Murphy High School

100 South Carlen

Mobile, AL 36606

Class Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Crandle Planning Period: First Semester: 1:10 – 2:35

Course: English 12 Second Semester: 1:10 – 2:35

Email: or

Phone: (251) 221-3186 Please schedule conferences ahead of time. The

Website: best method of contact is via email.

Course Description/Requirements:

This class will include the study of British literature, grammar, and writing as well as an introduction to and exploration of the research process. Students will be required to complete a literary research paper that meets specific criteria in order to pass this course (a research packet with all of the guidelines will be supplied at a later time). At the beginning of each unit, students will be given a set of vocabulary words that they will be tested on at the end of the unit. Students will also be expected to engage and participate in regular classroom discussions on the material.

The primary focus of this course will be the study of the historical eras in British literature as well as the various texts associated with those eras. Students will read a variety of literary genres including novels, plays, short stories, essays, and poetry, and students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the historical context of the literature. Emphasis will also be placed on analyzing literature and recognizing literary devices, themes, author’s purpose, etc. In addition, students will be required to write a MANDATORY research paper as well as a few other minor writing assignments. All papers must be typed according to the MLA format, with the exception of in-class writing, which will also have a set of standard requirements (Guidelines are on the website). Students will be provided with handouts and rubrics for all major assignments ahead of time; they will also be uploaded on the website. Overall, this course is designed to develop students’ appreciation for and interpretation of literature as well as to develop students’ writing abilities and to assist them in the evaluation, comprehension, and communication of the English Language Arts. Finally, heavy emphasis will be placed on close reading strategies that will scaffold student learning and assist them in achieving the aforementioned objectives.


Prentice Hall Literature: Alabama Common Core Edition, Grade 12, The British Tradition

Major Writing Projects:

Quarter One: Quarter Two:

Creative Sonnet RESEARCH PAPER

Persuasive Soliloquy TPCASTT

Grading System: Grading Scale:

60% Tests/Essays/Projects 100 – 90 = A

30% Quizzes/Reflections/Journals 89 – 80 = B

10% Homework/Participation 79 – 70 = C

* A No-Zero Policy will be enforced 69 – 60 = D

59 – 0 = E

*An end of the course test will also be required by MCPSS this year

Required Materials:

ü  3 ring binder (1” or 1 ½” )

ü  1 set of 5 tab dividers

ü  Blue and/or Black pens

ü  Pencils

ü  Highlighter

ü  Loose Leaf paper (plenty of paper needed at all times) * Wide ruled preferred

ü  Correction tape/White out *Correction tape preferred

ü  1 USB Flash Drive (2GB minimum) *students just need access to a flash drive for high school assignments including mine.

Optional Items (very much appreciated and greatly needed)

ü  Kleenex

ü  Hand Sanitizer

ü  1 ream of copy/printer paper


Classroom instruction is valuable and cannot be made up; therefore, it is important for students to be in class and on time on a regular basis. Students are only allowed 4 parent notes per semester. After 2 unexcused absences parents will receive an attendance letter. 5 tardies = 1 unexcused absence and will result in an office referral/retract per Murphy’s attendance policy (note policy below).

Make-up Work (May be completed after school and by appointment):

Make-up work will be recorded daily on the board in the classroom. It is the students’ responsibility to acquire make-up work and to seek any additional information. It is also the students’ responsibility to turn in assignments in the allotted time for make-up. Assignments and quizzes are to be turned in and/or made up within one day following the return to school. All tests should be made up within one week of the return to school.


All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class; work should be turned into the designated assignment basket. 5 points per day will be deducted for late work; 10 points for the first day and 20 points for each additional day will be deducted for late essays and projects because they are considered major test grades.

IMPORTANT: Textbook Information and Online Resources and Instructions

Literature Textbook

We have received a class set of NEW literature textbooks this year. These textbooks will stay in the classroom. However, you may also access the entire textbook ONLINE!! Follow the instructions below and add yourself to my online class. If you are absent, you may read the text online. At times, you may be required to read a story or complete an activity online, so register yourself immediately. The class access code will be provided. See the following page for instructions.

Registration / Enrollment Instructions

1.  Go to

2.  Click Register

3.  On the first screen, type the class access code in the access code field. Follow the instructions to register. DO NOT use your full name as your user name. Write your username below exactly as you typed it.

4.  At the end of the registration process, the SuccessNet login page appears.

5.  Log in by typing your user name and password.

User Name: ______

Class Access Code: ______

Website Information:

1.  Go to the website listed at the top of the syllabus

2.  On the left side under Murphy Staff, select Panther Faculty and Staff

3.  Select Crandle

4.  Available are links with various information including a calendar, and a link for projects, etc.

5.  The forms link will include copies of the syllabus, the quarterly EQT guides, and additional resources.

Moodle Instructions

Moodle provides an opportunity for online learning and activities. At this time I have not set up any course activities in Moodle; however, later in the course, you may have to complete activities or assignments in the course. If you are asked to complete an assignment in Moodle, you will follow the instructions below in order to register.

Registration Instructions

1. Go to

2. Log in with your school username and password

3. Click Search Courses and type my last name – Crandle

4. Click on Honors English 12– Crandle (Be sure to select the block you are in)

5. Enter the enrollment key for this class ______


Username: ______

Password: ______ Instructions

Go to and create a log in, if you do not already have one (use your email address as your username, and I suggest using your email pw as your pw for turnitin; if not, use a pw you will remember. While creating your account (or after you log in), you will be asked for the class ID and the Password. Your class ID is ______and your password is Crandle (case sensitive). Once in, you will see your assignment; click it; and click submit to upload assignment.

Ms. Crandle’s Classy Five

Rules & Expectations

v  Be in your assigned seat at the sound of the tardy bell.

Roll will be called /checked immediately following the tardy bell. If you are not in your assigned seat, you will be considered tardy. Please be on time daily!

v  Come to class prepared! Have the necessary supplies and any homework.

Please turn all assignments in on time. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class otherwise they are considered late. All late work must have a late assignment slip attached. I will deduct 5 points a day from late assignments. Essays will lose 10 points the first day that they are late, and 20 points the second class period that they are late. After this, you will be required to attend a make up session in the intervention room. *This year there is a no-zero policy! Computer problems do not serve as an acceptable excuse. All Tests and quizzes must be made up on the 1st designated make-up day following the student’s return to school if the student has an excused absence.

v  Be Respectful to your teacher, as well as your peers.

My motto is I expect RESPECT and I will get what I expect. Disrespectful behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This means no profanity!

v  Do not talk without permission! Raise your hand for permission to speak.

Please do not speak out of turn. I am always interested in your thoughts, questions, or opinions, but it is important that you raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

v  Do not leave the classroom when the bell rings unless told to do so!

The bell does not dismiss the class; I do. When the bell rings, I will let you know if you can go. I will expect the area around your desk to be clean before you leave the classroom. I do not mind holding the class if necessary.

Possible Consequences (not necessarily in this order):

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Student-Teacher Conference and/or behavioral contract

3.  Student will write discipline essay in detention

4.  Parent Contact

5.  Parent-Teacher-Student Conference

6.  Office Referral


Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Please detach this entire page from the syllabus and return to Ms. Crandle ASAP!

Primary Parent/Guardian ______

Student Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______


Home Phone: ______Alternate number: ______


I have read the attached syllabus that was sent home by Ms. Crandle. I understand the basic requirements that will need to be fulfilled in order to be successful in this class.

______Student Name Student Signature

Block ______


Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature


Contact Phone Number Contact Email Address

Additional Parent/Guardian Contact information:

Parent/Guardian: ______Phone Number: ______

Email Address: ______

Comments (use the additional space):

English 12

2016- 2017

Spring Semester

Projected Course Outline

Introductory Unit

Week 1

Summer Reading and review of objective summary and argumentative strategies

Novel: Student choice

Objective summary

Unit 1 The Old English and Medieval Periods (449-1485)

Weeks 2-3

Historical Background and unit vocabulary (Anglo Saxon)

Texts: “The Seafarer,” “The Wanderer,” “The Wife’s Lament,” and Beowulf

Assessments: Test on historical period, vocabulary, and texts

Weeks 4-6

The Middle Ages

Texts: The Canterbury Tales: “The Prologue,” and “The Pardoner’s Tale,” and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”; Ballads: “Get up and Bar the Door,” and Misc.

Assessments: Test on historical period, vocabulary, and texts

Research: Academic honesty letter and working thesis are due (wk 5)

Unit 2 The Renaissance Period (1485-1625)

Week 7

Historical Background and unit vocabulary

Texts: Sonnets (Spenserian, Petrarchan, and Shakespearean); pastoral poems

Assessment: Test on historical period, vocabulary, and poems (including sonnet identification and rhyme scheme)

Creative Writing Project: Sonnet with outlined rhyme scheme

Date Due: ______

Research: Annotated Bibliography (sources, etc.)

Weeks 8-10

Historical background of Shakespeare and drama specific vocabulary words

Texts: The Tragedy of Macbeth

Assessments: Test on the play and vocabulary and the EQT

Essay: Persuasive speech/soliloquy Date Due: ______

Research: Topic Outline (wk 9) and Formal Outline (wk 10)

Unit 3 The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century (1625-1798)

Week 11-12 (Quarter 4 Begins)

Historical Background and unit vocabulary

Texts: Misc. selections by John Donne, Johnson, Herrick, and Milton; and “A Modest Proposal,” “The Rape of the Lock,” “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,” and “To His Coy Mistress”

Assessments: Test on historical period, vocabulary, and texts

Research: Rough Draft due (wk 11)

Unit 4 The Romantic Period (1798-1832)

Weeks 13-14

Historical Background and unit vocabulary

Texts: Poems by Blake, Byron, Keats, Shelley, Wordsworth; and “Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” and from “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”

Assessments: Test on historical period, vocabulary, and poems (poem identification)/texts


Date Due: ______

Research: Final Draft and all required materials are due (wk 13)

Unit 5 The Victorian Period (1833-1901)

Week 15

Historical Background and unit vocabulary

Texts: Various poetry selections from Robert Browning; Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Matthew Arnold; Hardy; Hopkins; Housman

Assessment: Test on historical period, vocabulary, and poems (poem identification)

Unit 6 The Modern and Postmodern Periods (1901 to Present)

Week 16

Historical Background and unit vocabulary

Texts: Read selections by Yeats, Eliot, Woolf, Joyce, and misc.

Assessment: Test on historical period, vocabulary, and poems/texts

Week 17

Review units and vocabulary & Assessment: EQT