CHECK FOR HEALTH 2016Worksite Environment Assessment

What can CHECK FOR HEALTH 2016 tell us?

The purpose of this tool is to measure the strengths of your worksite wellness programover the past year, to help you determine and prioritize strategies for the coming year.The results create a snapshot of your workplace through a wellness lens, to help your wellness committee focus on actionable environmental changes—programs, policies and facilities—that support the health and wellbeing of employees.

As you complete the assessment year after year, you will see the progress of your program and how it compares with other Minnesota government entities in the following areas:

  • Wellness Infrastructure
  • Healthy Eating
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Activity
  • Safety and Emergency Medical Response
  • Tobacco Use
  • Employee Education, Motivation and Support

How do we complete the assessment?

The assessment must be completed and a copy returned to Linda Feltes by February 9, 2017 to be included in a report that will be generated from the results for you. This report, or Work Well Summary, places your results alongside those of other agencies. It will serve as a tool for your wellness committee to share with employees, human resources, safety officers and senior managers, for example.

Gather a group of 3-5 people from various organizational units to complete the assessment together, especially human resources and facilities.Send this assessment to the group in advance of your meeting so all have time to consider questions related to policy, benefits and other areas that may require someresearch or expertise.

If your agency has more than one location, have an assessment completed by a work group at each location as many of the questions are site-specific.

Where do we go from here?

Once you have completed the assessment, review what your group checked as priorities to help focus your objectives and strategies in the short and long term. Resources for realizing your priorities can be found on the Work Well website: Return a copy of the completed assessment to Josephine Opong-Vaughn by February 9, 2017.

Where can we get help?

Don’t hesitate to contact Josephine Opong-Vaughn with 651-201-8171.

CHECK FOR HEALTH 2016Worksite Environment Assessment

State of Minnesota agency name:______


Names of survey-takers:______

Our worksite wellness program… / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Is guided by a wellness committee

  1. Committee has commitment fromsenior managers

  1. Committee hascommitment frommiddle managers/supervisors

  1. Has a name and logo

  1. Has a written mission/vision statement

  1. Has written, measurable objectives and strategies

  1. Receives financial support/funding

  1. Has paid (part or full-time) staff time to implement wellness strategies

  1. Communicates health messages and programs in multiple ways (e.g. intranet, newsletter, flyers, emails)

  1. Tracks employee participation in wellness programs and uses information to set objectives and strategies

  1. Has, in the past 12 months, promoted the StayWell health assessment and coaching programs

  1. Tracks behavior changes using the health assessment results and uses information to set objectives and strategies

  1. Is described to employees during new employee training

  1. Is described to managers during manager training

Our worksite wellness program… / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Has, in the past 12 months, reported results and plans to senior managers

  1. Senior managers consider wellness in policy and facility decision and/or involve the wellness committee

WORKSITE HEALTHY EATING: Our worksite… / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Inventoried food and drink choices in the vending machines and has requested nutritious foods, and/or adjusting placement, pricing and/or labeling of healthier foods in the past 12 months

  1. Inventoried food and drink choices in the cafeteria and has requested nutritious foods, and/or adjusting placement, pricing and/or labeling of healthier foods

  1. Has a written policy to make healthful foods available at meetings that serve food

  1. Provides employees with clean food preparation and storage facilities

  1. Provides dedicated space away from work areas for employee breaks and meals

  1. Assures access to fresh produce with an on-site or nearby farmers market or community supported agriculture (CSA) membership or onsite garden

  1. Has a written policy or guidelines supporting breastfeeding

  1. Provides a private, clean and comfortable lactation room

  1. Notifies expectant or returning-to-work moms about the location of the lactation room

Healthy Eating totals
MENTAL HEALTH: Our worksite… / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Has, in the past 12 months, informed employees about counseling and resources available through LifeMatters EAP

  1. Has, in the past 12 months, informed employees about benefits and resources available for working caregivers

  1. Provides dedicated space for quiet and relaxation

  1. Has a written policy that allows for work/life balance, such as flexible work schedules or working off-site

  1. Has used EAP’s internal Organizational Health service to resolve workplace issues

Mental Health totals
SAFETY & EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE: Our worksite… / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Hasinformed employees about the availability of ergonomic assessments in the past year

  1. Provides sit/stand workstations, or tall work surfacesso employees may alternate standing and sitting during the workday

  1. Has a written plan for emergency medical response that includes heart attack and stroke

  1. Has, in the past 12 months, shared the emergency medical response plan with all employees

  1. Has emergency directions and the building address posted near each phone

  1. Has an automatic external defibrillator (AED) on site and easily accessible

  1. Incorporates workplace safety into new employee orientation

  1. Has, in the past 12 months, offered emergency training in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to employees

Safety totals
WORKSITE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Our worksite… / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Provides an on-site exercise facility

  1. Has one or more designated walking routes for employees

  1. Has, in the past 12 months, encouraged active meetings (such as dedicated activity breaks during meetings longer than 1 hour, walking meetings and/or standing meetings)

  1. Provides maps with measured distances in miles or time, of various lengths (e.g.a 10-, 20- and 30-minute walking route)

  1. Provides a place to safely store bikes

  1. Provides a shower and changing area for employees

  1. Keeps stairways safe, clean, attractive and well-lit

  1. Posts signs at elevators and stairway entrances to encourage employees to use the stairs

  1. Has a program(s) that encourage active commuting: walking, biking or public transportation (subsidized transit and/or bike-share passes, reimbursement for biking to meetings, mentoring of new bike commuters)

  1. Has a casual dress code, which makes it easier to move more during the workday.

Physical Activity totals
TOBACCO AND THE WORKSITE: Our worksite … / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Has, in the past 12 months, informed employees of health plan benefits for tobacco cessation counseling and medications

  1. Has a writtenpolicy that allows smoking outside only in certain places

  1. Has a written policy that makes all buildings and grounds tobacco free

TOBACCO AND THE WORKSITE(continued): Our worksite … / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
  1. Has a policy that permits employees to use work release time to participate in tobacco cessation programs

  1. The tobacco policy includes enforcement procedures

Tobacco totals
Our worksite … / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable / Notes
Has, in the past 12 months, offered employee wellness programs, support groups or contests/challenges on the following topics:
  1. Breastfeeding/Lactation

  1. Cancer Prevention and Treatment

  1. Chronic Disease Self-Management

  1. CPR/AED training

  1. Diabetes

  1. Depression

  1. Healthy Eating or Nutrition

  1. Heart Disease and Stroke

  1. Injury Prevention, Ergonomics and/or Low Back Health

  1. Physical Activity or Exercise

  1. Resilience/Stress Management

  1. Tobacco Cessation

  1. Weight Management/Obesity

  1. Other:

Employee Education subtotals
Employee Education totals
(Divide box above by 2)
SUMMARY OF TOTALS (highest score) / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Potential Priority / Not Applicable
Infrastructure (16)
Healthy Eating (9)
Mental Health (5)
Safety and Emergency Medical Response (8)
Physical Activity (10)
Tobacco Cessation (5)
Employee Education (7)
Worksite Total (60)


Mail or e-maila copy of this completed survey to Josephine Opong-Vaughn by February 9, 2017and retain a copy for your wellness committee.

In March, you will receive a report of your results. This report, or Work Well Summary, places your results alongside those of other agencies, and includes aggregate personal health assessment findings. It will serve as a tool for your wellness committee for planning and reporting.

This checklist was adapted from the Worksite Wellness Assessment Checklist designed by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, with permission. It incorporates ideas from an instrument developed by the New York State Department of Health,the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC Worksite Health Scorecard. Thank you to all.


Linda Feltes

Project Manager-Worksite Wellness


Minnesota Management & Budget

State of Minnesota

658 Cedar St.

St. Paul, MN 55155