Elective Rotation Application

Please complete after reviewing the Elective Rotation – General Information for Residents information sheet and forward to Dr. Lowry with copy to IMCHIEFS 3-6 months prior to your elective rotation.


  1. What block/dates will the elective be taken? ______
  1. Briefly describe the elective.

I plan an elective rotation in anesthesia. I will report to the anesthesia department to receive a schedule of my daily assignments and preceptors. I will accompany anesthesia residents to pre-op where I will assist in interviewing patients prior to their cases to obtain pertinent information to help outline the anesthetic plan, including taking patient histories and performing pre-op physical examinations. I will assist in performing procedures during cases, as well as observe procedures performed by senior residents/staff. I will be an active participant in setting up and monitoring patients during cases. I will read and review medical literature as outlined below.

What are the goals for the elective? (What will you have accomplished by the end of the month?)

Medical Knowledge:

  1. Understand and be able to describe physiology of diseases commonly seen in the adult general surgery population
  2. Understand anesthetic implications of common general surgical procedures of the abdominal, thorax, and of endocrine systems
  3. Understand appropriate preoperative testing required for adult comorbid conditions
  4. Development and implication of an appropriate anesthetic plan for open/laparoscopic general surgery procedures
  5. Recognize clinical scenarios for which preoperative placement of neuroaxial blockade will assist postoperative recovery
  6. Interpretation of waveform data from arterial and central venous lines
  7. Interpret arterial blood gas, routine chemistry, coagulation and hematological laboratory results

Patient Care:

  1. Empathetic and respectful interaction with patients and families
  2. Gather pertinent patient information to provide input in formulating appropriate anesthetic plans
  3. Develop appropriate skills in the placement of the following:
  4. Arterial lines – goal of 3 procedures
  5. Peripheral IVs – goal of 10 procedures
  6. Intubations – goal of 10 procedures
  7. LMAs – goal of 3 procedures
  8. Epidural placements, fiber optic intubations, Glide scope intubations – goal of 2 observations of each


  1. Show respect for patients as well as all members of the patient care team
  2. Behave in an ethical manner
  3. Respect patient confidentiality
  4. Acknowledge errors and work to minimize them

Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

  1. Recognize my own knowledge deficits and pursue further education in these areas
  2. Be able to utilize various types of technology to access medical information

Systems-Based Learning and Improvement:

  1. Advocate for quality patient care
  2. Begin to understand the financial impact our behaviors (specifically pre-anesthesia testing such as EKG, Cardiac evaluations, PFTs have on the cost of health care provided to our patients)

Interpersonal skills:

  1. Present cases in clear and concise manner
  2. Accurate and thorough electronic documentation when applicable
  3. Communicate effectively with anesthesia staff relating to any changes in patients’ physiological status
  1. Faculty Mentor (responsible for evaluation) Dr. JohnBracken (KU)
  1. Does the Mentor know that you will be assigning them this responsibility? ______(they must send a one-line email to Dr. Lowry accepting this task)
  1. Are you planning to do a research elective? ______
  1. Who will be directing the research?______
  2. Have you discussed the project with the person directing the research? ______
  3. Briefly describe the project.



  1. Has the Human Subjects Committee approval been obtained? ______
  2. Has HIPPA approval been obtained? ______

7. Reading List (name specific books, chapters and papers as suggested by the person who will evaluate you. (Please attach list to this application)

Reading List:

Book chapters:

  1. Miller, R, Stoelting R. Basics of Anesthesia 4th ed.
  2. Chapter 18 Fluid and Blood Therapy
  3. Chapter 35 Chronic Pain Management

Journal Articles:

  1. Guideline for the early management of patients with ischemic stroke: A scientific statement from the stroke council of the American Stroke Association. Stroke. 203:34:1056-1083.
  2. Naval NS, Stevens RD, Mirski MA. Controversies in the management of aneurismal and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Critical Care Med. 2006 Feb;34(2):511-24.
  3. Jani-Acsadi A, Lisak RP. Myasthenic Crisis: Guidelines for prevention and treatment. J of Neuroscience 2007;261 127-133.
  4. Stevens RD, Bjardwai A, Kirsch JR. Critical care and perioperative management in traumatic spinal cord injury. J of Neuro Anesthesiology. 2003;Jul;15(3);215-19.
  5. Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Anesthesia. Anesthesiology 2007;106:843-63.
  6. Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway. Anesthesiology 2003. 98(5) 1269-77.
  7. Horlocker, T et. Al. Regional Anesthesia in the anticoagulated patient: Defining the risks. Regional anesthesia and Pain Medicine.28(3). 2003. 172-97.
  8. Liu SS, Salinas FV. Continuous Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Postoperative Analgesia. Anesthesia and Anal. 2003(96):263-72.
  9. Enneking FK, Chan V. et. Al. Lower Extremity Peripheral Nerve Blockade: Essentials of our Current Understanding. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. 30(1) 2005:4-35.
  10. AHA/ACC Guideline update on perioperative CV evaluation of non-cardiac surgery.
  11. Anesthetic Considerations for Genitourinary and Renal Surgery. Principles and Practice of Anesthesiology. Longnecker et. Al.
  1. Are you planning on writing a paper (review, abstract, other) ______
  2. If so, briefly describe the paper.



  1. Which faculty member will be supervising the writing? ______
  2. Do you expect to complete the paper by the end of the elective? ______

If not, describe what progress will be made?




9. Are you planning an international elective? ______

a. Have you filled out the GME application for an international elective? ______; have you received approval? ______

b. Have you reviewed the International Elective General Information for Residents information sheet and complied with all necessary preparations? ______

c. Have you contacted the Travel Audit Office and the Office of International Programs? ______

10. Are you planning a reading elective? ______

a. Please attach a complete reading list as above.