Fourth session
GENEVA, 1 – 3 February 2011 / EC WG/SOP-IV(2011)/Doc. 6.1
Item: 6.1
(Submitted by the Secretariat and
J. Hirst, Chair of the Task Group on WMO Reform)
This document presents the progress report of the Task Group on WMO Reform after EC-LXII.
Actions proposed
The Group is invited toagree on specific recommendations to Congress with respect to WMO reform.
1.Report of the Third session of the EC Working Group on WMO Strategic and Operational Planning (Geneva, 29 – 31 March 2010)
2.Abridged final report with resolutions of the Sixty-second session of the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1059), general summary, paragraphs 8.5.1 – 8.5.5
EC WG/SOP-IV(2011)/Doc. 6.1, p. 1
Report of the Task Group on WMO Reform to the 3rd meeting of the EC Working Group on Strategic and Operational Planning, 1-3 February 2011
Executive Summary
The Task Group have the following recommendations to the Working Group:
Recommendation 1
To recommend to the President, acting on behalf of EC, to request the Secretary-General to submit a paper on WMO Reform to Sixteenth Congress which will:
- Propose the following “quick wins” for endorsement by Congress and implementation during the Sixteenth Financial Period (2012-15):
- The development of simplified documentation for constituent body sessions, with an improved format to be trialled at EC-64;
- The establishment of a communication mechanism by technical commissions for each regional association, such as the appointment of active rapporteurs with clear terms of reference, subject to a trial within CBS.
- Invite Congress to request Executive Council to continue the work of WMO Reform during the next financial period in line with the ToRs of the Task Group and to present options for further reform to Seventeenth Congress in 2015. Specifically,
- Examining the constituent bodies of WMO and proposing how best to orientate them to deliver the priorities of the WMO Strategic Plan, in particular Capacity Development;
- The practicalities of reducing the intergovernmental part of constituent body sessions with a view to using the financial resources saved to increase the amount of technical activities such as technical conferences taking place.
and to invite Congress to offer guidance to EC on these topics.
Recommendation 2
To make the following recommendations to EC-63:
- To request presidents of technical commissions and regional associations to review the extent to which their Expert Teams and Working Groups to have time-bound, realistic deliverables which clearly implement WMO Programmes and have clear links to the WMO Strategic Plan, and to report back to EC-64;
- To request the presidents of technical commissions to have exchange of best practices as a standing agenda item at their meetings; and
- To ensure that the ToRs for EC WGs and Inter-Commission Task Teams have a clear differentiation of accountabilities where conflict could arise.
The second session of the EC WG/SOP in March 2010 established a Task Group on WMO Reform, with the ToRs as shown in Annex 1. This envisaged two parts to the Task Group’s work. The first part was to be completed by EC-62 focusing on “quick wins” which could be easily implemented and the second part was a more in-depth study to be conducted with the endorsement of Congress and to report to EC-64.
EC WG/SOP-IV(2011)/Doc. 6.1, p. 1
The Task Group undertook the first task through correspondence, prepared a SWOT of WMO, and identified 12 proposals for WMO reform which they ranked as follows:
A – high impact, easy to achieve, should proceed as soon as possible;
B – some details to work through but good sense and benefit, proceed once details are clear;
C – Interesting, but requires more detail before implementation.
The report was considered by a special meeting of the EC WG/SOP at EC-62 and submitted for consideration by the full EC. EC agreed that the proposals were a good beginning and welcomed the offer by the president of CBS to test some of the proposals at the then forthcoming CBS-Ext.(10) session. EC requested the President to continue the work with the aim of proposing potential reforms for consideration by Sixteenth Congress (extract from EC-LXII report is given in Annex 2).
Several proposals were subsequently trialled at CBS-Ext.(10) (Windhoek, Namibia, 17-24 November 2010) and a number of recommendations were made as to the best way to proceed. There was broad agreement amongst Members of the Commission that the reform of working methods of CBS is necessary and achievable. A summary of the experience and recommendations of CBS Ext.(10) is contained in a separate report (Annex 3) and will be reported by the president of CBS.
Suggested Way Forward
A further consideration of the proposals made to EC is outlined in Annex 4, which has taken into account the discussion at EC and the experiences of CBS-Ext.(10). From this analysis the following conclusions have been drawn:
- There appears to be a strong desire from Members to see more focussed, simplified documentation for constituent body sessions.
- The concept of technical commissions improving communication with regional associations by, for example, appointing active rapporteurs for regional associations was supported by Members at CBS-Ext.(10) and, subject to the trial in CBS proving successful, could be implemented by other technical commissions for the regional associations.
- There is a need for further study on whether all of the business of constituent bodies needs to be conducted intergovernmentally, and to what extent the intergovernmental session can be reduced and the savings used to conduct more business through technical conferences and subsidiary bodies. Discussion at CBS-Ext.(10) shows this is a matter of current debate between Members.
- With the likelihood of CapacityBuilding being recognised as a priority in the WMO Strategic Plan there is a need to ensure that the bodies associated with implementing CapacityBuilding within WMO are effective. However, this is best being taken forward as part of a holistic review of constituent bodies and how they are oriented to deliver the priorities of the WMO Strategic Plan rather than in isolation.
- Some of the proposals, including exchange of best practice between technical commissions, ensuring all Expert Teams and Working Groups have clear deliverables, and the relationship between EC Working Groups and Inter-Commission Teams on the same subject matter can be taken forward by EC and presidents of technical commissions and regional associations as part of their regular business.
EC WG/SOP-IV(2011)/Doc. 6.1, p. 1
In view of this, the Task Group is suggesting the following three actions.
First, a paper is submitted to Sixteenth Congress which solicits its endorsement for two “quick win” proposals:
- Development of simplified documentation for constituent body sessions to improve decision-making (aiming for a trial at EC-64); and
- The establishment of a communication mechanism by technical commissions for each regional association, such as the appointment of active rapporteurs with clear terms of reference (subject to the experiences of the CBS trial).
(Note thata small amount of work would be required to prepare a new document format and the Working Group may wish to appoint a rapporteur to develop a template and some illustrative examples of a simplified document format, which clearly shows decisions under consideration.)
Second, the above paper will also seek a mandate from Congress to the Executive Council to continue the work of the Task Group as envisaged in the Terms of Reference (see Annex 1), directing the Task group to two areas where further work is required:
- Review of the constituent bodies of WMO and how best they can be oriented to deliver the priorities of the Strategic Plan,in particular Capacity Development; and
- The practicalities of reducing the intergovernmental part of constituent body sessions and redirecting the savings to increased technical activities including conferences.
Discussion on this paper would provide an early opportunity for Members to express their views on these topics, and WMO Reform in general.
Third, some of the “quick win” proposals are addressed directly to Executive Council for implementation and could be adopted at EC-63 or, at latest, EC-64 in 2012. These are:
- To request presidents of technical commissions and regional Associations to review the extent to which their Expert Teams and Working Groups have time-bound, realistic deliverables which clearly implement WMO Programmes,and have clear links to the WMO Strategic Plan, and to report back to EC-64 which should suggest corrective action where improvements are required;
- To request the exchange of best practices is included as a standing agenda item at meetings of presidents of technical commissions and presidents of regional associations; and
- To ensure that ToRs of EC-WGs and Inter-Commission Task Teams have a clear differentiation of accountabilities where conflict could arise.
The Working Group is invited to consider the recommendations of the Task Group and take action as appropriate.
Annex 1
Membership and Terms of Reference of the Task Group on WMO Reform
taken from the report of the EC WG-SOP
J. Hirst
R. Mukabana
K. Sakurai
P. Taalas
F. Branski (president of CBS)
R.J. Viñas-Garcia (president of Regional Association III)
G. Love
W. Nyakwada
Draft Terms of Reference for the Task Group on WMO Reform
Working under the guidance of the Executive Council Working Group on Strategic and Operational Planning (EC WG/SOP), consulting broadly with the Management Groups of the Regional Associations and Technical Commissions, and working with the Secretariat, the task group should within two months:
- Conduct a preliminary analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for all the Organizations working mechanisms;
- Review the working arrangements, roles and responsibilities of technical commissions and regional associations;
- Develop proposals for change to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the regional associations and technical commissions, including the coordination between them.
- The proposals should:
- Articulate the roles and responsibilities of these constituent bodies in terms of their contributions to the implementation of the WMO Strategic Plan and to the improving capability of Members;
- Aim at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the WMO for the next Financial Period;
- Assist the Organization in being able to respond flexibly and quickly to new challenges as they arise.
Beyond EC-LXII, with endorsement of EC-LXIII and in time for EC-LXIV, the Task Group should continue working under the guidance of the Executive Council Working Group on Strategic and Operational Planning (EC WG/SOP), consulting broadly with the Management Groups of the Regional Associations and Technical Commissions, and working with the Secretariat, the Task Group should:
- Conclude a detailed analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for all the Organization’s working mechanisms;
- Review the efficiency and effectiveness of all of the WMO’s working mechanisms; and
- Propose three options for change to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the working mechanisms.
- The proposals should:
- Articulate the roles and responsibilities of the Constituent Bodies in terms of their contributions to the implementation of the WMO Strategic Plan and to the improving capability of Members;
- Aim at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the WMO; and
- Assist the Organization in being able to respond flexibly and quickly to new challenges as they arise.
Annex 2
Decisions of EC-LXII
(extract from the Abridged final report with resolutions of the Sixty-second session of the Executive Council)
8.5.1The Council noted that in response to the recommendations of EC-LXI, the third session of the EC Working Group on WMO Strategic and Operational Planning (WG/SOP) held in Geneva from 29 to 31 March 2010, established a Task Group on WMO Reform. The Task Group’s remit was to initiate a process that would assist EC to scope early opportunities and understand challenges in relation to WMO Reform, including changes to regulations, premised on the need for continuous improvement to WMO working methods. The EC WG/SOP presented its report on options for WMO reform.
8.5.2The Council noted that the WG/SOP had conducted a Strength-Weaknesses- Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis of the working mechanisms of WMO and, in doing so, had reviewed the working arrangements and roles and responsibilities of technical commissions and regional associations.
8.5.3The Council considered the following 12 proposals that had been rated by the working group against criteria such as ease of implementation, likely impact and timescale for proceeding:
(a)Conjoint meetings of constituent bodies where there are clear synergies. Specific suggestions for consideration:
(i) CCl and CAgM (and possibly CHy);
(ii) CBS and CIMO;
(iii) RA III and RA IV.
Rating: Some details to work through but good sense and benefit, proceed once details are clear.
(b)Intergovernmental part of regional association and/or technical commission meetings reduced to a single day. Savings in shortening intergovernmental session used to fund more frequent technical conferences (or other relevant meetings) throughout the financial period.
Rating: Some details to work through but good sense and benefit, proceed once details are clear.
(c)The one-day intergovernmental part of regional association and/or technical commission meetings undertaken at or immediately prior to Congress. (Requires proposal 2 be implemented).
Rating: Interesting but requires more detail before implementation.
(d)Contingency maintained in WMO’s budget to hold additional (extraordinary) meetings during the financial period if required to respond to new events or rapid developments.
Rating: Interesting but requires more detail before implementation.
(e)Reduced documentation and bureaucracy for meetings by limiting draft text for inclusion in the general summary to decisions only.
Rating: High impact, easy to achieve, should proceed as soon as possible.
(f)Constituent body Expert Teams and Working Groups to have time-bound, realistic deliverables which clearly implement WMO Programmes.
Rating: High impact, easy to achieve, should proceed as soon as possible.
(g)Rationalize EC Panel on Education & Training, EC-WG on Capacity-building and Informal Planning Meeting of VCP Donors (IPM) into one governance body for WMO capacity-building activities, which works as effectively as the EC Panel on E&T.
Rating:Some details to work through but good sense and benefit, proceed once details are clear.
(h)Technical commissions share best practice and use consistent processes to implement their programmes.
Rating: Interesting but requires more detail before implementation
(i)Merge Inter-Commission Teams and EC Working Groups where they have common responsibilities (e.g. WIS/WIGOS); greater inclusion of TC expertise in EC WGs.
Rating: Some details to work through but good sense and benefit, proceed once details are clear.
(j)Regional associations to focus their activities on identifying needs and priorities for the Region, and the implementation of projects in line with the WMO Strategic Plan. Activities should be directly related to the provision of meteorological, hydrological and climate services; use of pilot projects is recommended.
Rating: High impact, easy to achieve, should proceed as soon as possible.
(k)One mechanism to help implement 10: Each technical commission designates, based on regional associations’ recommendation, an active rapporteur for each regional association. The rapporteur provides regional association Members with the information on the latest development in the relevant technical commission. He/she also reports the direction and achievement of relevant regional association activities. Technical commission reflects the report in its workplan.
Rating: some details to work through but good sense and benefit, proceed once details are clear.
(l)Technical commissions and regional associations delegate more authorities to their management groups, particularly to adjust their activities to cope with anticipated influencing development. Management Groups to become more active, set up regular (semi-annual) teleconferences and meetings, and are supported by a secretariat.
Rating: some details to work through but good sense and benefit, proceed once details are clear.
8.5.4The Council endorsed the following recommendations of the WG/SOP:
(a)The reforms should be driven by the needs of the Organization and not only by financial considerations;
(b)The benefits of implementing each proposed action, including cost savings, be included in the report;
(c)The challenges and benefits of holding joint meetings of constituent bodies be further analysed;
(d)Priority setting, taking into consideration the obligations of WMO and Member’s needs, could help TCs hold joint meetings to address shared priorities;
(e)Proposals for regional associations to hold joint meetings should take into consideration the differences in challenges facing the Regions.
8.5.5The Council considered the proposed actions, with improvements, and agreed this was a good beginning. EC welcomed the offer of the president of CBS to test some of the proposed actions regarding the functioning of constituent bodies at the forthcoming CBS extraordinary session and report on experiences through the WG/SOP. EC requested the President to continue the work presented by the WG/SOP, in consultation with the Secretary-General and all relevant bodies, using appropriate mechanisms (e.g. the continuation of the Task Group) with the aim of proposing potential reforms for consideration by Sixteenth Congress and beyond.
Annex 3
Efficiency and effectiveness of Technical commissions - REPORT of CBS’s experiences on the application of some of the recommendations of the WG/SOP Task Group on WMO Reform
- The president of CBS had offered to trial some of the recommendations of the WG/SOP Task Group on WMO Reform (see PTC-2011/Rep. 4.4.2, APPENDIX B) during CBS-Ext.(10) and report back to Members through the WG/SOP. The CBS Management Group worked with the Secretariat toward this end and several changes to the meeting practices and CBS business procedures were implemented during the extraordinary session of CBS held in November 2010 (CBS-Ext.(10)). In particular CBS and trialled a shortened session with documents and proceedings focussed on decisions. CBS-Ext.(10) was held during 5.5 days instead of 7 days for the previous extraordinary sessions. The session also proposed the establishment of a two-way communication mechanism between the regional associations and CBS.
- CBS-Ext.(10) noted that the sixty-second session of the Executive Council (ECLXII) (Geneva, June 2010):
- Stressed the need to further improve the coordination between regional associations (RAs), the technical commissions (TCs), and the relevant Secretariat Departments, in particularthrough the definition of regional requirements and implementation priorities by regional associations, through the identification of joint activity areas by TCs and RAs, and through the identification of appropriate regional programmatic focal points within each regional management structure;
- Noted that, when reviewing the working arrangements and roles and responsibilities of technical commissions and regional associations, the Executive Council Working Group on WMO Strategic and Operational Planning proposed that each technical commission designates, based on regional associations’ recommendation, an active rapporteur for each regional association.
CBS-Ext.(10) requested the president, with the support of the Management Group, to coordinate action with the presidents of regional associations and other Technical Commissions with a view to establishing a two-way communication mechanism for improving the strategic level coordination and feedback between CBS and other constituent bodies. This mechanism could include one or more rapporteursand increased coordination among MGs which could supplement other working level mechanisms such as overlapping task teams and joint activities such as with the SWFDP and SWFDDP projects.