Engaging Learning Experiences Planner

Performance Task

Subject / English Language Arts
Grade/Course / 5
Unit of Study / Unit I Uncovering Meaning and Message in Literature
Personal Narrative: Dialogue, Description and Events
Duration of Unit / 25 days+ 5 days reteaching
Essential Questions / Corresponding Big Ideas
1. How do writers construct their personal narratives so that they are interesting to readers?
2. How do writers develop their narratives to communicate their story in a clear and natural way?
3. Why do writers reread and edit their personal narratives? / 1. Writers use dialogue, description, and personal events to make their personal narratives interesting.
2. Writers use transitional words, phrases, and commas to separate their ideas and communicate their story in a clear way.
3. Writers need to edit their personal narrative for meaning, interest and style.
Priority Standards
Reading - Literature
CC.5.R.L.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
CC.5.L.2.b Use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence.
CC.5.L.3.a. Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style
CC.5.W.3.b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations.
CC.5.W.3.c. Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events.
Supporting Standards
Reading - Literature
CC.5.R.L.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact).
CC.5.SL.1.b Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
CC.5.L.2.e Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
CC.5.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
CC.5.W.9.a Apply grade 5 Reading standardsto literature (e.g., “Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or a drama, drawing on specific details in the text [e.g., how characters interact]”).
CC.5.W.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
CC.5.W.3.a Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.
CC.5.W.3.b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations.
CC.5.W.3.d Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.
CC.5.W.3.e Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.
Interdisciplinary Connections and Related Priority Standards
Specific to Task #2 / 21st Century Learning Skills
Specific to Task
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Initiative and Leadership
  • Curiosity and Imagination
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Critical thinking and Problem Solving
  • Flexibility and Adaptability
  • Effective Oral and Written Communication
  • Accessing and Analyzing Information

“Unwrapped” Concepts
(students need to know) / “Unwrapped” Skills
(students need to be able to do) / Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels
  • fantasy
Personal Narrative
Narrative techniques
  • Dialogue
  • Description
  • Pacing
  • Details of experiences and events
  • Responses of characters to situations
Organizing Events
  • Transitional words, phrases, and clauses
  • Commas to separate an introductory element
Editing Sentences / Explain (from details in the text)
  • the theme
  • how characters respond to challenges
  • how speaker reflects upon a topic
Apply narrative techniques such as dialogue, description, and pacing)
Develop events
Produce the responses of characters to situations in writing
Select (a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses) to ORGANIZE (the sequence of events)
Use (a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence) / 2
Engaging Scenario
Overview: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Indian in the Cupboard and Maniac Magee are excellent examples of a fantasy story. As part of this unit of study, students will work in groups to write his/her own fantasy story. This task will take place in three parts. In the first part, groups will determine the setting. In the second part they will develop the characters and finally write a fantasy story.
Engaging Scenario:
Calling all fifth graders!!!!!! The Oompa- Loompa Elementary School Library is in desperate need of children’s fantasy books. Your talent and creativity has landed you the opportunity of a lifetime. Put on your author’s hat, rally your group and get ready to write!
Performance Task Synopses
*Note to Teacher:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the suggested book for this Performance Task. However, you may choose any fantasy story that you feel is appropriate. Please review the performance task components to make sure your book and other instructional materials provide sufficient exposure to the elements students need to complete the tasks.
Task 1: Create a Setting (10 points)
Task 2: Describe the 3 main characters (15 points)
Task 3: Plan your fantasy story – identify the problem, 3 main eventsand resolution (15 points)
Task 4: Write a fantasy story (50 points)
Task 5: Create a Story Board (10 pts)
Performance Task # 1
In Detail
Task 1: Create a Setting
  • Teacher will distribute or read aloud the three descriptions of settings from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach and Maniac Mageeor other descriptions of setting. Through these examples, students will learn to become more descriptive in their writing. Groups will work together to write a paragraph describing the setting of their fantasy story.
  • The teacher will divide the students into small cooperative groups
  • The groups will brainstorm and chart ideas for possible settings, each student will contribute an idea to the list
  • Groups will share their ideas with the class (optional)
  • Each student will select a setting for his/her their individual story (independent work)
  • Each student will write a descriptive paragraph about the setting selected. Students should be sure to tell when and where their story takes place (independent work). An optional graphic organizer has been included.

Task #1 Scoring Guide
See Rubric Below


Goal / Proficient / Basic
(Must do all)
Student contributed a setting during brainstorming activity (group work) (2 pts)
Student has chosen a setting for his/her fantasy story (2 pts.)
Vivid words are used to describe the setting. (2 pts)
When the story takes place is included in the description. (2 pts)
The description is written in complete sentences. (2 pts) / Meets 4 of “Goal” criteria / Meets 3 or fewer of “Goal” criteria
Task to be repeated after reteaching

_____10 pts

Performance Task # 2
In Detail
Task 2: Name and describe three main characters
  • Teacher leads a short discussion about character traits using characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (or teacher’s selected book)
  • Students will name three (or more)characters that will be used in their fantasy stories
  • Students will clearly describe their three (or more) characters
  • Students will illustrate their characters

Task #2 Scoring Guide
See Rubric Below


Goal / Proficient / Basic
(Must do all)
Character 1
Name (1 pt)
Illustration (1 pt)
Description of character traits and physical appearance is vivid. (3 pts)
Character 2
Name (1 pt)
Illustration (1 pt)
Description of character traits and physical appearance is vivid. (3 pts)
Character 3
Name (1 pt)
Illustration (1 pt)
Description of character traits and physical appearance is vivid. (3 pts) / Meets 8 of “Goal” criteria / Meets 7 or fewer of “Goal” criteria
Task to be repeated after reteaching

____/15 pts

Performance Task # 3
In Detail
Task 3:Complete a fantasy Story Map
  • Teacher will conduct a class discussion about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (or selected book), noting characters, setting, problem, main event and resolution.
  • Students will complete story planner (attached)for their fantasy story. They will include
  • The Problem
  • Three main events
  • The resolution

Task 3 Scoring Guide


Goal / Proficient / Basic
(Must do all)
Problem is clearly stated (3 pts)
Main event 1 is clearly stated (3 pts)
 Main event 2 is clearly stated (3 pts)
Main event 3 is clearly stated (3 pts)
Resolution is clearly stated. (3 pts) / Meets 4 of “Goal” criteria / Meets 3 or fewer of “Goal” criteria
Task to be repeated after reteaching

____/15 pts

Performance Task # 4
In Detail
Task 4:
  • The teacher will review tasks 1-3 with each student prior to having them begin Task 4
  • Students will use their information from tasks 1-3, with comments and suggestions from the teacher, to write and type their fantasy story (Allow at least2 DAYS for the writing)
  • Students must be sure to edit, revise and type final draft. (See rubric)

Task 4 Scoring Guide
See Rubric Below


Goal / Proficient / Basic
(Must do all)
Introduces Setting (5pts)
Describes characters (5pts)
Describes problem(5pts)
Main Events are included (5pts)
Resolution is included (5 pts)
Uses dialogue (5 pts)
Story sequence is well organized (4pts)
Sentence length is varied for meaning, interest, and style (4 pts)
0-5 grammatical errors (4 pts)
0-5 punctuation errors (4 pts)
No more than 5 spelling errors for common sight words (4 pts) / Meets 8-10 of “Goal” criteria / Meets 7 or below of “Goal” criteria
Task to be repeated after

____/ 50 pts

Performance Task # 5
In Detail
Task 5:
  • Each student will create a story board for his or her fantasy story that:
Showseach main character at least once on the storyboard
Illustrates at least the 3 main events in the story
Fills one 8 ½ by 11 sheet of paper with each scene being illustrated
Is colorful
Includes a caption or quote under each illustration
Task 5 Scoring Guide
See Attached


Goal / Proficient / Basic
(Must do all)
All 3 main characters are included in the story board (2 pts)
3 Main events are illustrated (2 pts)
Each illustration fills an 8 ½ x 11 (or larger) sheet of paper (2 pts)
All illustrations are colorful (2 pts)
There is a caption or quote above or below each illustration (2 pts) / Meets 4 of “Goal” criteria / Meets 3 or fewer of “Goal” criteria
Task to be repeated after reteaching

____/10 pts

Name: ______Date______

Unit 1 PerformanceTask

Student Grade Sheet

Task 1: Create a setting /10 pts

Task 2: Name & describe 3 main characters/15 pts

Task 3: Plan a Fantasy Story/15 pts

Task 4: Write a fantasy story/50 pts

Task 5: Create a story board/10 pts

Total Score/100 pts

Goal / Proficient / Basic
100 pts / 75-88 / 74 or below

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