EDGEOM Lesson Plan
This plan has been shared to us by Gail Simms, Vintage High School, Napa, California
EDGEOM.com Career Research
Objective: By the completion of this lesson students will:
1. Create a personal portfolio based on EDGEOM.com
a. Log-on to log-in
b. Take the personal survey to create an Objective Measure Careerreport.
c. View Career Attributes:
i. Open a Word document: Title EDGEOM Personal Portfolio
ii. Copy and past your EDGEOM Career Attributes into your document.
d. View Work Style Summary:
i. Copy and past your EDGEOM Work Style Summary to your word portfolio document.
e. View Motivators & De-motivators
i. Copy and past your EDGEOM Motivators and De-motivators to your word portfolio document.
f. Write a statement using the Career Attributes, Work Style Summary and Motivators and De-motivators information to summarize your own personal style. Save information.
Note: The Objective Measure Career report will be available to you each time you log in to EDGEOM.com from any computer and will stay with you beyond your high school years. Thus you can use this for college and future careers.
- Using EDGEOM.com pre-view your career matches. The matches are aligned based on your Objective Measure Career Report; check the bars to see the strength of each match.
- Read the introduction paragraph twice to fully understand this section.
- Select three career matches to view. Note: Two matches must be within your strongest bar match. Repeat steps “c-f” for each career.
- One by one, completing each separately, open the Job Title area, and view the Tasks, Abilities, Skills, Activities, Work Styles, and Work Values for each selected career.
- Open, listen, and view the Related Video to gain greater understanding of the career from an expert’s point of view.
- Check the Education component.
- On the upper tool bar, change to College EDGE. Click on the Career Cluster that matches your three career choices. View the education requirements and colleges that offer programs to obtain a degree in each career field.
- Write bullet point notes in a Word document to summarize the information viewed for each of your career matches you did researched. Save the information, as this will be used to create a personal career report. Do Not cut and paste for this part of the project, you must use your own words to create bullet points, as this strengthens your knowledge and understanding of each career.