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April 20, 2018 #15
Community Issue
Choir Community Newsletter
Quick Reminders!
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GHC Choir Sectionals
Alto/Bass Apr 23, 24 & 26
Soprano/Tenor Apr 30 + May 1& 3
Details in the Special Notes section
GHC Home Sectionals
Between now and the concerts
Details in the Opportunities To Sing section
Siobhan & Denis’
Victoria Community Leadership Awards Gala
May 3rd @ Government House
Details in the Special Notes section
Students & Teachers Ban Treaty SWAT
Friday May 4th, Claremont School
Details in the Opportunities To Sing section
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For access to all current and archived issues please go to:
GHC Choir Sectional Schedule
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(Sectionals What/How?) There will be Alto and Bass sectionals all three nights the week of April 23, 24 & 26 from 6:45 to 7:30. Please be there a bit early so we can warm up and be singing
the repertoire starting right at 6:45.
On April 30, May 1 & May 3 it will be the Soprano and Tenor sections'turn.
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SpecialNotes! (cont.)
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Siobhan and Denis to receive
Victoria Community Leadership Awards!
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Every year, members of an organization called Leadership Victoriaas well as the University of Victoria and the Victoria Foundation, announce who will receive the prestigiousVictoriaCommunityLeadership Awardsto celebrate the inspiring stories and successes of community leadership in Greater Victoria. On Monday it was announced that two of this year's recipients will be our dear Denis and Siobhan.
The selection criteria for these awards are based on their impact for the Greater Victoria community. As a choir, we know well what this impact means to us, and here is some of what the awards group considered:
Siobhan and Denis are an exemplary team, who model inclusivity, collaboration, and inspire excellence in others. They bring together people from differentgenerations, cultures, and backgrounds and show us there are no differences, there is just one voice.
Thousands of people have found expression through music, and because of that we have created community. This community then not only works to serveand support each other, but also serves the larger community. We have had 20+ years of fundraising concerts for the Power of Hope and The CaiaConnection. SWAT events allow us to add our voice to local causes through song.
Denis and Siobhan have demonstrated and lived their values and integrity in their leadership.
This award isn’t about “winning,” it’s about sharing their successes – 24 individuals will be highlighted this year for their contributions to community, at a gala event at Government House on May 3, 2018, 5:30-8:00pm at Government House. Tickets at $75 per person are available online here.
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Submitted by Dick Jackson & Cathy Baker
Siobhan & Denis were nominated by GHC Tuesday Alto Diana Smith
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Most of you know that we sing “off book” in our concerts.
For any new folks who may have missed hearing about that…we do sobecause when we sing confidently from our hearts in concert, without our books between us and the audience, we maximize both our joy in singing and our audience’s joy in listening!
We are now passed the half-way point of the season. This is a good time to start weaning ourselves off our sheet music. As we do so we will enable ourselves to focus on the feel and dynamics of our songs so that we get them solidly into our hearts along with the words and notes.
While we haven't learned, let alone memorized, every bit of every song at this point it is a good idea to put our sheet music down periodically to try singing without it.
By doing so we will:
a)learn what we don't know so that we can focus our memorization efforts on those bits
b)learn our parts more quickly by ear than by staring at the little dots
c)free our eyes to focus on Siobhan & Denis' directing to get the timing and dynamics of each song
d)find that we can often get lyrics we are missing by watching them mouth the words (but sometimes different sections have different words or timing so be careful)
e)most importantly the more we can sing without looking at our book for the words or the notes the more joy we will get from the singing from night to night as well as at the concerts!
The above information is an excerpt from a more detailed document that can be opened by clicking on:
How To Make The Most Of Your Concert Experience.
~ Bill
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SpecialNotes! (cont.)
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Current Singers’ Practice CDs
I sent out a special announcement to all the current singers at 8:23 pm on Friday, April 20th about this season’s Practice CDs. If you are a currently registered member and missed that notification please note:
I will be distributing the CDs this week this coming week (Apr. 23, 24 & 26). Please get your orders in to 250-920-460 ASAP and be prepared to pick-up your copy, or have a choir friend pick it up, on one of those dates. If neither option is practical please contact me to make alternate arrangements as early as possible. My being able to get them all distributed quickly would truly be a gift.
For full “What, Why & How” details please click here.
As long as you get your order to me by noon the day before you plan to pick your copy up I will have it ready for you.
Sorry for the last minute notification but we are running a bit late on getting the practice CDs out this season and need to “get ‘er dun!”
~ Bill
My Choir Schedule
Now that the registration period is over I may not be at choir every night. My schedule will be varied but in general I will be at each session at least once every two weeks. My schedule for the two weeks is:
Monday Apr. 23
Tuesday Apr. 24
Thursday Apr. 26
Tuesday May 1
When I am not there fee payments can be given to Dick or Cathy.
If you have other business to complete with me or questions you want answered you are welcome to contact me at 250-920-4160 (9 to 9 daily).
~ Bill
*********************** QUOTABLES ***********************
Humming is like a gateway drug to singing
Will Hewitt - TEDX TalkSinging Yourself Alive
Editor’s Collection
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Community Members’Submissions
The appearance of an item in this newsletter does not constitute a GHC endorsement
of whatever that item offers. The responsibility for each item rests with
the person named in the item’s “Submitted by…” line.
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Using Our Newsletters Submission Guidelines Sections You Can Submit Items To
Sign The Test Ban SWAT
Thank you very much to more than forty singers who came to the SWAT on April 13th evening. Thank you to Cathy and Dick for wonderful leadership of the group and the audience. You made a huge impact. People were joining in the singing, and one woman told Cathy "You saved my life tonight." Singing together is such a powerful experience. Thank you for bringing it to this audience.
Submitted by Mary-Wynne Ashford, MTT
Alto and CCLT grad.
Opportunities To Sing
High Noon Choir….
A daytime community choir, led by Siobhan Robinsong.
The Spring Season began Tuesday, April 3, and will run through to June 19.
New members are always welcome.
We have a wide variety of songs that are easy to learn, fun and uplifting to sing.
And of course, all voices are welcome.
Location: Church of Truth, 111 Superior Street. Fee: $100 - $80, sliding scale.
Further information: 250.386.3181 or
Siobhan Robinsong, HNC Director
GHC Home Sectional Schedule
If you are so confident that you don’t need to participate please do so could be the wind under everyone else’s vocal wings.
May 16th ~ Basses @ Bill’s
With Denis leading
I am hosting a home sectional led by Denis for all Basses on May 16th. Doors open 6:30 and we sing from 7:00 p.m. to about 8:30. The more of us there are the better it will be.
Beverages of choice and snacks to share are welcome. The practice will be followed by a social gathering for those feeling social.
77 Gorge Rd. West, (at Wascana across from Wings ~ # 8 or #11 bus). Follow the signs from the gate. Map:
For further information or answers to your questions please contact me at 250-920-4160 (9 to 9) or at
Submitted by: Bill Hanson,
GHC multi-night Bass
May 20th ~ Tenors @ Syd’s
Led by Denis!
Date: Sunday May 20th
Place: 1335 Roy Rd
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm followed by a potluck dinner.
Please don't use GPS as it is incorrect. If you drive on Interurban away from town, go two blocks past Wilkinson
and turn left onto Roy. Then drive to the northwest end of Roy. Carpool if possible.
I'll make a pot of vegetarian chilli for the pot luck. Appies, salads and desserts will be welcomed. No nuts please!
Any questions : 250 812 1632 or
Submitted by Syd Varley
GHC Monday Tenor
Opportunities To Sing (cont.)
Students & Teachers SWAT
Teachers' Professional Day,
Claremont High School, Saanich
Student and Teacher gathering on the Nuclear Ban Treaty. Students from 25 schools invited with a teacher from each school. 250 expected.
Music will be infused all day and all GHC members are welcome to come to all the presentations and workshops. The formal time for the SWAT will be in the workshop between 1 and 3 pm. (two performances). You can come all day or just for a workshop or two. Please sign up with Mary-Wynne for this event. We need to know numbers.
May 4th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
- 90 minutes led by Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford and Dr. Jonathan Down
- student podcasts on the issue of nuclear weapons
- lunch provided
- Two 45 minute workshops include one called: "Power of Music in Social Revolutions". GHC will sing for 15 minutes and Greg Greenway will try to connect by Skype.
- Other concurrent workshops on how to do TED talks, social media, planning campaigns, meeting your elected officials
- Wrap up and follow-up plans until 3 pm.
Submitted by Mary-Wynne Ashford
GHC Mon/Tue/Thu Alto & CCLT Grad
Victoria Mendelssohn Choir’s
Summer Choir
Great News - The Summer Choir has returned….!
Tuesdays, June 19 – Aug 21 p; - 7 – 9
First Baptist Church, 877 North Park Street, Victoria
Corner of North Park Street and Quadra Street
August 17 – 7:00pm
Church of the Advent,
510 Mt View Avenue, Colwood
August 18 – 7:00pm
Alix Goolden Hall,
907 Pandora Avenue, Victoria
August 19 – 3:00pm
SHOAL Centre,
10030 Resthaven Drive, Sidney
Simon Leung
If you are interested in joining us, please register no later thanApril 30via email , indicating your part…S,A,T, or B.
The Fee is $60:00 and is payable at the first rehearsal on June 19 by cash or cheque made payable to Victoria Mendelssohn Choir.
Submitted by Dick Jackson
GHC Co-Director & CCLT14-2017
Word Of Mouth/ Recommendations
For supporting and celebrating 'others' whose businesses / actions / way of being / kind words - whatever! - have helped you, us and/or our world grow, come alive and/or prosper.
A positively awesome
“positivelyAFRICA” Online Auction!
Support efforts to build a primary school in Kenya by bidding on a wide variety of items until April 15th. From groceries and specialty foods, beer and wine, coffee, yoga, art, musical instruments and so much more! Create your account at and let the bargains begin!
Submitted by Sabine Laubental
lapsed GHC Alto
Word Of Mouth / Recommendations(cont.)
These Hands - Dave Gunning
Here's Dave Gunning singing his song, "These Hands," that the GHC will be performing in June.
Performance withintro Shorter At Home Version
And BTW, Dave will be performing in Sidney on June 2nd, at St. Paul's United Church (presented by Deep Cove Folk). Tickets at Tanner's Books and Lyles Place.
Submitted by Tom Ovanin
GHC Monday/Tuesday & HNC Bass
Playing For Change
Check out their blog and the rest of their site. Listen to the music and maybe get involved.
Blog Home Page
Submitted by Francine Wallace
GHC Thursday Soprano
*********************** QUOTABLES ***********************
A song will outlive all the sermons in memory.
Henry Giles
Editor’s Collection
Community Networking
Please help me change
the life of a child with a mentor
Big Brothers Big Sisters Victoria matches about 600 children to improve their lives. We have many children on the waiting list and there are new programs we can’t use because of lack of funds to set up the matches - an important step where great care must be taken.
Our annual fundraising event, Bowl for Kids Sake, is on April 30th and I'd like you to help me raise funds.
You can do it online and automatically get a tax receipt.
Contact me with questions. or 250.388.3798
Submitted by Mike Wyeth
GHC Thursday bass.
*********************** QUOTABLES ***********************
The only thing better than singing is more singing.
Ella Fitzgerald
Editor’s Collection
Available & Wanted
Looking for a job
I just recently moved here and bring communications, PR, marketing and change support skills, a Master's degree in Business and work experience in personal/spiritual development, healthcare and education.
My work and passion is to inform and engage the right people with the right message at the right time and through the most effective materials and channels. Strategic guidance and developing content for e.g. websites, social media, newsletters, presentations, press releases and brochures are my specialties.
Any hints who might be looking for these skills welcome. Thank you.
250 884 6013 LinkedIn
Submitted by Ute Kranefeld,
GHC Tuesday Alto
Things & Opportunities
Sewing Machine Wanted
Hello choir family,
I'm looking for the donation of a simple used portable sewing machine. If you have one just gathering dust in a closet, I'd love to use it. My phone is 250 380-4649.
Submitted by Catherine Cardinal.
GHC Thursday Soprano
Community Marketplace
Olive Oil For Sale
I received a shipment of olive oil from my sister’s production on Lesvos Island, Greece. It is certified organic, extra virgin, cold pressed, delicious nutty flavour.
Prices are: $30/litre , $18/ half l, $28/l for 6 to 9 litres (You get a $2 discount if you bring your own bottles). $270 for a 10 ltr container. Similar oil sells for $50/l in specialty shops.
I can deliver at choir on Mondays, and can arrange a few Thursday and Tuesday nights. For more information, and orders, email me:
Submitted by Claire Ebendinger,
GHC Monday soprano
** ** **************************************
AccommodationAvailable & Wanted
Seaside Cottage Available
May 4 - June 14, $675 per week.
Two-bedroom plus study waterfront home in Brentwood Bay. Stunning sunsets over Saanich Inlet. Near Butchart Gardens, ocean walkway, restaurants, bus route. Easy commute to Victoria. Large deck with barbeque, overlooking Anglers Anchorage Marina. Beach access for kayaking. Parking for 2 cars, pet-friendly. References required.
Contact: or 250-217-8371
Submitted by Caroline Caiger
Former GHC Monday Soprano
Community Events
(April 21st)
Earth Vespers:
Music for the Living Planet
On the eve of Earth Day, The Solaris Project is giving a free evening concert at the James Bay United Church celebrating the wonder of our living world, compassion for all who live here, and the interconnectedness of Life.
With fiddles, folk ballads, swingin' roots-rock, saxophones sing-alongs, a cappella anthems and reverential vespers, many genres blend in this musical, magical, meditative service for the living Earth.
Come to the James Bay United Church at 7:30pm, Saturday, April 21st to join us in a mindful, heart-filled celebration of honour and gratitude for the miracle of Life on Mother Earth!
Submitted by: Maria McKenty
GHC Thursday soprano
(April 22)
The Merry McKenty's at Norway House
The Merry McKentysare a seven-piece family band consisting of five brothers, one sister, a dad, three fiddles, a guitar, a mandolin, a banjo, and an accordion, with frequent appearances by other instruments and family members.
" We were enchanted, lifted, blown away and thoroughly entertained by the music you shared with us ... We loved your openness, your delight in life and the quality of your music. Please come again! You spread the message of love, peace and good will so well - The Merry McKentys are a force for the Light in the world."
~ Sue Averill, Artistic director Nanaimo Folk Connection.
Come hear some toe taping, cheery tunes at the Victoria Folk Music Society. Sunday April 22nd 9pm, Norway House, 1110 Hillside Ave.
$5 admission.
Submitted by Maria McKenty
GHC Thursday Soprano
(Apr 22 & 29 + May 6, 13, etc.)
James Bay Coffee & Books
Tea Leaf Readings
By: Ellena
Every Sunday from 2 - 4 pm