Portfolio Update
Portfolio Update

Middle School Portfolio

This Middle School Portfolio is designed to complement the LINKS Student Advisement Program. You will use this tool to help document your career plans, assessment results, experiential learning and coursework to help you make meaningful plans for the future.

Student Identification

Name | / Date of Birth |
Address | / Phone |
City, State, Zip | / Parent/Guardian |
E-mail | / Student # Number |

Middle School Attended:

Name of School: / Dates attended: / Grade: 7

Developing My Interest:

7th Grade
Things I am good at doing:
My favorite subjects:
Things that are difficult for me:
Activities that I most enjoy:
Others describe me as:
I describe myself as:

Career interest inventories are available online at or .

My Career Plan

7th Grade
My dream job is:
I would like this job because:
My plan to prepare for this job:
My classes that relate to this job:
Skills that I will need to learn for my dream job:
My plans after high school:


Extra-curricular Activities

Clubs & Organizations I belong to in school:
Clubs & Organizations I belong to outside of school:
Sports in school:
Sports outside of school:
My plans to join a club or play a sport in the future:


Awards I have received:

LINKS Checklist

Activities to complete this year to help ensure my postsecondary success.

7th Grade / Date Completed
Reviewed Standardized test scores (most recent scores)
Updated Career Interest Inventory results
Updated Learning Style Assessment results
Added to Portfolio
Participated in one club this year
Explored Career Choices and updated my choices
Updated a time management plan
Updated My Career Goal
Updated My Educational Goal
Participate in a community service
Have presented my portfolio to my parents (signature below)

Parent Signature/ date