My Outcome: No 1: Active/Healthy / How Will I Achieve It? / Who Will Help?
To have a storage shed to keep my Trike safe & secure / When at school I was provided the opportunity to use a specially designed Trike, this was an activity I really enjoyed and subsequently from this I was provided the chance to secure my very own Trike.
I am a wheelchair user and do not have the ability to take part in many forms of exercise, and using the Trike also provides the opportunity for me to get out and about in the local community.
As I live at home with my family: mum, dad, 2 sisters and baby niece, in a ground floor flat, there is no room in the flat to store this equipment.
In order to protect my trike I would purchase a large outdoor weatherproof storage shed. / My mum & dad with my Direct Payment
Risk Associated with Outcome / Risk Rating / How Risk Could Occur? / How Will the Risk Be Managed To Enhance My Life? / Final Risk Rating
Li / C / RR / Li / C / RR
Lack of exercise.
Poor muscle tone.
No physio / AC / Mo / H / Due to my disabilities I am a wheelchair user, I can crawl about on the floor in my house at the moment. However once I leave school I will not receive regular physio sessions, this would lower my muscle tone and possibly further limit my ability to move independently around my home.
The lack of exercise would impact on my general health and potentially cause an increase of weight, long term this would impact on my mum & dad: main carers, and their ability to support me in the family home. / Regular exercise.
Strengthen my muscle tone..
Physio at home.
Out & about in fresh air.
Links to my local community. / P / Mo / M
Li = Likelihood - AC = Almost Certain Li = Likely P = Possible U = Unlikely R = Rare - C = Consequences or severity - N = Negligible Mi = Minor Mo = Moderate Ma = Major
E = Extreme - RR = Risk Rating - L = Low M = Medium H = High VH = Very HighWhat are the Costs to help me meet this Outcome?
(provide detailed breakdown) / How Often Will this Outcome Be Reviewed / Who Will Review?
Rowlinson Greenvale Metal Storette – 6ftx3ft Fireproof/Weather proof lockable storage container – Argos = £ / This will be a one off purchase.
Signed By Myself/Someone on My Behalf: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Care Manager: ……………………………………………………………………………... Date: …………….
Signed By Authoriser: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Paid Support: ………………………………………………………………………………. Date: …………….
Date of Next Outcome Review: ………………………..
The Thing I want to Change is……… Safe, nurtured, respected, included, achieving, active, responsibleMy Outcome: No2: Active/Healthy/Included / How Will I Achieve It? / Who Will Help?
To have regular swimming sessions at the local swimming pool. / I enjoy swimming and the exercise is good for my health. Swimming enables me to be relaxed and feel free when I am floating in the pool.
To go swimming I would require support to help me get undressed, get into the pool and shower after. I am not able to swim but I am comfortable using swimming aids as lond as I have a competent swimmer there to assist me. / I would require 2 x support staff to help.
Risk Associated with Outcome / Risk Rating / How Risk Could Occur? / How Will the Risk Be Managed To Enhance My Life? / Final Risk Rating
Li / C / RR / Li / C / RR
Limited regular exercise if I was unable to go swimming.
Potential to drown if not supported correctly. / Li
Ac / Mo
Ex / H
VH / Becoming stagnated at home, I am not very good at motivating myself therefore require support to prompt me to organise the swimming. Potential to become over weight and reduce my muscle tone.
I can only go in the pool with floating aids and do not have the ability to ensure I stay safely above the water. / Once a week swimming session that will be supported by staff who are motivated and pro-active.
When employing staff my mum & dad would take appropriate steps to ensure the staff are competent swimmers. The staff would also have to be trained in how to manage a hoist: change me and as I use a catheter my mum would train the staff on how to change my catheter and keep the area all clean / P
R / Mo
Ex / M
Li = Likelihood - AC = Almost Certain Li = Likely P = Possible U = Unlikely R = Rare - C = Consequences or severity - N = Negligible Mi = Minor Mo = Moderate Ma = Major
E = Extreme - RR = Risk Rating - L = Low M = Medium H = High VH = Very HighWhat are the Costs to help me meet this Outcome?
(provide detailed breakdown) / How Often Will this Outcome Be Reviewed / Who Will Review?
Swimming Session at Bucksburn pool = Splash Access Unlimited Card = £per month
2 x support staff – Support to undress
Support to access the pool
An hour in the pool supported to swim
Support to shower/dress = 2 x staff @ £ for 3 hours
Total = per session / This will be reviewed weekly by my mum & dad to ensure I am enjoying the activity.
Reviewed 6 monthly by the Care Provider/Support Supervisor.
Reviewed Annually by my Care Manager.
£ / £
Signed By Myself/Someone on My Behalf: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Care Manager: ……………………………………………………………………………... Date: …………….
Signed By Authoriser: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Paid Support: ………………………………………………………………………………. Date: …………….
Date of Next Outcome Review: ………………………..
The Thing I want to Change is……… Safe, nurtured, respected, included, achieving, active, responsibleMy Outcome: No3: / How Will I Achieve It? / Who Will Help?
Respite for carers: 9 nights respite per year for my mum & dad
Respite for me & family/main carers: 21 nights per year. / My parents are my main carers and intend to continue being my primary carers for as long as possible. Last year my parents went away for the first time, on their own, since I was born. This was a real treat for them and also provided them the opportunity to relax & spend time together as a couple.
My parents are music fans and I would like to support them have a break away doing an activity they enjoy as well as the opportunity for them to retain their own optimum health resulting in them continuing to provide me with the support I need.
I love spending time with my family and it would be extremely distressful for me to spend periods of time away from the family, I feel safe when with mum & dad and open to trying/exploring new adventures when in feel the safety of their company.
I want to visit places in both Scotland & England that would interest me and to enable this to happen I require the support from my family.
Some of the places I want to visit are - Edinburgh Zoo – London – Blackpool, however I would have to source accommodation that suited my needs: hoisting facilities.
This form of respite will also enable me to develop in my socialisation skills, enable me to broaden my horizons, visiting places I have seen on the TV but did not think I would get the opportunity to visit.
I would spend quality time with my parents away from the family home and feel I was contributing to supporting tourism in my own country. / Direct Payment towards the cost of respite.
When mum & dad are away I would employ additional staff to support me during the day, if I have additional day staff I will be provided sleepover staff from other family members. The sleepovers would be divided up between my 2 older sisters and my grandmother.
An example of this would be if my parents went on a weekend break:
Fri sleepover – sister
Sat sleepover – Gran
Sun sleepover – sister.
My family would be able to provide me the support I required to get up in a morning and be with me on an evening, I would employ additional staff to work between the hours of 9am – 6pm.
My parents are going to support me with my Direct Payment and they will also support me to find appropriate accommodation that meets my needs. Mum & dad will support me with all my travel arrangements and payments to be made. When I am away on this respite time with my family: i.e. mum & dad, I will not require any additional support.
Risk Associated with Outcome / Risk Rating / How Risk Could Occur? / How Will the Risk Be Managed To Enhance My Life? / Final Risk Rating
Li / C / RR / Li / C / RR
Unable to remain living in the family home and potential to have to go to a residential setting or be provided with 24 hour care at home. / Li / Mo / H / If my parents are not provided the opportunity to have a break there is the potential risk for them to continue with their caring role as my primary carers. In the event of this happening I would have to employ 24 hour care at home services or indeed move into a residential setting. The would impact greatly on my financial situation however the impact this would have on my emotional well being would by far out weigh this.
If I was to be put in a situation whereby I was not living at home my emotional state would dramatically drop, I would become withdrawn and possibly depressed. I am very close to my family and feel exceptionally safe when in their presence. / My parents to be provided the opportunity to get a break from all the responsibilities of caring for me 24/7.
In their absence I would employ trained staff who would help support me during the day time.
In the evenings and overnight he support I receive would be provided by my external family, keeping me reassured and feeling safe. / P / M / M
Li = Likelihood - AC = Almost Certain Li = Likely P = Possible U = Unlikely R = Rare - C = Consequences or severity - N = Negligible Mi = Minor Mo = Moderate Ma = Major
E = Extreme - RR = Risk Rating - L = Low M = Medium H = High VH = Very HighWhat are the Costs to help me meet this Outcome?
(provide detailed breakdown) / How Often Will this Outcome Be Reviewed / Who Will Review?
Respite period for my parents – my main carers = 9 nights per year @ £ per night
Additional day staff to support me during my parents absence = 1 x staff @ 6 hours per day @ £ per hour = £ per day x 9 = £
Holiday/Respite time for me = 21 nights per year @ £ per night. / Direct Payments will be reviewed by my parents every 3 months when they submit relevant paperwork.
The respite will be reviewed by my Care Manager
Respite for Carers = £ per week
Support During respite = £ per day.
Respite 21 days per year. / £
Total = £
Signed By Myself/Someone on My Behalf: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Care Manager: ……………………………………………………………………………... Date: …………….
Signed By Authoriser: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Paid Support: ………………………………………………………………………………. Date: …………….
Date of Next Outcome Review: ………………………..
The Thing I want to Change is……… Safe, nurtured, respected, included, achieving, active, responsibleMy Outcome: No4: Active: Included: Respected & Responsible: Achieving. / How Will I Achieve It? / Who Will Help?
To start my own little laundry service: collecting peoples’ laundry, taking to the laundrette, do the washing, returning back to owner. / I have a big obsession with washing machines and really enjoy watching them spin around, this is an activity I often do at home and it helps to keep me calm & relaxed.
I propose to make up a few leaflets to distribute amongst older people in my local area to offer a laundry service.
I would employ a support worker to help me in this little enterprise, we would use my mobility car to transport the bundles of laundry for my customers. / Mum & Dad to support with employing a Personal Assistant.
Personal assistant to help me design and deliver the leaflets.
Personal Assistant will support me once a week to collect, wash and delivery the laundry to my customers.
Risk Associated with Outcome / Risk Rating / How Risk Could Occur? / How Will the Risk Be Managed To Enhance My Life? / Final Risk Rating
Li / C / RR / Li / C / RR
Undeveloped skills.
Lack of opportunity for community involvement. / P / Mi / M / is due to leave school next year (2015) and will require some form of structure to his week to provide him with quality & purpose to his day. If Shaun were to attend a day service/centre, , would not gain much pleasure, he would become anxious and therefore the potential to withdraw/retreat into himself.
has a special talent for recognising Washing Machines by their doors; he also has the skill to identify old makes of washing powders. Shaun is not able to secure a ‘mainstream’ job however he has the potential to provide a service in his local community that offers him the opportunities to expand his local involvement and furthermore provide a form of working task that will benefit his needs & interests. / Mum & dad will regularly monitor my mood/well being to ensure I am satisfied with my job and to ensure it is meeting my needs.
I will employ a PA who will support me for 4 hours, one day per week / Un / N / L
Li = Likelihood - AC = Almost Certain Li = Likely P = Possible U = Unlikely R = Rare - C = Consequences or severity - N = Negligible Mi = Minor Mo = Moderate Ma = Major
E = Extreme - RR = Risk Rating - L = Low M = Medium H = High VH = Very HighWhat are the Costs to help me meet this Outcome?
(provide detailed breakdown) / How Often Will this Outcome Be Reviewed / Who Will Review?
Design & Printing up Leaflets 250 leaflets to be distributed throughout the year = £
Employing a PA = one day per week for 4 hours per day at £ per hour = £ per week / Mum & Dad will monitor on a weekly basis.
PA will monitor /review on a monthly basis.
Care Manager will review after 6 weeks & then annually.
Employing a PA = £66.00 per week / Employing a PA = £ per year
Design & Production of Leaflets – One off Payment = £
Total = £
Signed By Myself/Someone on My Behalf: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Care Manager: ……………………………………………………………………………... Date: …………….
Signed By Authoriser: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Paid Support: ………………………………………………………………………………. Date: …………….
Date of Next Outcome Review: ………………………..
The Thing I want to Change is……… to access new experiences and activities, having more opportunities to meet with new people and being part of my community.My Outcome: No 5 / How Will I Achieve It? / Who Will Help?
Maintaining existing and developing new relationships
Maintaining a role in the community / I am about to leave school and loose the connection I have with my peer group. I am unable to maintain existing or indeed form new friendships or attend any social groups without support.
I would like to explore activities in my local community, such as attending Aberdeen Sports Village, Create Sessions, Bowling and trips out. / My mum and dad will help me to recruit staff who I will pay via my Direct Payment.
Mum will be responsible for keep records and invoices that will manage my DP.
My Care Manager will support me & my family with the DP and my support package will be reviewed by my care manager annually.
Risk Associated with Outcome / Risk Rating / How Risk Could Occur? / How Will the Risk Be Managed To Enhance My Life? / Final Risk Rating
Li / C / RR / Li / C / RR
Social Isolation / AC / MO / H / As I am leaving school I am loosing the links with my known peer group. Due to my level of disability I am unable to form new peer/social groups and would require 1:1 support to complete this task as well as to attend any form of social group/activity. / Staff recruited to help support me get out in the community and to source appropriate activities that I will benefit from. / P / Mo / M
Li = Likelihood - AC = Almost Certain Li = Likely P = Possible U = Unlikely R = Rare - C = Consequences or severity - N = Negligible Mi = Minor Mo = Moderate Ma = Major
E = Extreme - RR = Risk Rating - L = Low M = Medium H = High VH = Very HighWhat are the Costs to help me meet this Outcome?
(provide detailed breakdown) / How Often Will this Outcome Be Reviewed / Who Will Review?
1:1 Support Worker/s to be employed via Direct Payments:
5 hours per day 2 times per week = 10 hours per week at £ per hour = £ / This will be reviewed after the first 6 weeks and then annually by my Care Manager
£165.00 / £8,603.31
Signed By Myself/Someone on My Behalf: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Care Manager: ……………………………………………………………………………... Date: …………….
Signed By Authoriser: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signed By Paid Support: ………………………………………………………………………………. Date: …………….
Date of Next Outcome Review: ………………………..