School Council 2015/16

Reviewed Action Plan:

Theme: / What do we want to achieve? / Timescale / Have we achieved it?
Helping our Community: /
  1. Help Kirkham Food Bank.
  1. Poppy appeal.
  1. Children in need.
  1. Help diabetes UK.
/ Autumn Term
Autumn Term
Autumn Term
Summer Term /
  1. Yes after our harvest festival collection we took our donations to the Food Bank in Kirkham and found out what work they did there.
  1. Yes we sold poppies and other Royal British Legion items to the whole school at breaktimes. (Year 5 also sold cakes and biscuits)£130.00 raised.
  1. Yes we promoted Children in Need and a Super Hero day and raised over £200 in school.
  1. Yes we helped promote JDRF diabetes Type 1 charity in school Worship and encouraged children to get sponsorship money and dress in sports kits for our Five Hours of Football day. Over £750 raised for JDRF and Manchester Children’s hospital.

Improving our school environment: /
  1. To design a brand new Wesham garden in place of the spiritual garden.
  1. Design new playground markings.
/ Summer Term
Spring Term /
  1. Yes we have created a design for a new British Values garden using different themes which promote our values and heritage. The plan is now in the hands of the Governors.
  1. Yes we have improved our playground markings on the school yard by being involved with the designing and discussions with RE play - company. Visiting their work shop to see our designs being created. We wrote to the Governors and gave a presentation at a meeting to ask them to help improve the playground by providing us with the funds to do so. We then wrote thank you letters to the Governors, telling them how much it had improved our playtimes.

Keeping Happy and Healthy: / 1.To begin a school council healthy lunchbox award.
2.Raise money for new playground toys. / Autumn Term
Summer Term /
  1. Yes we have started a ‘Healthy Snacks’ lotto every half term where children seen eating fruit, vegetables or toast at playtimes are awarded with a ticket and each half term a ticket is pulled out from the box in the Celebration Worship.
  1. Yes we have encouraged classes to fund raise in their classes by doing different events to raise money for another ‘Play Shelter’ in our playground. The winning class had a pizza party in the park. Classes raised money by doing bake sales, bring and buy sales, stalls and games afternoon, non uniform day.

What else have we achieved this year? / -We also promoted Friendship and Anti Bullying Week in School through a Worship about Cyber Bullying and we held a Hectar SMART code Competition.
-In Health Week we made fruit kebabs to sell to the rest of the school.
-We also sorted out and judged a healthy lunchbox competition in school.
-We have also asked children’s views on Music lessons and Worship in our school to help the teachers improve this further.