Audit Presentation Day
Sponsored by an Educational Grant from Pfizer Limited
For Preregistration Pharmacists
14th July 2009
Henriette Raphael House, Guy’s Hospital, St Thomas’ Street,
London, SE1 9RT
0207 188 7188
For further information on this or other South East Region courses and study days please visit our website
Facilitator: Sue TaylorMobile: 07717 774975 / SEMMED Office
01293 789445
Contact Facilitator or SEMMED Office if you are unable to attend
Failure to attend or cancellation less than 24 hours before the event may incur a charge.
Pfizer Representative
Joseph Byrne
Sue Taylor
Presentation Adjudicators
1. Joseph Byrne, Pfizer
2. Mary Davis, Associate Dean, Kent, Surrey & Sussex Deanery
3. Tony West, Chief Pharmacist, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
4. Aamer Safdar, Prereg Education Lead, Guy’s & St Thomas’
5. Mark Koziol, Chairman of the Pharmacists’ Defence Association
Poster Adjudicators
1. Linda Dodds, Associate Director of Clinical Pharmacy, E&SE England Specialist Pharmacy Services
Programme – 14th July 2009
1000 / Arrival and coffee /1015 / Exit Questionnaires & Prereg Voting
1100 / Presentation by the Chairman of the Pharmacists’ Defence Association (PDA) / Mark Koziol
1200 / Poster Set-up
1230 / Lunch & Poster viewing
1315 / Welcome and Introductions
1330 / An audit investigating types of information regarding medicines provided at discharge / John Bayliss
1330 / An audit of oxycodone prescribing and administration for acute pain / Rajpal Hayre
1350 / Warfarin loading doses / Georgina Wingfield
1410 / An audit on safer practise with epidural injections & infusions in SUHT / Philip Newland-Jones
1430 / An audit into severity assessment and antibiotic prescribing in community acquired pneumonia / Bryony Purcell-Cleeter
1450 / Coffee and Poster Viewing / All
1510 / An audit of the method of administration of oral and enteral liquid medicines in the QEQM hospital / Karen Bartlett
1530 / Preparation of injectable medications by nursing staff in the ward environment / Claire Fosbrook
1550 / An audit into the use of once daily gentamicin / Emma Clarke
1610 / Judges Adjourn
1625 / Presentation of Awards & Results of Prereg Voting
1715 / Close;
Removal of Posters
*Lunch will be provided
Participants are expected to attend the full day’s programme.
Good luck for the future in your pharmacy career.