed through the Netrino-Naser technology capabilities, the reincarnation process here on earth is done with advanced Draconian-Cronian technology in the "second" dimension of matter rarification (invisible to our eyes) with the use of "soul traps"-"LUNA PARKS" devices-platforms that are scattered around earth on Geostationary orbits. Those devices capture the souls of the decarnated(dead) beings that travel upwards, as souls being lured to the trap with "Sounds and Joyful Lights of Party and Joy (Luna Park)" that the trap-device uses. Then the souls are carried to the moon where they are being processed and programmed through hypnotism and also through an electroshock procedure they erase the soul's memory. After that they usually send the soul back to earth to incarnate to another body. That is the so called "entrapped reincarnation Draconian - lunar policy", that they use to produce "telecontrolled zombies" and to rule the "with limited memory" earthlings, in order to produce: "Lord's servants" aka: Lunar slaves.Another main objective of this policy is to entrap and to not allow the earthlings souls: as beings-"angels"-"demons"-"gods"-"theoi" (ancient Hellenic etymology of the word "god": beings who fly in space with extreme speeds) to escape from the local space of earth-moon and to fly to far outer space and notify the "antibodies" centers of the Universal Organism (Universal Hierarchy Judges) about the ill condition of our planet, about the genocides against the white andromedian and black sirian race by the yellow draconian and semi-Draconian Mongolian races, and about the against nature acts and crimes of the local Lizard-Lord-"Gods" in our Solar System (7 inner planets) and in Earth. The local criminal Lizard-Lord-"Gods" are literally terrified with the thought that human decarnated beings (souls) will escape from their orbital traps matrix and notify the outer antibody white-corpuscles centers of the Universal Organism. Because if this happens then except that they will end with no slaves to serve them, a considerable number of notified White-Corpuscles Heroes-Fighters and Judges beings will also arrive in local space in order to eliminate, annihilate and punish the cancerous apostates "Gods" and their subordinates in earth, as apostates beings against the Universal Natural Law and the Law of the Galactic Government. (This which the apostates "Gods" are afraid of happening is already happening).The biological analogue in our scale is the cancer disease which is rapidly spreading without pain and without any symptoms at all, except the final terminal lethal phases of the disease. That is happening because also and the cancerous cells and the cancerous chemical reactions inside the ill cell - tissue are blocking with "chemical traps" the chemical compounds ("souls") of the ill cell - tissue that are responsible to escape from the ill cell and notify the antibodies sections (white corpuscles sections) and the nervous system-pain sense-system sections of the organism. Therefore the cancer is wildly spreading without the organism knowing about it until the cancer evolves into the terminal lethal phases of the disease where it is usually two late to do anything about it, and the whole organism dies.(aka: the whole Solar System and the Whole Universal Organism dies eventually because of orbital collapse-energy imbalance due to the destruction of planets such as Earth and Phaethon or Maldek as a planet which was destroyed by the Draconians)Returning to the Universal scale, in the Universal Natural way of things the soul keeps its ancient memory intact and can incarnate in every place it wishes, whenever it wishes out of free will.Thus, the above described Draco/Cronian UN-natural (against nature) cancerous technological entrapped reincarnation policy is condemned by the Universal Justice.Rest assured that they will pay for their crimes against the Natural Universal Order and the Harmonized with Nature order of the Galactic Government.As for the arriving Judges just watch those from planet Saturn.ANDROMEDIAN UNIVERSAL LAW CAUSE AND EFFECT.The day is coming.
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Like··Follow Post·Sunday at 1:31pm
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Jewel Del Core
the soul traps can be avoided as long as your soul tries to stay on earth as long as possible and to avoid the trip to the sky. Because these Geostationary orbital traps between the Earth and the Moon and all around the Celestial Sky are trying to lure the souls into them by playing joyful lights and sounds of party and paradise(!!!). That's why G.H.REES calls them "LUNA PARKS". The term LUNA PARK on earth is also subliminally used in order to lure as many souls to them as possible and on the earth plane (1st dimensions) and on the after life "astral plane" (2nd dimension)
Some people like John Lear also theorize that people who are drunk in the sea (like sailors) are never caught by the traps, and that's why they call them "lost souls", but I cannot verify that. Moreover Lear is being manipulated by the Draconians demons possessed Rabbis and sort.
As a final advice I call you not to worry right now about the after life but to try and fight in this life with your human body as hard as you can against the mongolian/hebrew/turk invasion and in favour of your country Hellas, and in favour of your planet Gaia or Pangaia that the priesthoods distorted to heavenly Panagia.
Sunday at 3:02pm·Like·2
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