LSP 121 – Activity 13, VBA for Excel programming

CODE for Coin Toss Excel program using a macro

You do not need to enter the comments in the code below; comments are preceded by an apostrophe in the code below. However, it is a good idea to include the comments which explain the lines that follow. If you review this code later, the comments help you remember what the code is for. Type exactly as you see ‘upper case’ or ‘lower case’. Usually there is NO space to the left of a ‘(‘, such as in Cells(Row, Col)
After you open the VBA editor (press ALT+F11, then F5 and name the macro), name the macro coin_flipper, then you will see, minus the part in { }. See bottom of page 2 for what your code should look like if done correctly:
Sub coin_flipper()

{ enter code here }

End Sub
The first line to enter begins with ‘Declare’ as below. Type the entire line
that appears below. Type it BEFORE the Sub coin_flipper() line. Indenting is optional.

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub coin_flipper()

'initialize the Random number generator


'clear out cells

For Row = 1 To 100

For Col = 1 To 4

Cells(Row, Col) = Null

Next Col

Next Row


'pause a bit

Sleep 500

For Row = 1 To 100

Cells(Row, 1) = Row

Next Row

'here's where we flip the coin

For Row = 1 To 100

R = Rnd()

If R < 0.5 Then

Cells(Row, 2) = 1


Cells(Row, 2) = 0

End If

Next Row

'build a running count of heads (1's) in column 3

Cells(1, 3) = Cells(1, 2)

For Row = 2 To 100

Cells(Row, 3) = Cells(Row - 1, 3) + Cells(Row, 2)

Next Row

'column 4 gets running percentage

For Row = 1 To 100

Cells(Row, 4) = Cells(Row, 3) / Row


'pause again

Sleep 3000

End Sub


Be sure ‘End Sub’ occurs only once. It should already be there – do not add an extra ‘End Sub’ to the program code.

This is what your code should look like at the very beginning.
Notice the ‘Declare Sub Sleep …’ is before Sub coin_flipper and is followed by a line. The line shows up automatically.

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