Circle one: B.S. Education; B.A. Education; B.M. EducationThirty of the last thirty-six hours must be
Catalogue Year ______completed in residence.
NEW STUDENTS ENTERING AFTER JULY 2010Reflective Constructors of Quality Learning Experiences
NAME: ______ID#______DATE______
(Print - Student Name)
STUDENT SIGNATURE (Indicating Responsibility for Requirements) Head of Education Department
I-Christian Faith ...... 6 hrs
Two courses selected from the following, one of which must be MSMN 135 or MSMN 136:
MSMN 133 Introducing Church History______
MSMN 135 Exploring the Old Testament______
MSMN 136 Exploring the New Testament______
MSMN 233 Introducing Christian Ethics______
MSMN 239 Exploring World Religions______
*Integrated Studies Course______
II-Writing Competence (Must be a C or above)...... 6 hrs
. ENGL 131 English Composition I______
. ENGL 132 English Composition II______ III – Mathematical and Scientific Reasoning (7 hours)
- MATHEMATICS (3 hours)
MATH 131 College Mathematics______
MATH132College Algebra______
MATH140Calculus I______
MATH240Calculus II______
*Integrated Studies Course______*______
SCIENCE (4 hours)
BIOL 130 General Biology and BIOL 110 General Biology Laboratory______
BIOL 133Introduction to Population Biology & BIOL 113 Intro to Pop Lab______
BIOL 134Introduction to Cellular Biology & BIOL 114 Intro to Cell Lab______
BIOL 231Environmental Science & BIOL 116 Environmental Science Lab______
CHEM 140 Introduction to General Chemistry______
PHYS 140Astronomy______
PHYS 137 Physical Science & PHYS 117 Physical Science Laboratory______
PHYS 241 Physics I______
*Integrated Studies Course______ IV- Historical and Cultural Understanding (6 hours)
A.History (3 hours) – One of the following
HIST 138World Civilization since 1648______
HIST 231American History to 1877______
*Integrated Studies Course______
B.Culture (3 hours)
PSYC 131Basic Psychology (required for all Teacher Education candidates)______
V – Aesthetic Appreciation (6 hours representing two departments)
ART 131 Art Appreciation______
ART 132 Ancient To Gothic Art ______
ART 133 Renaissance To Modern Art ______
ART 134 Drawing I______
ENGL 330Literary Studies______
ENGL331English Literature through 1660______
ENGL332English Literature 1660-1830______
ENGL333English Literature since 1830______
ENGL334American Literature through 1865______
ENGL335American Literature since 1865______
MUSC 130 Music Appreciation______
MUPR 108-112, 114-116, 119 Music Ensemble or Band ______
THTR 130 Introduction to Theatre______
*Integrated Studies Course______
VI – Social and Professional Awareness (3 hours)
COMM 230Public Speaking (required for all Teacher Education candidates)______
*3-6 hours of Integrated Studies courses must be completed by all students who have reached Junior or Senior class standing. Integrated Studies courses must be completed in residence.
Total Credit Hours in the General Education Curriculum: 34
______CONV 101 Convocation – All full-time students with less than senior standing must be enrolled each semester. All students must have at least two full semester hours of convocation credit as a requirement for graduation. The following two exceptions exist (1) transfer students with 60 or more semester hours of credit at the time of enrollment at the University of the Cumberlands must have one full semester hour of credit for graduation (2) Students who are 25 or more years of age at the time of initial enrollment at the University of the Cumberlands are totally exempt from Convocation. Credit 0.50 hours each semester.
INST 101 INSIGHTS (transfer students with 30+ are not required to complete)______
LEADERSHIP REQUIREMENT: LEAD 110 or 120 Leadership Seminar
(required for all students completing a bachelor’s degree)______
EPSB Disclaimer: Teacher certification requirements are subject to change. Before registering for the test(s), please refer to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) website at for current requirements or contact 502-564-4606 or toll free 888-598-7677.
Professional Education ...... 39 hrs
HSRV337Race and Diversity______
BMIS130Introduction to Application Software______
EDUC 235 Basic Concepts Concerning Education______
+PSYC 232 Psychology and Human Development
+PSYC 238 Psychology of Learning and Exceptionality______
SPED 233 Survey of Individuals with Exceptionalities (P-12)
+EDUC 237Effective Teaching Practices (8-12)______
The following may not be taken until appropriate ACT composite is documented.
+EDUC 237Effective Teaching Practices (8-12)______
*EDUC331Studies in Ed: Special Topics______
=EDUC 432Fundamentals of Secondary Education______
EDUC 492 Supervised Student Teaching: Secondary Education______
MAJOR Art45 hrs
ART 132Ancient to Gothic Art______
ART 133Renaissance to Modern Art______
ART 134Drawing I______
ART 135Fundamental Design______
ART 230Computer Imaging I______
ART 231Drawing II______
ART 331School Art______
ART 430Art in the Secondary School______
ART 434Contemporary Art History______
ART 439Senior Seminar______
Two courses (6 hours) selected from the following:
ART 335 and ART 336Painting I and II______
ART 436 and ART 437Sculpture I and II______
ART 333 and ART 334Computer Imaging II and Photography______
Plus 9 additional hours of 300/400 level elective work:
!ACT 21+______or PPST____Reading(173) Writing(172) Math(173) or SAT___(990) CASE (Praxis I) Reading (156) ____ Writing (162) _____ Math (150) ______
Dispositions Survey ______
!GPA 2.5 Overall______(NO D's or F's in Major, Minor or Professional Education)
ENGL 131/132 ______(C or above)
!Portfolio/Interview Approved _____/_____/_____
!EPACTE/AC Approved _____/_____/_____Exit Portfolio Approved _____/_____/_____
*PRAXIS Specialty exams must be taken prior to Student Teaching
Thirty-six hours in upper division courses must be completed by all students. This program is subject to adjustment because of error, or grades of below "C" made after planning was approved. A minimum of 128 semester hours is required for graduation with a minimum grade point average of 2.50. Thirty of the last thirty-six hours must be completed in residence*. At least one-third of the courses for the major and minor must be taken at Cumberland College. No change permitted in this program without permission of the advisor. This form must be filed with the Registrar no later than the first semester of the junior year. It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar with the requirements for graduation and for the number of hours. The college does not accept this responsibility. *Exclusive of Student Teaching
+ Prerequisite required=Must be admitted to Teacher Education Program to enroll
! Teacher Education Admission**Must take or provide verification of registration to take PRAXIS PLT during first month of student teaching
Approval Initial & Date
Advisor ______Date ______
TE Advisor ______Date ______
Major Professor ______Date ______
Minor Professor ______Date ______
Registrar ______Date ______
Rev 10/15