Hearts and Flowers to everyone Happy Valentine’s Day 2/14
February is a month to remind us to focus on our history, taking care of our health and spreading love to everyone.
We are diligently preparing for the state assessment (MSA) in March. We want all of our 3-6 grade parents to know that we appreciate your sacrifice over the past few months to get your child in for Saturday Tutoring. We just have a few more Saturdays to go. Fifth grade students will continue up to Spring Break.
Report Cards and Progress
Our students have completed the Second Quarter and report cards have been released on February 4th. Our students have had the opportunity to discuss with the principal and their teacher their individual progress and set personal goals towards improved performance on the intermediate grades. Congratulations to third grade Math students in Mrs. Rabara’s class who scored 73 %. Parent conferences will be scheduled on 2/15 and if you have not received notice from the teacher please call to request a conference.
The PTO is planning a Valentine’s Day Dance and will sell refreshments. The dance will be on Valentine’s Day and tickets cost $1.00. We will hold the dance for the primary and intermediate students in a separate location on the same day. I am sure the PTO executive staff would like parents to come out to help with this event from 12:30-1:30.
We would like to welcome Mrs. ___Carter and the new (permanent) school nurse to Avalon. Also, Mrs. Roca will be leaving us, but Ms. Yvette Drew will be joining our staff as our new Full Time ESOL teacher. We welcome her as well to our Avalon Family.
Please come to the 2nd quarter award’s assembly on Friday February 8 at 8:30 for K-2 and 12:30 for 3-6. (NEW TIME)
CLOSINGINGS/DELAYED OPENING – Please listen to the local news stations, the School System Website or sign up for the new App for PG Co. schools, to find this information. Calling the school is not helpful because the office will not be open.
We have sent letters out to parents of students who have missed 9 or more days. We understand that the flu and viruses have taken a toll on student’s attendance of the past few weeks. When students are well it is important they are in school. It is very important that they arrive on time. We have too many students that continue to arrive most as much as 15 to 45 minutes late. Students are losing instructional time that is showing on their progress in class. If we can do something to assist with you with getting your child to school on time please let us know. The state does measure each school by attendance.
Dates in February to Note:
Report Cards Released – February 4
PTO Meeting – February 5 @ 7:00 PM
2nd Qtr. Awards Assemblies – 8:30 K-2; 12:30 3-6
PTO Valentine’s Dance – February 14 @ 12:30