Magnets and unpaired electrons report
Magnets and unpaired electrons report
Do the following BEFORE you leave the lab.
Copy and paste your table of data from the Excel spreadsheet into the space below ↓ .
Copy and paste BOTH of your graphs from the Excel worksheet into the spaces below ↓ .
1st graph
2nd graph
Do the following FOR HOMEWORK. This must be YOUR INDIVIDUAL WORK and not JOINT ACTIVITY with another student. You are welcome to discuss your ideas with others, but the work you do MUST BE YOURS ALONE!
As homework, you must write a properly written figure label under both of your graphs above ↑ .*
As homework, you must write a conclusion in which you state which manner of removing electrons from orbital notations to form ions makes the most sense. Your conclusion must include justification, which means you must give a clear and convincing reason why you chose one method over the other.**
When you have completed this report, save it to your flash drive and email the report as an attachment to:
. You should email this report from the gmail account that Spartanburg School District 6 provided to you.
*Figure labels for graphs must include a figure number (Ex: Figure 1.), and a figure description. Figure descriptions for graphs must include: 1) what is being graphed, 2) why it is important, and3)what the pattern in the data (the trendline) can tell you about the behavior you are studying (this is the analysis).The behavior is the relationship that exists between the independent variable and the dependent variables.To describe this behavior you should describe the change in the independent variable and describe how that change appears to cause a change in the dependent variable.
**Hint: Science is—in part—about finding patterns in nature.