How do you want to use Stotfold’s new community building?

The Town Council has been given an opportunity to increase room space available for the community to use. A new community building will be built by the developers of the current development site known as ‘Land South of Stotfold’, and located centrally within the development. The Town Council will relocate to part of the building, and we hope to fill our vacated space at the Simpson Centre by an extended library service.

We do not wish to divert existing custom from our Memorial Hall or other similar facilities in the town. This is a good opportunity to find other possible uses for the space, and might be a chance to provide a ‘hub’ for the community – a central focus point.

In order to establish the appropriate equipment required, we would like to ascertain the types of use the community would like to see in the building.

The proposed plans provide for a large room, dividable into two, of 314m2 in total (approx. size of 2 badminton courts), with an attached public use kitchen, and a medium sized room, also dividable into two, of 47m2 in total.

Data Protection Act 1998 Please note that your personal details supplied on this form will be held and/or computerised by Stotfold Town Council for the purpose of analysing feedback on the new community building on the ‘Land South of Stotfold’. The information collected may be disclosed to officers and members of the Council. Summarised information from the forms may be published, but no individual details will be disclosed under these circumstances. Your personal details will be safeguarded and will not be divulged to any other individual or organisation for any other purposes.


To help us understand the types of activities or services you might be interested in attending if they were available in the new community building; please indicate all that could apply:

Please tick Please tick

Educational/Hobbies / Active
Foreign Language lessons / Aerobics
Floral arranging / Gymnastics
Choral societies / Yoga/meditation
Cake decorating / Badminton
Art tuition / Netball
Craft sessions – children & adult / Children’s soft play
Other (please suggest) / Other (please suggest)
Community Support / Community Events
Senior person’s lunch/breakfast club / Christmas fayres
Advice & information point or advisory service / Jumble sales
Relationship advice / Auctions & valuations
Counselling services / Exhibitions & displays
Youth advisory service / Coffee mornings
Employment advice / Indoor farmers markets
Health – blood donors, health screening / Craft markets
Weight loss/nutrition advice / Amateur dramatics productions
Police surgeries / Wedding fayres
Councillor surgeries / Concerts
Other (please suggest) / Other (please suggest)


The following information will help us determine matters such as car parking required, characteristics of likely users, and interest from types of groups wishing to use the facility. The answers will not be used to identify any individual.

Do you work during the day? (9am to 5pm)YES / NO please circle as appropriate

What is your home postcode? SG5 ………..Are you MALE / FEMALE? please circle as appropriate

What is your age? please circle as appropriate

Under 16 years 16 – 24 years 25 – 54 years 55 – 64 years65 – 74 years75 +Prefer not to say

How would you travel to the new community building? please circle as appropriate

CarBicycleOn footPublic transport

Do you consider yourself to be disabled? YES / NO please circle as appropriate

Do you attend any of the above types of uses in other venues in Stotfold? / Please list all types and venue
Are you an organisers/leader of any of the above types of uses in Stotfold? / Please list all types and venue
Or, would you consider setting up any of the above types of uses in the new community building? / Please list all types venue
Thank you for your comments. Deadline for return of comments is Monday 3rd March 2014. Please leave your completed questionnaire at the location you collected it from, or drop it in at the Town Council Offices, Simpson Centre, Hitchin Road, Stotfold, SG5 4HP. Telephone 01462 730064. Email