Conrad Mission Church
September 8,2013
Join us TODAY for our
We have Sunday School classes at 9:30AM
for every age, followed by our
Morning Service at 10:45AM
Stay after the service for a BBQ with games and activities for the entire family
4:00Pm Nursing Home Service
CMC Weekly Ministries
Sunday 9:30AM Sunday School for all ages
10:45AM Worship Service
Tuesday 7:00PM Elder’s meeting
Wednesday 7:00PM Youth at CMCYC (dinner @ 6:30)
Bible Study @ Sharon Mellott’s
Awana Registration
Friday 7:00AM Men’s Bible Study at CMC
Nursery and Jr. Church
Nursery: Newborn - 2yrs. Jr. Church 3 - 5yrs.
Sunday School Nursery: Angie Freeman
Sunday School Nursery next week: Angie Freeman
Church Nursery Attendant today: Kari Brauer & Keri Bowen
Church Nursery Attendant next week: Kay & Jeremy LaBarre
Jr. Church Attendant today: Kristi Calvery
Jr. Church next week: Michelle Cates
Ministry Opportunities & Announcements
Are you plugged in? Are you serving? CMC has many places to grow your faith in as well as to serve in. We hope as our fall program gets started that you will find a place of ministry to sit in and another to serve in. Make a personal or family commitment to seek the Lord!!! This is important.
Awana is in need of leaders and helpers to serve in this year’s program.If you want to learn more about these opportunities please see Lori Wetendorf today. We especially could use a few more men. Who will invest in the young children of today??
Echoz Pregnancy Center’s Fall Fundraising Banquetis Thursday, October 10th. Former Presidential Candidate Senator Rick Santorum will be the guest speaker. We have reserved a table for 12. There is a signup sheet and more information in the foyer if you would like to attend. We have room for 12 people so it is on a first come basis. The cost is $21 per person. 4 seats left.
Need a chest freezer? CMC has an extra mid-size freezer. Next week you can make a bid on it. The highest bid gets it. The proceeds will go to a new upright freezer more suitable for our church kitchens needs.
Sunday School Did you get to CMC’s Christian Education hour today? If not we can’t encourage you enough to do so. We have 3 electives for adults and great classes for all children. Be sure to come next week.
Have you ever thought of joining a small group for Bible study and encouragement? This September we want to start several new small groups for you to plug in to. If you would like to learn more or want to be included in a new group please contact the office or let one of our pastors know of your interest. We really hope everyone will serve in a ministry or plug into a group this fall.
CMC Global Ministry Spotlight
Today our spotlight is on Jim and Carmen Orr who serve with Pioneers, a church planting mission in Brazil. Jim and Carmen are back in the United States and Canada at present. They will be visiting family and churches. They are hoping to be able to visit CMC in the near future.
Prayer requests:
~That some support would be raised for the couple who are replacing them in their absence. They are great workers and are currently applying to join Pioneers.
~ For funds to put a protective wall around the project property, as there has been stealing and vandalism. Our estimate is $10,000.
~ For energy and understanding as we travel and schedule meetings and visits.
We look forward to seeing you,
Jim and Carmen
Please note the importantupcoming events.
September 11th - Jr. & Sr. High starts their fall program -meal at 6:30PM
AWANA Registration 7-8:00PM
September 15th - CMC annual golf tournament
September 18th - First night of AWANA
September 22nd - Second annual Softball challengeCMC vs. MWSB