MAC Training

Ø  When a company requests to become MAC certified, the application must first be approved by the local manufacturer’s representative and/or Mohawk Regional Director.

Ø  Once approved, the contractor can go to the company website and click the MAC login button. Under the login boxes is a link that reads “Not a member? Apply Here.” They must click the link which will redirect them to the online application. Once the application is complete it will automatically be sent to the MAC program administrator and the potential MAC can await further instruction.

Ø  There is an application and training fee associated with becoming a MAC. This fee is $150/person with a maximum of $600/contractor. For example, if 3 people attend the training class, the fee is $450. If 4 or more people attend, the fee is a flat rate of $600. A minimum of 2 people per contractor must attend the training class. The MAC program administrator will contact the MAC with the credit card form to be filled out. There are no fee waivers and payment must be made prior to the training class.

Ø  Please give the program administrator four weeks notice to set up a MAC training class. Only a trained RCDD can teach this class.

Ø  At the end of the class, the applicants will receive a multiple-choice test with 50 questions. They must get at least 90% right to receive a MAC certification.

Ø  Once the applicant’s tests corrected the MAC will have an active status on the website. They will be able to login and enter all the technicians who participated in the class.

Ø  MAC company certificates and individual certificates will be available for download from the MAC website within 10 days of training.

Grandfathering – If your company is currently certified by one of our verified Connectivity Partners then you may be eligible to be “grandfathered” into the program

Ø  Acceptable certificates include RCDD certification from BICSI, certification from one of our connectivity partners (i.e. Panduit, Ortronics, Siemon, Hubbell, Leviton, etc.; for more information on acceptable certificates, please contact your local Mohawk representative) and certification from Belden. All certificates must be current. We do not accept certificates from a competitor, i.e. BerkTek, General Cable, Commscope, etc.

Ø  There is no application fee associated with being grandfathered into the MAC program.

Ø  Each individual submitted on the application form must be certified as outlined above. If an individual does not have a current certificate, they will need to take the MAC class and a fee will be assessed.

Ø  If an individual wants to become certified after the initial company registration, we prefer that they take the MAC training class. However, we will grandfather them in if they provide us with a current certificate from a recognized connectivity partner.

Ø  If a certified company is bought out by a non-certified company, the non-certified company can have the certification transferred if there are still certified individuals working there. The program administrator will need documentation on the new company’s letterhead stating that the old company has been bought out. The old company will be deleted from the program and the new company will be given a new certification number with the certification date beginning on the date of the buy-out. The individuals previously certified will also be given a new certification number, but their date of certification will remain the same as their original date.

Ø  If a certified company is bought out by another certified company, the company’s certification will remain the same. All certified individuals will also remain the same with the same registration numbers and dates, but be transferred to the new company.

Ø  If a certified company changes their company name, they must provide the program administrator with documentation on the new company’s letterhead stating that they changed their company name. A new certificate will be provided to the company upon receipt of paperwork, as long as there is still one individual certified within the company. If there are no longer any individuals certified, they must apply for individual certification and registration fees will apply.

Ø  If a certified individual begins their certification with one company but starts to work at another certified company, their individual certification will be deleted and they will have to apply again under the new company.

Ø  Once the application is processed, the MAC program administrator will approve the account and certificates will be available for download. Please allow 3 business days from receipt of all paperwork for certification to be complete.


Ø  When a company requests to have their MAC certification renewed, the renewal must be approved first by the local manufacturer’s representative and/or Regional Director.

Ø  Once renewal is approved the contractor will receive an email reminding them to renew their certification.

Ø  There is no fee associated with renewing a certification.

Ø  Each individual looking to be renewed must already be certified. If they have not been previously certified, they will need to apply for certification. Please see Application information outlined above.

Ø  A company can only be renewed if there is at least one individual still certified with the company. If there are no certified personnel remaining at the company, the company must certify at least one individual before their certification will be renewed. In this case, registration fees will be waived.

Ø  Once the renewal is processed, an automated e-mail will be sent to the contractor. Certificates will then be available on the website for download.

Ø  Mohawk reserves the right to deny a renewal if the MAC has not demonstrated adequate performance.


Ø  In order for a MAC to offer an extended 25 year warranty, their certification must be current.

Ø  A completed Project Registration Form must be filled out from the MAC Secure website.

Ø  Test results must be submitted via CD, email or fax to the MAC program administrator for review.

Ø  Once the warranty is processed and approved via the website, all Warranty information will be available for download by the contractor.

Ø  Please allow 3 business days from receipt of all paperwork for warranties to be complete.


MAC registration must be current for all rebates to be given. Rebates are based on a calendar year. Rebates will be prorated for contractors joining the MAC program once the calendar year has begun. For your convenience, we allow you to choose among three options for MAC rebates: Mohawk Bucks, cash (if MAC qualifies for cash rebate), or COOP dollars. You can also redeem a combination of the three.

Mohawk Bucks

Ø  To qualify for a Mohawk Buck rebate, the contractor must reach the minimum threshold as detailed in the Loyalty Rewards Brochure for that year.

Ø  Many Mohawk vendors submit point of sale data such that MAC purchases can be tracked. In the event of a Mohawk purchase from a vendor who does not currently provide us this data, a copy of such must be provided in order to receive proper credit.

o  All reports must be received by March 1 of the following calendar year.

Ø  MACs will have access to print Mohawk bucks throughout the year from the website.

Ø  If there is any discrepancy in the dollar amount showing on the website and the dollar amount in your POS reports, please send all documents to the program administrator for further review (for the 2012 year, that individual is Kristen Poulos at )

Ø  Mohawk Bucks earned each calendar year expire on December 31 of the following year. For example, if you earned $750 in Mohawk Bucks in 2012, you will have until December 31, 2013 to redeem them.

Ø  Once redeemed from the website, the Mohawk Bucks expire in two months.

Ø  You need not take out all the Mohawk Bucks earned at once.

Ø  To submit for credit towards Mohawk purchases, please use them with one of our qualified distributors. They should be treated as cash. The distributor will process the rebate as a credit to your account.

Cash Rebate

Ø  To qualify for a cash rebate, the contractor must meet the minimum requirements as detailed in the Loyalty Rewards Brochure for the current year.

Ø  The website will detail any cash rebate earned under the “Cash Option” section of the current year’s tab.

Ø  To apply for the cash rebate, send all POS reports to the program administrator. Cash cannot be taken out directly from the website.

Ø  Please note that requesting a cash rebate will have a longer turn-around time. Please allow for at least 30 days upon receipt of all paperwork for the check to be received.

Co-op Funds

Ø  To qualify for joint marketing and advertisement collateral and activities, the MAC must meet minimum purchase requirements as outlined in the Loyalty Rewards Brochure for that year.

Ø  The contractor must gain approval for the materials being purchased from their corresponding Mohawk Regional Director and provide them with a copy of the invoice for the materials being purchased. The Regional Director in turn must send the invoice to the program administrator.

Ø  The contractor will be reimbursed in an amount up to the current level of ‘Mohawk Marketing Dollars’

Ø  Any amount used for co-op activities will detract from the total amounts of Mohawk Bucks and Cash (if applicable) available

Ø  Once the paperwork is sent to the program administrator, a check will be issued within 45 days of receipt and sent directly to the contractor.

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