
Logical Relationships Quiz

Directions: In each of questions 1-6, the two underlined sentences have an implied logical relationship. Read each pair of sentences and the question that follows, and then choose the answer that identifies the relationship.

  1. People with a sense of humor are a lot freer than most from societal pressures and expectations.
    They realize that, from a broader perspective, being late or not dressed perfectly does not really matter.
    What does the second sentence do?
  2. It questions an assumption.
  3. It offers a supporting example.
  4. It analyzes a problem.
  5. It makes a contrast.
  6. We were pitied for going to Dunamara instead of to some sandy beach.
    But we loved Dunamara; the rocks themselves, the derelict lobster pots and fish crates, the long clefts filled with anemones and fish like darning needles charmed us.
    How are these sentences related?
  7. The second draws a conclusion from the first.
  8. The second presents supporting evidence for the first.
  9. The second provides an example.
  10. The second offers a contradictory point of view.
  11. I carefully research any potential large purchases in order to minimize the time I must actually spend in the store.
    I know what I like, and I see no reason to waste either my time or that of a hapless salesclerk by trying to pretend otherwise.
    In relation to the first sentence, what does the second sentence do?
  12. It draws a logical conclusion.
  13. It presents a contradictory point of view.
  14. It offers an explanation.
  15. It provides an example.

  1. Once greenhouse gases get into the Earth’s upper atmosphere, they are like the couple who came to dinner; they stay.
    They can hang there for decades or centuries.
    In relation to the first sentence, what does the second sentence do?
  2. It makes a comparison.
  3. It provides factual support.
  4. It suggests a cause.
  5. It introduces a different point of view.
  6. Perhaps the most universal characteristic of animal signals is their adherence to a basic rule of pitch.
    High pitched tones (a dog’s whine) convey appeasement, fear, and an overall nonthreatening state.
    In relation to the first sentence, what does the second sentence do?
  7. It makes a recommendation.
  8. It suggests a cause.
  9. It offers proof.
  10. It gives a summary.
  11. In fact, the evidence supporting the claim that the Earth has grown warmer is shaky.
    Moreover, the theory is weak and the models on which the conclusions are based cannot even replicate the current climate.
    What does the second sentence do?
  12. It qualifies the preceding assertion.
  13. It states a consequence.
  14. It provides additional information.
  15. It notes an exception.