AnnualNationalWomen of Color DayAwards and Conference

Nomination Form


TheWomen ofColorAwards aregiven in recognition ofindividuals whohave conscientiouslyendeavored to

increasethe awareness ofthemanyvaluablecontributions ofwomen of color at Penn, Universityof PennsylvaniaHealth Systems, Presbyterian, PennsylvaniaHospitals and theDelawareValleycommunity. Annually,awards aregiven in up to five categories:

•Helen O. DickensLifetimeAchievement Award


•Graduate and/orProfessional student




Nominees must be affiliated with UniversityofPennsylvaniaHealth Systems, Presbyterian orPennsylvania

Hospital, thelocal Philadelphia area and havedemonstrated:


•Distinguished service

•Positiveimpact on the community

•Commitment to enhancingqualityoflifefor and/orservingas arolemodelforwomen ofcolor


NameofNominee Title/Classification School/Department Campus Address Telephone


Pleaseselectwhichawardyouarenominating theindividualfor:

Helen O. DickensLifetimeAchievement Award

Faculty/Staff Graduate/Professional Undergraduate CommunityMember

Please respondto thefollowing questions:

1. How has thenomineecontributed to thebetterment ofthePenn communityor communityat large?

2.Identifynominee’s involvement in activities that arebeyond thescopeoftheindividual’s job orcoursework.

3.Identifyaproblem within thePenn, UniversityofPennsylvaniaHealth Systems, Presbyterian, Pennsylvania,

orDelawareValleycommunitythat has been effectivelyaddressed bythenominee.

4. What arethedistinguishingqualities or characteristics that makeyournominee appropriate fortheWomen of


5. Please add anyadditional information aboutyournominee, whichyou believewould behelpful to the

Awards Subcommittee’sselection process. Youmayattach up to 3 pagesofsupportingdocumentation.

TheDr. Helen OctaviaDickensLifetimeAchievement Award: This awardis named in honorofthelateDr. Helen OctaviaDickens, its first recipient.In 1991,Dr. HelenO. Dickens was nominated foran award ofmerit, but it quicklybecame apparent that Dr.Dickenswas no merecandidate. From herearlychildhood,Dr. Dickens was fascinated bythemiracleofbirth. Sheovercame racism, sexism and rejection to enterthe field of gynecologyand obstetrics back in the1930s. Shebecameoneofthefirst African-American womento graduate medical school at theUniversityofIllinois at Chicago.Dr. Dickens headedtheOB/GYN department at Mercy DouglasHospital and UniversityofPennsylvania.Dr. Dickens pioneered thedevelopment ofteen pregnancy and medical minorityaffairs programs. Shemaintained herpractice, continued to teach,recruit students and worked tirelesslyto increasethepresence and permanenceofwomen ofcolor at Penn. Hercontributions towards the enhancement ofthePhiladelphia communityspannedaperiodofover50years.

Criteria fornominee:

•Haveno less than 25years ofservicewith theUniversityofPennsylvania,UniversityofPennsylvania

Health Systems, Presbyterian orPennsylvaniaHospital orthelocal community.

•Haveworked to increasethepresence and permanenceofwomen ofcolorat the aboveinstitutions orin the community.

•Candidateshould stand out in their field.

•Candidateshould haveinnovative approaches to service.

•Candidateshould show communityserviceactivities, includingbut not limited to:

-having asignificant impact on the community

-having apassion forsharingofselfwith others

•Paragraph of examples ofthenominee’saccomplishments that span 25years should beincluded.

•As supportingdata, pleaseincludearesumeorCV.

Please returnthis formno later thanJanuary 8,2016to: AfricanAmericanResourceCenter(AARC)

3643 LocustWalk

Philadelphia, PA 19104-6230

c/o WOCAP Nomination


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