Official Minutes of a Regular Meeting November 9, 2016
Work Session
A work session was held at 5 p.m. where board members worked on the Utah School Board’s Training Program, Master Boardsmanship (MBA).
At 5:30 principals Keith Mecham, Box Elder Middle, AshLee Nelson, Three Mile Creek, David Lee, Foothill, and Shaylyn Ekins, Garland, reported to the board about what they are doing in their schools. They were also addressed by a representative from the BEEA, Deatra Fawcett, concerning ALEKS, a math program that is benefiting students.
Tentative minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Box Elder County School District, held Wednesday evening November 9, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at Foothill Elementary School.
Those in attendance at the meeting included Board President Lynn Capener, Vice President Wade Hyde, Members Nancy Kennedy, Connie Archibald, Bryan Smith, Karen Cronin, and Nini Anderson and student board member Sydnee Richards. Also present were Superintendent Ronald Tolman, Assistant Superintendent Darin Nielsen, Business Administrator Rod Cook, officers of the Box Elder Education Association, district employees, representatives of the press and interested citizens.
President Capener welcomed those in attendance and conducted the business of the meeting. After the prayer, which was offered by Nancy Kennedy, Darin Nielsen led the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Connie Archibald recognized the following people:
Jeff Smart Bear River High School Wrestling Coach was named the state coach of the year
Principals Corynn Arehart, Corey Thompson, Jamie Kent, and Kristi Capener for their presentations in the last board meeting.
Approval of Agenda
Bryan Smith made the motion to approve the agenda. Nancy Kennedy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Public Comment
Keith Mecham commented recommended that Policy 3040 be changed to allow more experience credit on the salary schedule for teachers coming in from other districts.
Tate Braegger, a student form BEHS, expressed concern for “Bee Time” and the lack of incentive to students because of the shift of the time from before lunch to earlier in the morning. He also expressed concern of short length of the lunch break for students.
Mike Draper spoke concerning the service project conducted by the classified association “socktober” for sock donations to the New Hope Crisis Center. He thanked the district for its support.
Action Items
Audit Report
Fred Burr, the independent auditor with Wiggins and Company, reported to the board on the annual audit, finance report, and management letter. He stated that overall the district was in good financial shape.
Rod Cook, Business Administrator, presented summary information on the final financial report in a slide presentation.
Connie Archibald made the motion to accept the Financial Report for the year ending 2016. Wade Hyde seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Board Handbook review and Adoption
Wade Hyde, Board Vice President, and Superintendent Ron Tolman presented the Board Handbook to the board for approval. President Capener suggested that a copy of the manual be included in the agenda monthly. Bryan Smith pointed to the rule of recognition by the board chair before speaking. This is the completion of one of the board’s goals.
Nancy Kennedy made the motion to approve the board handbook. Nini Anderson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Salary Enhancement Recommendation
It is recommended that the board approve a one-time salary enhancement to be paid in December 2016. It is recommended that the board approve an option that would provide the following salary enhancements: a 1% bonus for all full time certificated, contracted classified employees, and all non-contracted employees with a maximum enhancement of $800 for any individual with a $50 enhancement for the natatorium workers. Inasmuch as this recommendation is coming from the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendents and the Business Administrator, this recommendation does not include that group. It is completely at the discretion of the board as to whether any salary enhancement will be applied to this group.
Superintendent Tolman presented a recommendation to the board for a one-time salary enhancement for employees. Four options, A-D were presented with the recommendation of Option D.
Various board members spoke in favor of the dollar amount enhancement instead of the percentage.
Karin Cronin made the motion to approve Option B, which was a $600 payment to certified, $300 to classified contracted, $100 to non-contracted, and $50 to lifeguards, she also included the District Administrative Staff, which was excluded from the recommendation. Bryan Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Information/Discussion Items
Attendance Data Analysis
Jamie Kent, Dale Young Alternative High and Bryce Day, Principal Mountain View Elementary presented the latest data analysis on student attendance in the district. They pointed out trends and reported on changes that had been made to the processes and procedures of the new attendance policy.
Policy Review
Policies reviewed with no changes:
Policy 3030 Employment: Personnel Records
Policy 3087 Science Laboratory Safety
Policy 3095 Reporting Violent Juvenile Offenders
Policy 5226 Activity Disclosure Statements
Policy 5330 Academic Eligibility
Karen Cronin made the motion to accept the above policies with no change as presented. Nancy Kennedy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Policies First Reading:
Policy 2225 Traffic Control
Policy 2130 Capitalization
Policy 2230 Right of Entry
Policy 3005 Employment Staffing
Policy 3045 Retirement: Purchase of Credit
Policy 3075 Interaction with Students Outside of the Regular School Day
Policy 3097 Employee Suggestions
Policy 5006 Safe Schools – Discipline of Students with Disabilities
Policy 5020 Out-of-State Students
Policy 5025 Student Transfers – Enrollment Options Program
Policy 5027 Non-resident Foreign Students
Policy 5250 Student Speech – Publications Prior Review
Nini Anderson made the motion to approve the above policies on first reading excluding 3040 to be referred back to the Policy Review Committee for further review as a result of Keith Mecham’s comments. Wade Hyde seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Policies Second Reading:
Policy 1250 Professional Learning Communities
Policy 2215 Transportation – Living & Transportation Allowances
Policy 2217 Transportation – Field Trips
Policy 2218 Transportation – District Owned Vehicles
Policy 4085 Students Released to Attend Applied Technology Colleges
Policy 4087 Work-Based Learning
Policy 5227 Student Head Injuries
Policy 5291 Drug & Alcohol Testing of Students Participating in Extracurricular Activities
Bryan Smith made the motion to approve the above policies on second reading. Nancy Kennedy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Board Goals Review
The board briefly reviewed the goals from September including an addition requested by Bryan Smith on PLC follow-up of teams and administration.
The Superintendent indicated to the board that administration is attempting to set up an evaluation and reporting system that will be used to indicated to the board the progress on the goals. The recommendation will be sent out to the board for review.
Information Item
Financial Report
Rod Cook, Business Administrator, presented the monthly financial report to the board.
Consent Calendar
Connie Archibald moved to accept the consent items. The motion was seconded by Karen Cronin and passed on a unanimous vote. The Consent Calendar included the following items:
Approval of the minutes of the working and regular meetings of September 14, 2016 and October 12, 2016.
Approval of claims from July numbered 00018329-00018377 and October Claims 00019199-00019519, 00110106, 08103116, 09102016, 09103116,98102016, 99102016 and all of the school and Foundation checks for October.
Upcoming Events
Connie Archibald commented that she appreciated the invitations from the Box Elder High School theater department to their musicals. Bryan Smith commented that work that goes into it from students and community members makes it a community project and involves a significant number of people exerting a lot of effort.
Karen Cronin and Nini Anderson complimented and thanked all of those involved in the district STEM fair on November 4, 2016.
The Leader in Me Leadership Day at Discovery Elementary, Tuesday, November 22, 2016, from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
February 18, 2017, The Foundation presents the concert “Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Bands”
Nancy Kennedy commented about the many good things are happening in representation for ESSA in the school improvement committee. She also mentioned that December 3, 2016, in Provo is the new board member training.
With the announcement that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, with the board meeting with Legislators at 5:30 p.m. before the meeting. President Capener adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
APPROVED: December 14, 2016
School Business Administrator President, Board of Education
Box Elder School District
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