


1. Herding Tested AHBA, UKC, Australia or NZ - Poultry

Adult dog (2)

1. BGS Gairloch - JR

2. BGS Marchadh - JR

Adult bitch (4)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

2. BGS Argyll Betsy – JR

3. Heatherbrae Fleur - bt

4. Heatherbrae Moss - BT

Team (0)

2. Herding Tested AHBA, UKC, Australia or NZ - Sheep

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Marchadh - JR

Adult bitch (4)

1. Heatherbrae Moss - BT

2. BGS Doortje - JR

3. BGS Kurrajong Jillaroo – JR

4. Heatherbrae Fleur - bt

Team (0)

3. Herding Tested AHBA, UKC, Australia or NZ - Cattle

Adult dog (2)

1. BGS Marchadh - JR

2. SW Smooth Operator - cs

Adult bitch (4)

1. BGS Doortje - jr

2. Heatherbrae Fleur – BT

3. Heatherbrae Moss - bt

4. SW Cynful Tease - cs

Team (0)

Trial / Test Herding / Penning Division Champion Dog: BGS Marchadh - JR

Trial / Test Herding / Penning Division Reserve Champion Dog: BGS Gairloch - JR


Trial / Test Herding / Penning Division Champion Bitch: Heatherbrae Moss - BT

Trial / Test Herding / Penning Division Reserve Champion Bitch: BGS Doortje - JR


Trial / Test Herding / Penning Division Champion Team: N/A

Trial / Test Herding / Penning Division Reserve Champion Team: N/A


4. Herding /Penning or Ranch Work - Poultry - Non Tested

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (4)

1. Heatherbrae Moss - BT

2. SW Sweet Leilani – cs

3. Heatherbrae Fleur - ct

4. Willow - TR

Team (0)

5. Herding /Penning or Ranch Work - Sheep - Non Tested

Adult dog (4)

1. BGS Marchadh - jr

2. Shep – TR (penning sheep)

3. SW Jolly Rogue – cs

4. Shep – tr (moving sheep)

Adult bitch (2)

1. Heatherbrae Fleur - BT

2. Heatherbrae Moss - BT

Team (0)

6. Herding /Penning or Ranch Work - Cattle - Non Tested

Adult dog (8)

1. Heatherbrae Harlequin - BT

2. SW Time to Fly – cs

3. SW Smooth Operator – cs

4. SW Trail Blazer -cs

Adult bitch (8)

1. Heatherbrae Fleur - BT

2. SW Black Lace – cs

3. Sw Cynful Tease – cs

4. SW Sweet Leilani - cs

Team (1)

1. Heatherbrae Fleur & Heatherbrae Harlequin - BT

Herding / Penning or Ranch Work - Non Tested Division Champion Dog: Heatherbrae Harlequin - BT

Herding / Penning or Ranch Work - Non Tested Division Reserve Champion Dog: BGS Marchadh - jr


Herding / Penning or Ranch Work - Non Tested Division Champion Bitch: Heatherbrae Fleur – BT (sheep)

Herding / Penning or Ranch Work - Non Tested Division Reserve Champion Bitch: Heatherbrae Fleur – BT (cattle)


Herding / Penning or Ranch Work - Non Tested Division Champion Team: Heatherbrae Fleur & Heatherbrae Harlequin - BT

Herding / Penning or Ranch Work - Non Tested Division Reserve Champion Team: N/A


7. Livestock Guardian - Predator or Nuisance

Adult dog (1)

1. SW Smooth Operator - cs

Adult bitch (3)

1. BGS Gaira - JR

2. SW Sweet Leilani – cs (chickens)

3. SW Sweet Leilani – cs (colt)

Team (0)

8. Livestock Guardian - No Predator or Nuisance

Adult dog (4)

1. BGS Wiliford - JR

2. Sevastian – TR

3. Jason (tr)

4. Elki (tr)

Adult bitch (4)

1. Laika – TR

2. Malika – tr

3. Duchess of Tardis - mp

4. Kendall - TR

Team (0)

9. Livestock Guardian - Equine Buddy

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

Team (0)

Livestock Guardian Division Champion Dog: BGS Wilfred - jr

Livestock Guardian Division Reserve Champion Dog: SW Smooth Operator – cs


Livestock Guardian Division Champion Bitch: BGS Gaira - jr

Livestock Guardian Division Reserve Champion Bitch: Laika - tr


Livestock Guardian Division Champion Team: N/A

Livestock Guardian Division Reserve Champion Team: N/A


10. Guard / Personal Protection

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

11. Law Enforcement - Military Work

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (2)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

2. Hayley Bang - CJ

12. Law Enforcement - Police Work

Adult dog (3)

1. BGS Ansel – JR

2. Coppersmith – cj

3. SW Darque Eclipse - cs

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

13. Schutzhund

Adult dog (4)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

2. Kuopio – CJ (retrieve)

3. Kuopio – CJ (Ex 3)

4. Kuopio – CJ (track)

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

14. French Ring

Adult dog (8)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

2. Kuopio – CJ (send away)

3. Kuopio – CJ (search, hold, bark)

4. Kuopio – CJ (fleeing attack)

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

15. K-9 Search Dogs

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

16. Search & Rescue

Adult dog (3)

1. Hunter - TR

2. SW Mister Miracle – cs

3. SW Code of Honor - cs

Adult bitch (1)

1. SW Sweet Leilani - cs

17. Cadaver Dog or Avalanche Dog

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

18. All Other K-9 Skilled Performance

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

Skilled Canine Division Champion Dog: BGS Ansel – JR (Police)

Skilled Canine Division Reserve Champion Dog: Hunter – tr (Search & Rescue)


Skilled Canine Division Champion Bitch: BGS Doortje – JR (FRS)

Skilled Canine Division Reserve Champion Bitch: BGS Doortje – jr (Search)


19. Guide Dog (Visual Impairment)

Adult dog (2)

1. Coppersmith - CJ

2. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

20. Guide Dog (Hearing Impairment)

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

21. Guide Dog (Mobility Impairment)

Adult dog (2)

1. Coppersmith - CJ

2. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

22. Therapy Dog (Nursing Home, School Visits, etc)

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

Assistance Tasks Division Champion Dog - Coppersmith - CJ

Assistance Tasks Division Reserve Champion Dog - BGS Ansel - JR


Assistance Tasks Division Champion Bitch - BGS Doortje – JR (hearing)

Assistance Tasks Division Reserve Champion Bitch – BGS Doortje – jr (mobility)


23. Canine Good Citizen Test #1

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (0)

24. Canine Good Citizen Test #2

Adult dog (2)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

2. Heatherbrae Pathfinder - JR

Adult bitch (0)

25. Canine Good Citizen Test #3

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (0)

26. Canine Good Citizen Test #4

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

27. Canine Good Citizen Test #5

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje – JR

28. Canine Good Citizen Test #6

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (0)

29. Canine Good Citizen Test #7

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

30. Canine Good Citizen Test #8

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

31. Canine Good Citizen Test #9

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

2. BGS Doortje - JR

32. Canine Good Citizen Test #10

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (0)

Canine Testing Division Champion Dog - BGS Ansel – JR (test 3)

Canine Testing Division Reserve Champion Dog – BGS Ansel – jr (test 6)


Canine Testing Division Champion Bitch - BGS Doortje – JR (test 5)

Canine Testing Division Reserve Champion Bitch – BGS Doortje – jr (test 7)


33. Harness K9 Event - Backpacking

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

34. Harness K9 Event - Carting, Sledding or Transportation

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

35. Harness K9 Event - Bikejoring

Adult dog (1) (just one dog in the photo)

1. Kuopio - CJ

Adult bitch (1) (just one dog in the photo)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

Team (1) (2 or more dogs in the photo)

1. Heatherbrae Harlequin & Heatherbrae Zulu - BT

36. Harness K9 Event - Skijoring

Adult dog (1)

1. Kuopio - CJ

Adult bitch (0)

37. Harness K9 Event - Tracking / Transportation

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

38. Harness K9 Event - Weight Pull

Adult dog (1)

1. Kuopio - CJ

Adult bitch (1)

1. SW Sweet Leilani (cs)

33. Harness K9 Event - Any Other Recognized Event

Adult dog (0) (just one dog in the photo)

Adult bitch (0) (just one dog in the photo)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

Team (1) (2 or more dogs in the photo)

1. Heatherbrae Zulu & Heatherbrae Harlequin - BT

Canine Harness Division Champion Dog: BGS Ansel – jr (#37)

Canine Harness Division Reserve Champion Dog: BGS Ansel – JR (back pack)


Canine Harness Division Champion Bitch: BGS Doortje – JR (#35)

Canine Harness Division Reserve Champion Bitch: BGS Doortje – jr (#33)


Canine Harness Division Champion Team: Heatherbrae Zulu & Heatherbrae Harlequin - BT

Canine Harness Division Reserve Champion Team: N/A


40. Canine Frisbee - Disc Dog

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (2)

1. SW Sweet Leilani - cs

2. Kacie - TR

41. Flyball

Adult dog (1)

1. Kuopio - CJ

Adult bitch (0)

42. K-9 Musical Freestyle

Adult dog (2)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

2. Kuopio - CJ

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

43. K-9 Dressage

Adult dog (2)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

2. Heatherbrae Gundy - bt

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

Canine Sporting Division Champion Dog: BGS Ansel – JR (freestyle)

Canine Sporting Division Reserve Champion Dog: Kuopio - CJ


Canine Sporting Division Champion Bitch: SW Sweet Leilani – cs

Canine Sporting Division Reserve Champion Bitch: BGS Doortje – jr (dressage)


44. Dock Diving

Adult dog (4)

1. Kuopio - CJ

Adult bitch (0)

45. Surf Board Riders

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

46. Water Rescue

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (0)

47. Water Trials - Swim and Retrieve

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

48. All Other Water Competitions (Ski Dogs, etc)

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

Canine Water Competitions Division Champion Dog: BGS Ansel – jr

Canine Water Competitions Division Reserve Champion Dog: Kuopio - cj


Canine Water Competitions Division Champion Bitch: N/A

Canine Water Competitions Division Reserve Champion Bitch: N/A


49. Rally Commands - Exercises 1-10

Adult dog (2)

1. BGS Ansel - EX # 3 - JR

2. Heatherbrae Pathfinder EX # 3 - BT

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - EX # 5 - JR

50. Rally Commands - Exercises 11-19

Adult dog (2)

1. BGS Ansel - EX # 14 - JR

2. Heatherbrae Pathfinder - EX # 15- BT

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - EX # 14 - JR

51. Rally Commands - Exercises 20-29

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (4)

1. BGS Doortje - EX # 23 - JR

2. BGS Doortje - EX # 29 - JR

3. BGS Doortje - EX # 22 - JR

4. BGS Doortje - EX # 24 - JR

52. Rally Commands - Exercises 30-35

Adult dog (3)

1. BGS Ansel - EX # 30 - JR

2. BGS Ansel - EX # 35 - JR

3. Heatherbrae Pathfinder - EX # 30 - BT

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - EX # 34 - JR

53. Rally Commands - Exercises 36-40

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - EX # 39 - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - EX # 39 - JR

54. Rally Commands - Exercises 41-45

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - EX # 41 - JR

55. Rally Commands - Exercises 46-49

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

56. Rally Commands - Exercise 50

Adult dog (0)

Adult bitch (0)

Rally Division Champion Dog - BGS Ansel – JR (class 52)

Rally Division Reserve Champion Dog – BGS Ansel – jr (class 49)


Rally Division Champion Bitch - BGS Doortje – JR (class 51)

Rally Division Reserve Champion Bitch - BGS Doortje – jr (class 54)


57. Conformation Handling - Adult Handling

Adult dog (3)

1. SW Daredevil Spirit - cs

2. Sw Eternal Warrior - cs

3. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (3)

1. BGS Doortje – BT

2. SW Black Lace – cs

3. SW Sweet Leilani - cs

58. Conformation Handling - Junior Handling

Adult dog (1)

1. BGS Ansel - JR

Adult bitch (1)

1. BGS Doortje - JR

59. Childhood Companion

Adult dog (1)

1. Heatherbrae Gundy - BT

Adult bitch (1)

1. Hayley Bang - CJ

60. Costume

Adult dog (2)

1. SW Jolly Rogue - cs

2. Heatherbrae Zulu - BT