Multimedia Tutorial Name of Designer Subject Area/Grade level Date:

Requirements: This tutorial should be developed using PowerPoint and should meet the requirements in this assessment tool. and the direction. Specific directions are provided at the assignments page and clarified by your instructor. /


Score / Your Score / Instructor Feedback

Planning the tutorial

(25 points)

  • A detailed storyboard is created (and approved by the instructor) prior to development of this tutorial and shows detailed planning. Each slide is represented with thumbnail sketches for photos, navigation icons and the text that will appear on each slide. The navigation path is planned from slide to slide.
/ 25

Structure (30 points)

  • An interactive main menu and an interactive quiz provide nonlinear structure.
  • Navigation is provided per directions and all navigation works.
  • Kiosk mode is applied.
  • The tutorial is saved as a .pps file.
/ 10

Content and Organization

(55 points)

  • Slide 1 provides a descriptive title, the author’s name and subject area/grade level.
  • Slide 2 states the learning objective and the state curriculum standard.
  • Slide 3 provides directions to the students explaining how to work through the tutorial (includes explaining the navigational icons).
  • Slide 4provides an interactive menu that links to all major sections of the content.
  • Slides 5 -?? Presents the information to learner. The topic is suitable for the learners and well articulated with no grammar or spelling errors. Last slide linked to summary.
  • Summary slide: Sums up and reinforces the learning for the student.
  • Interactive Quiz: Questions should cover the major concepts in the tutorial, presented in multiple-choice format and provide immediate feedback to the student. Reinforcement should be given to the student on both correct and incorrect slides.
  • Resources slide presents the names, URLs for all resources used (includes graphics).
  • Exit slide praises the student and provides a button to exit the show.
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Design and Layout
(25 points) /
  • Formatting (e.g. font type & size, color, emphasis) follows good design principles, is consistent and enhances readability.
  • Slide layout templatesare applied appropriately and enhance the delivery of the information.
  • Aslide design templateis applied, is consistent throughout the tutorial and enhances the information.
  • A transition is applied to slides, is consistent and provides a smooth change from slide to slide (does not detract from the content).
/ 10
(15 points) /
  • A minimum of three graphics (other than icons) are included that are related to the topic and aid in comprehension of the information presented. (do not detract)
  • Graphics are appropriately sized (using a graphics program) and positioned on the slide.
  • Graphics are clear and crisp and saved at 72 dpi for electronic output.
/ 5
Preparing to Use Technology: Rubric for Multimedia Tutorial / 150 pts