Elective Rotation Application
Please complete after reviewing the Elective Rotation – General Information for Residents information sheet and forward to Dr. Lowry with copy to IMCHIEFS 3-6 months prior to your elective rotation.
- What block/dates will the elective be taken? ______
- Briefly describe the elective.
I plan an elective rotation in anesthesia. I will report to the anesthesia department to receive a schedule of my daily assignments and preceptors. I will accompany anesthesia residents to pre-op where I will assist in interviewing patients prior to their cases to obtain pertinent information to help outline the anesthetic plan, including taking patient histories and performing pre-op physical examinations. I will assist in performing procedures during cases, as well as observe procedures performed by senior residents/staff. I will be an active participant in setting up and monitoring patients during cases. I will read and review medical literature as outlined below.
What are the goals for the elective? (What will you have accomplished by the end of the month?)
Medical Knowledge:
- Understand and be able to describe physiology of diseases commonly seen in the adult general surgery population
- Understand anesthetic implications of common general surgical procedures of the abdominal, thorax, and of endocrine systems
- Understand appropriate preoperative testing required for adult comorbid conditions
- Development and implication of an appropriate anesthetic plan for open/laparoscopic general surgery procedures
- Recognize clinical scenarios for which preoperative placement of neuroaxial blockade will assist postoperative recovery
- Interpretation of waveform data from arterial and central venous lines
- Interpret arterial blood gas, routine chemistry, coagulation and hematological laboratory results
Patient Care:
- Empathetic and respectful interaction with patients and families
- Gather pertinent patient information to provide input in formulating appropriate anesthetic plans
- Develop appropriate skills in the placement of the following:
- Arterial lines – goal of 3 procedures
- Peripheral IVs – goal of 10 procedures
- Intubations – goal of 10 procedures
- LMAs – goal of 3 procedures
- Epidural placements, fiber optic intubations, Glide scope intubations – goal of 2 observations of each
- Show respect for patients as well as all members of the patient care team
- Behave in an ethical manner
- Respect patient confidentiality
- Acknowledge errors and work to minimize them
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
- Recognize my own knowledge deficits and pursue further education in these areas
- Be able to utilize various types of technology to access medical information
Systems-Based Learning and Improvement:
- Advocate for quality patient care
- Begin to understand the financial impact our behaviors (specifically pre-anesthesia testing such as EKG, Cardiac evaluations, PFTs have on the cost of health care provided to our patients)
Interpersonal skills:
- Present cases in clear and concise manner
- Accurate and thorough electronic documentation when applicable
- Communicate effectively with anesthesia staff relating to any changes in patients’ physiological status
- Faculty Mentor (responsible for evaluation) Dr. JohnBracken (KU)
- Does the Mentor know that you will be assigning them this responsibility? ______(they must send a one-line email to Dr. Lowry accepting this task)
- Are you planning to do a research elective? ______
- Who will be directing the research?______
- Have you discussed the project with the person directing the research? ______
- Briefly describe the project.
- Has the Human Subjects Committee approval been obtained? ______
- Has HIPPA approval been obtained? ______
7. Reading List (name specific books, chapters and papers as suggested by the person who will evaluate you. (Please attach list to this application)
Reading List:
Book chapters:
- Miller, R, Stoelting R. Basics of Anesthesia 4th ed.
- Chapter 18 Fluid and Blood Therapy
- Chapter 35 Chronic Pain Management
Journal Articles:
- Guideline for the early management of patients with ischemic stroke: A scientific statement from the stroke council of the American Stroke Association. Stroke. 203:34:1056-1083.
- Naval NS, Stevens RD, Mirski MA. Controversies in the management of aneurismal and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Critical Care Med. 2006 Feb;34(2):511-24.
- Jani-Acsadi A, Lisak RP. Myasthenic Crisis: Guidelines for prevention and treatment. J of Neuroscience 2007;261 127-133.
- Stevens RD, Bjardwai A, Kirsch JR. Critical care and perioperative management in traumatic spinal cord injury. J of Neuro Anesthesiology. 2003;Jul;15(3);215-19.
- Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Anesthesia. Anesthesiology 2007;106:843-63.
- Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway. Anesthesiology 2003. 98(5) 1269-77.
- Horlocker, T et. Al. Regional Anesthesia in the anticoagulated patient: Defining the risks. Regional anesthesia and Pain Medicine.28(3). 2003. 172-97.
- Liu SS, Salinas FV. Continuous Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Postoperative Analgesia. Anesthesia and Anal. 2003(96):263-72.
- Enneking FK, Chan V. et. Al. Lower Extremity Peripheral Nerve Blockade: Essentials of our Current Understanding. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. 30(1) 2005:4-35.
- AHA/ACC Guideline update on perioperative CV evaluation of non-cardiac surgery.
- Anesthetic Considerations for Genitourinary and Renal Surgery. Principles and Practice of Anesthesiology. Longnecker et. Al.
- Are you planning on writing a paper (review, abstract, other) ______
- If so, briefly describe the paper.
- Which faculty member will be supervising the writing? ______
- Do you expect to complete the paper by the end of the elective? ______
If not, describe what progress will be made?
9. Are you planning an international elective? ______
a. Have you filled out the GME application for an international elective? ______; have you received approval? ______
b. Have you reviewed the International Elective General Information for Residents information sheet and complied with all necessary preparations? ______
c. Have you contacted the Travel Audit Office and the Office of International Programs? ______
10. Are you planning a reading elective? ______
a. Please attach a complete reading list as above.