Administration, Teaching Staff, Board of Education & Bell Schedule…………….……………………...…3
Mission Statement, District Profile, & Commitment Statement……………………………………………..4
LakelandJr. & Sr.High School Student Expectations……………………………………………………….5
Academics and Student Records
Grade Placement
Credits Needed for Gradation
Requirements for Graduation
Credit Requirements for Graduation………………………………………………………6
Missouri Options
Dual Credit
Retention Policy for Seventh and Eighth Grade
Change of Address
Grade Cards
Honor Roll Requirements
Obligations Due
Schedule Changes
Attendance Policy………………………………………………………………………..…………8
Perfect Attendance
Prearranged Absence Policy
SeniorCollege Days
Student Activities……………………………………………………………………………….....9
Extra Curricular Activities
Interscholastic Athletics
School Dance & Athletic Event (non-Athlete) Attendance
Student Activity Participation Policy
Guidance Services…………………………………………………………………………………10
Counseling and Crisis Intervention Sources
Miscellaneous Information and Expectations……………………………………………………..11
Academy Cards
Building Requests
Cafeteria Procedures
Dismissal of School
Driving and Parking Regulations
Early Dismissals and Cancellations……………………………………….……………..12
Enrollment Information
Gold Cards
Illness or Injury
Lunch Prices
Lunch Charges
Lock and Locker Policy
Lost and Found………………………………………………………..…………………13
Parent Conferences
P.E. Requirements
School Bus Regulations
Telephone Calls
School Nurse Information…………………………..…………………………………………….14
Health Services
Medical Update
Medication Policy
Health and Safety
Accident Reports
Emergency Procedures and Information
Fire Drill
Earthquake Drill
Student Discipline…………………………………………………………………………………15
Forms of Discipline
Codes for Student Discipline
Student Discipline Code…………………………………………………………………………...16
Category I Weapons
Category II Weapons
Drugs and Alcohol
Academic Dishonesty
Assault or Threats Towards Faculty/Staff
Bullying & Cyberbullying……………………………………………………………….17
Careless Driving/Parking Lot Violations
Cell Phones
Disruptive Speech/Conduct
Dress Code Violations…………………………………………………………………..18
Failure to Meet Conditions of Suspension, Expulsion, or
Other Disciplinary Consequences
Fireworks or Other Incendiary Devices
Indecent Exposure
Misuse of Computers……………………………………………………………………19
Nuisance Items
Public Display of Affection
Sexting or Possession of Sexually, Explicit, or Violent Material
Sexual Harassment
Verbal Abuse to Staff/Disrespect
Other Notices and Information from the District………………………………………………………….21
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Standard Complaint Resolution Procedure
Missouri Revised Statues – 1994: Public Display of Explicit Sexual Material……….…………22
Annual Asbestos Notification……………………………………………………………………23
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Special Education Public Notice…………………………………………………………………24
Public Notice Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973……………………………………25
LakelandR-IIISchool Public Announcement Surrogate Parent Program
Notice of Designation of Directory Information…………………………………………………26
Sexual Harassment Prohibited Notice to All Employees and Students………………………….27
DESE’s Title IX Coordinator
Lakeland Junior High and High School Staff
Mr. Mitch TowneSuperintendent
Mr. Steve RitterPrincipal
Mr. Mark McLaughlinCounselor
Ms. Linda BourlandSpecial Services Director
Mrs. Carrie LasswellHigh School Secretary
Teaching Staff
Mrs. Amy Batchelett Special Education
Ms. Joni Cook Librarian & Social Studies
Ms. Victoria Cook Science
Mr. Justen Cooper Physical Education
Mrs. Martha Gragg Language Arts
Mrs. Lisa GurleyVocal Music
Mr. Ted Hall Math
Mrs. Natalie Hunter Business Education
Mr. Tyler Janke Social Studies
Mrs. Megan Johnson Language Arts
Mrs. Tabitha Jones Social Studies
Mr. Steve Kuchta Physical Education
Mr. Cody Loyd Band
Mrs. Katie McLaughlin Language Arts
Mr. Bryan Merrick Science
Mrs. Valerie Miller Family and Consumer Science
Mr. Chuck Reece Agricultural Education
Mrs. Crissella Waggoner Art
Mrs. Mary Winter Math
Board Members
Mr. Jeff DullPresident
Mr. John StewartVice President
Mr. Allen WilkinsTreasurer
Mr. David GarciaMember
Mr. Mat MeekerMember
Mr. Matt WirsigMember
Class Schedule
8:15-9:051st Period
9:09-9:592nd Period
10:03-10:533rd Period
10:57-11:17JH Lunch/HS Academy
11:21-12:115th Hour
12:15-12:35HS Lunch/JH Academy
12:38-1:286th Period
1:32-2:227th Period
2:26:3:168th Period
The LakelandR-IIISchool District will prepare and empower students to become contributing members of a democratic society with high moral standards and who take responsibility for their own actions.
LakelandR-IIIHigh School gained its own identity in the fall of 1976. LowryCity and Deepwater consolidated to form one school system. Located off Highway 13, between LowryCity and Deepwater, the campus became the realization of a dream. Uniting made it possible to offer students a wide range of curricular and co-curricular courses and events.
The school, however, is much more than a building. It is a group of exciting young people growing, learning and maturing. It is dedicated educators and a board of education leading our young people through many varied experiences and accomplishments. It is bus drivers, custodians, cooks, secretaries and aides all helping the teacher and students achieve their potential.
It is concerned and co-operative patrons and parents all working together to make LakelandR-IIIHigh School, a school, where dreams become reality and where a vision will keep us growing
REAFFIRMATION OF FAITH: Believing in America’s democratic processes, we, the members of the Board of Education, having been elected by the citizens of this community, hereby reaffirm our faith in the Lakeland R-III School System.
EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Seeking to serve the best interests of all students at Lakeland, we declare publicly our aim to provide the highest educational opportunities for each and every one of our young people to the end that they may find challenge, inspirations and success limited only by their own potential and ambition.
BEST TEACHERS AVAILABLE: In providing these opportunities we shall continue our endeavor to discover, attract and hold the best teaching talent available. To be successful in this quest, we shall offer professional salaries and other opportunities and benefits comparable to those available in school systems similar to ours.
PROGRAM OF QUALITY: Respecting the administrators selected to supervise and direct the program of education, we shall encourage them by every honorable means to maintain an educational program of quality.
THE KEY FIGURE: Realizing that the key professional figure in all education is the classroom teacher, we shall exercise the power and authority vested in us to insure their freedom to teach under truly professional conditions.
PARENTS INVITED: Understanding the concern and interest of parents whose children are in this district, we shall invite them and all other interested citizens to attend board meetings, visit the school, participate in appropriate activities and confer with teachers and school officials.
THE COMMUNITY: Recognizing our legal and moral obligations to the community, we shall strive most diligently to manage the schools in a sound and economical manner, to avoid unnecessary expense, to shun extravagance and wherever desirable to call on citizens to sit in on such deliberations in advance of decisions.
It is our sincere desire that you experience a positive and rewarding school year. In order to achieve this goal, we feel it is essential that you become familiar with the following rules and regulations. If there are rules or procedures that you do not understand, please do not hesitate to check with your principal, counselor or teachers.
GRADE PLACEMENT: Placement in a particular grade is based on passing 80% of your classes and being able to graduate with that particular class.
Credits needed:Sophomores6 credits
Juniors12 credits
Seniors18 credits
Students must pass American History and Government. Also, successfully pass the U.S. Constitution test and Missouri Constitution test. Section 170.011 RSMo. (1989) requires all students to successfully complete a unit in American Government and Citizenship. Students can meet this requirement by passing the American Government and Citizenship unit being offered in the Government course.
The requirements stated are the minimum for graduation. Students are encouraged to take advantage of courses offered to obtain the best education possible.
In order to participate in graduation exercises and proceedings, seniors must have successfully completed all course work designated by the Lakeland R-III School District.
Any student who is within one credit of meeting all requirements may with the approval of the principal enroll in a correspondence course from a principal approved program. A request must be completed in writing to the principal requesting participation in the program. Following approval, the student and parent will meet with the school counselor and enroll in the prescribed course at least four weeks before graduation must. All expenses are to be paid by the student.
Students must attend Lakeland R-III High School the last semester of their senior year to be eligible for a diploma from our high school.
All students are required to attend eight semesters in grades 9-12. Permission may be granted for an exception to this requirement. Students must meet with the principal prior to October 1st to be considered for early graduation. Students are expected to attend school with a full schedule. Students must attend eight semesters and the last four at Lakeland R-III in order to be considered for Salutatorian or Valedictorian.
The general curriculum is required of all students. The general curriculum is an acceptable curriculum for college entrance; however, the choice of the college preparatory curriculum should better prepare you for success in the college or university of your choice.
4 UnitsLanguage Arts
3 UnitsSocial Sciences
3 UnitsMath
3 UnitsScience
1 UnitsPractical Arts
1 UnitsPhysical Education
1 UnitsFine Arts
½ UnitsHealth
½ UnitsPersonal Finance
7 UnitsElectives
Total Credits Needed: 24
Students who are more than one year behind their cohort (kindergarten classmates) at the start of their senior year may apply for the MO Options program. The student will attend school regularly and meet all requirements for personal finance, health, PE, and any other local requirements to earn their diploma. The student must also pass the MO GED test at their own expense. Students successfully completing the program will receive a Lakeland High School diploma.
To promote academic rigor and preparation for education following high school, Lakeland High School will accept and offer dual credit courses. Dual credit courses may be offered online, on campus, or at another location. Only courses approved by administration may be used for dual credit. Summer courses or additional courses taken by a student outside school hours may not be counted for dual credit. Students enrolled in College credit classes will be weighted.
A student will be promoted after passing ten semester classes out of fourteen possible. A student that fails two semester core classes for the year will be required to attend summer school in order to be promoted. A retention committee subject to the principal’s approval will review other students at the end of the year. All students retained will be reviewed at the end of the first semester. Promotion will be considered for those students who have made substantial improvement.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If a student moves during the school year, he/she must report the change to the office immediately. In order to keep the office files up to date; it is necessary to have the student’s residence, mailing address and telephone number
GRADE CARDS: Grade cards are issued at mid-term and at the end of the quarter.
HONOR ROLL REQUIREMENTS: In order for a student to be on the “A” honor roll, they must maintain a 3.67 G.P.A. and have no more than one “C” for the quarter and no grade below a “C-”.
For a student to be on the “B” honor roll, they must maintain a 3.00 G.P.A. and have no more than two “C’s” and no failing grades.
Each student is allowed one bumper sticker per year providing they meet the requirement of being on the A or B Honor Roll in any quarter.
OBLIGATIONS DUE: A student will be ineligible, transcripts and diplomas will be held until all fines and obligations are met.
SCHEDULE CHANGES: Schedules must be changed within the first week of the semester. Change will be based on space available, parent, teacher, counselor and principal approval.
Missouri Compulsory Attendance Law requires all students of ages 7-17 to be in regular attendance. Excessive truancy will be referred to the respective county juvenile office after the parent/guardian has been notified of the student’s activities and given a chance to improve the situation. A school absence is defined as not being present at school for all or any part of a regular school day. A class absence will be recorded when a student misses more than 35 minutes of a class; however, any absence due to a student’s participation in school sponsored activities will not be recorded as an absence. The responsibility for school attendance and promptness to class is that of the student. The parent/guardian and the school shall share the cultivation of these attributes.
The following procedures have been established for students attending school at Lakeland R-III:
Absences will be classified into three categories:
A. Excused - an excused absence is one verifiable by a student’s parent/guardian or by the school for the following reasons: personal illness, doctor/dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside the regular school day, school sponsored activities, and pre-arranged absences.
B. Unexcused - an unexcused absence is defined as one in which is known by the parent but does not fall in one of the categories listed under “excused” or is not approved by the school in advance of the absence.
C. Truancy - is defined as the act of staying out of school, or a specific class without parent or school permission. Parents will be notified either by phone or mail.See Page 21 for consequences of truancy.
When a student is absent except for a school activity, the following procedures will be followed:
If a student is absent from school, one of the student’s parents should call the school before 9:00 AM or soon thereafter. Parents are to inform the school of the reason for the student’s absence.
A student not in attendance for at least half of a day will not be allowed to attend or participate in extra-curricular activities unless excused by the principal.
- Students will have the same number of school days they were absent to complete make-up work unless they are counted truant. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain information from the teacher regarding missed work and to turn make-up work in on time. Make-up work not completed during the allotted time will be recorded as a zero.
- The classification of a student’s absence as excused or truant is the responsibility of the administration in conjunction with the Board of Education.
- Students may not make up work when counted truant from school (unexcused from school).
- Assignments or tests which were announced prior to the student’s absence will be due the day the student returns to school, even if the class does not meet that day. Students who know in advance that they will be absent (family vacation, school activity) will be required to complete assignments before the absence.
- Students who are suspended out of school (OSS) cannot make-up work missed during those absences.
- Make-up for final exams requires administrative approval.
PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCE MAKE UP WORK: Students going on school sponsored activities or with a pre-arranged absence, which will require them to miss some part of a school day, must have a slip signed by all teachers whose class will be missed, stating that the student has obtained the work for the missed class BEFORE going on the trip or missing school. These slips are to be obtained from the activity sponsor or coach or in the high school office and returned to the coach/sponsor prior to going on the activity.
SIGNING OUT OF SCHOOL: All students must have the permission of the principal or superintendent before signing out of school. When permission is granted, the student will sign-out on the check-out sheet in the office. Any unauthorized absence will be regarded as an unexcused absence and may lead to disciplinary action. A note or phone call from a parent must accompany the student’s request to leave school.
PERFECT ATTENDANCE: Perfect attendance is defined as having no time absent from the regular school day. All minutes missed will count against perfect attendance. The Lakeland R-III School District values education and realizes that students need to be in attendance as much as possible. To help encourage attendance the district may provide incentives on perfect attendance.
PREARRANGED ABSENCE POLICY: Parents must make a request for a prearranged absence. This request can be made in writing or by a phone call. The purpose of this request is so that a student may keep up with their work. When a student will be gone for an extended amount of time, this is to be approved by the principal. Students must obtain all work prior to the prearranged absence and have all work completed upon return.
SENIOR COLLEGE DAYS: Seniors are allowed two college visitation days. All visits should be pre-arranged with the office. When the student returns, they must present a note to the office from the college, indicating the student visited their campus. If properly verified, these absences do not count against a student.
A student who is a member of the Lakeland School District is under the direct control of the school. This applies whether they are under suspension or are participating in an activity of the school. This includes activities at the school and away from school. Any student not conducting himself as a proper citizen will be subject to immediate suspension.
The school organizations are valuable contributions to school life. They are both recreational and educational. They provide for many worthwhile interests not found in the classroom. They furnish fine opportunities for student initiative, cooperation and leadership as well as opportunities for pleasant social relations.
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Extra curricular activities are offered to supplement the total educational program. Extra curricular activities are a privilege and students are expected to maintain eligibility by maintaining their grades at a high level and demonstrating good citizenship. Students must follow all policies set by the Lakeland School District and the MSHSAA. (See Athletic and Activities handbook)