Make a fully colored Model of DNA. Your model may be out of any materials that you choose as long as they are not perishable and are sturdy. Please make sure that your model includes at least 16 nucleotides. Each structure should look different from the others, and should clearly show which 2 other structures they are connected to. Please attach a key to your model, which labels each structure and shows what it is. Your model should be in a double helix form, as DNA is.

Please use this checklist to make sure you have completed your project, and check the parts as you do them. Submit this rubric with your project. Due ______

The following Need to be Included for full creditWorth 50 points

Structures CheckConnections CheckLabels on Attached Key Check

/2ptsSugar/4pts Sugar/1 ptSugar

/2pts Phosphate/2pts Phosphate/1 pt Phosphate

/2pts Adenine/2pts Adenine/1 pt Adenine

/2pts Thymine/2pts Thymine/1 pt Thymine

/2pts Cytosine /2pts Cytosine/1 pt Cytosine

/2pts Guanine/2pts Guanine/1 pt Guanine

/2pts Double Helix/2ptsCovalent bonds/2 pts Nucleotide

/2ptsHydrogen bonds/4pts Overall neatness/1ptHydrogen & covalent bonds 

/2pts16 nucleotides/2ptsSturdy/1 ptsRubric

Extra Credit : DNA that unwinds andunzips at the hydrogen bonds/2pts

Due to Murphy’s Law, (and in order to avert technical difficulties, computer glitches, time warps, black holes, gremlins, natural and unnatural disasters) please do not wait until the last minute to complete or print your project. Late projects are assessed 10% per day.


Make a fully colored Model of DNA. Your model may be out of any materials that you choose as long as they are not perishable and are sturdy. Please make sure that your model includes at least 16 nucleotides. Each structure should look different from the others, and should clearly show which 2 other structures they are connected to. Please attach a key to your model, which labels each structure and shows what it is. Your model should be in a double helix form, as DNA is.

Please use this checklist to make sure you have completed your project, and check the parts as you do them. Submit this rubric with your project. Due ______

The following Need to be Included for full creditWorth 50 points

Structures CheckConnections CheckLabels on Attached Key Check

/2ptsSugar/4pts Sugar/1 ptSugar

/2pts Phosphate/2pts Phosphate/1 pt Phosphate

/2pts Adenine/2pts Adenine/1 pt Adenine

/2pts Thymine/2pts Thymine/1 pt Thymine

/2pts Cytosine /2pts Cytosine/1 pt Cytosine

/2pts Guanine/2pts Guanine/1 pt Guanine

/2pts Double Helix/2ptsCovalent bonds/2 pts Nucleotide

/2ptsHydrogen bonds/4pts Overall neatness/1ptHydrogen & covalent bonds 

/2pts16 nucleotides/2ptsSturdy/1 ptsRubric

Extra Credit : DNA that unwinds and unzips at the hydrogen bonds/2pts

Due to Murphy’s Law, (and in order to avert technical difficulties, computer glitches, time warps, black holes, gremlins, natural and unnatural disasters) please do not wait until the last minute to complete or print your project. Late projects are assessed 10% per day.