Gas Notes (Chapter 10 and 11)

I. Let’s look at some of the Nature of Gases:

1. ______– gases do NOT have a definite shape or volume.

2. ______– gas particles glide past one another, called fluid just like a liquid.

3. ______– can be compressed because gases take up mostly empty space.

4. ______– gases spread out and mix without stirring and without a current. Gases mix completely unless they react with each other.

II. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

Particles of matter (any type) are in constant motion! Because we know this we have a few assumptions that we make about gases, called the Molecular Theory of Gases:

1. Particles of a gas move in constant, straight-line motion, until they collide.

2. Gases consist of a large number of tiny particles; these particles are very far apart, therefore gas is mostly empty space.

3. Collisions between particles of a gas and the container wall are elastic. Which means there is no loss of energy.

4. There are no forces of attraction or repulsion between particles of gases.

5. The average kinetic energy of gas particles depends on the temperate of the gas.

KE = ½ mv2 (m= mass in kg and v=velocity in m/s)

III. Ideal VS Real Gases

Ideal gases always obey the ______theory. (Closest to ideal would be the noble gases.)

Real gases vary from the kinetic theory at various temperatures and pressures.

IV. Volume, Pressure, Temperature, Number of Moles (Descriptions of Gases)

1. ______– refers to the space matter (gas) occupies. Measured in liters (L).

1L = 1000mL

2. ______– the number of times particles collide with each other and the walls of the container (force exerted on a given area). Measured in atmospheres (atm).

1atm = 760 millimeters Hg ( Barometers use Hg)

1atm = 760 torr (Named after Torricelli for the invention of the barometer)

1atm = 101.3 kPa – kilopascals

Practice: Convert 4.40 atm to mmHg. Convert 212.4 kPa to mmHg.

3. ______– as temperate increases gas particles move faster, as temperature decreases gas particles move slower. Measured in Kelvin (K).

K = 273 + °C

Practice: Convert 32.0°C to K.. Convert 400. K to °C.

4. ______– tells you how much of a certain gas you have

1 mole = number of grams of the compound or element (molar mass)

STP – “standard temperature and pressure” which is 0°C and 1.00 atm.

V. Gas Laws - How do all of pressure, temperature, volume, and amount of a gas relate to each other? Rules for solving gas law problems: 1st write down what is given and what is unknown, 2nd identify the gas law you want to use, and 3rd rearrange the formula to solve for the unknown and then solve the problem. (If temperature is involved, it MUST be converted to Kelvin! K = 273 + °C)

A. Boyle’s Law - Pressure and Volume (when temperature remains constant)

V1 = initial or old volume

V1P1 = V2P2 V2 = final or new volume

P1 = initial or old pressure

P2 = final or new pressure

Inverse Relationship (As pressure increases, volume decreases and as pressure decreases, volume increases.)

1.  A gas occupies 3.00L at 1.00atm of pressure. What volume does it occupy at 5.00atm?

2.  What is the new pressure when 80.0mL of gas at 500.mmHg is moved to a 100.mL container?

3.  A gas at 800.torr of pressure has a volume of 5.00L. What volume does this gas occupy at 1.00X103torr of pressure?

B. Charles’ Law -Volume and Temperature (when pressure is constant) Figure 10-11 page 316

V1 = V2 T1 = initial or old temperature

T1 T2 T2 = final or new temperature

Direct Relationship (As temperature increases, volume increases and as temperature decreases, volume decreases.)

4.  A gas has a volume of 500.mL at 298K. What volume does it have at 373K?

5.  A gas has a volume of 250.mL and a temperature of 125°C. What is the final temperature (in K) if the volume is changed to 100.mL?

6.  This initial volume of a gas is 250.mL at 30.0°C. What is the temperature of the gas with a new volume of 667mL?

C. Gay-Lussac’s Law - Pressure and Temperature (when volume is constant)

P1 = P2 Direct Relationship (As temperature increases, pressure

T1 T2 increases and as temperature decreases, pressure decreases.) Demonstration:

7.  The gas in an aerosol can is at 3atm of pressure at 298K. What would the gas pressure in the can be at 325K?

8.  At 120.°C the pressure of a sample of nitrogen gas is 769torr. What will the pressure be at 205°C?

9.  A gas at 32.0°C has a pressure of 0.0400atm. If the temperature increases to 44.0°C what is the new pressure of the gas?

D. Combined Gas Law - Pressure, Temperature, and Volume (None of the variables are constant)

V1P1 = V2P2

T1 T2

10.  A helium filled balloon has a volume of 50.0mL at 298K and 1.08atm. What volume will it have at 0.855atm and 203K?

11.  Given 700.mL of oxygen at 7.00°C and 7.90atm of pressure, what volume does is occupy at 27.0°C and 4.90atm of pressure?

12.  A gas has a volume of 1.140L at 37.0°C and 620.mmHg. Calculate its volume at 0°C and 760.mmHg.

E. Daltons Law of Partial Pressures

The pressure of each gas in a mixture is called the partial pressure of that gas. Daltons Law of Partial Pressure states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases.

PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + ……. PT = total pressure

P# = the partial pressures of the individual gases

13.  A mixture of gases has the following partial pressure for the component gases at 20.0°C in a volume of 2.00L: oxygen 180.torr, nitrogen 320.torr, and hydrogen 246torr. Calculate the pressure of the mixture.

14.  What is the final pressure of a 1.50L mixture of gases produced from 1.50L of neon at 0.3947atm, 800.mL of nitrogen at 150.mmHg and 1.2oL of oxygen at 25.3kPa? Assume constant temperature. (Hint use Boyle’s law.)

F. Ideal Gas Law – to use this law, all units must be as follows:

P = pressure in atm

V = volume in liters

PV = nRT n = number of moles

T = temperature in Kelvin

R = (0.0821L) (1atm)

(1mol) (1K)

R is the ideal gas constant (page 342 in book describes where this constant came from.)

15.  How many moles of CH4 gas are there in 85.0L at STP?

16.  What volume will be occupies by 1.50grams of nitrogen monoxide gas at 348K and pressure of 300.mmHg?

17.  A volume of 11.2L of a gas at STP has how many moles?

H. Molar Volume of Gases

1 mole of any gas = 22.4 L at STP!!.

18.  What volume, in L, is occupied by 32.0 grams of oxygen gas at STP?

I. Stoichiometry of Gases

Just like mole ratios can be written from an equation so can a volume ratio-same concept!

2CO(g) + O2 (g) ® 2CO2 (g)

19.  Using the above equation, what volume of oxygen gas is needed to react completely with 0.626L of carbon monoxide to form carbon dioxide?

20.  How many grams of solid calcium carbonate must be decomposed to produce 5.00L of carbon dioxide gas at STP?

21.  How many liters of hydrogen gas at 35.0°C and 0.980atm are needed to produce 8.75L of gaseous water according to the following equation?

WO3(s) + 3H2(g) ® W(s) + 3H2O(g)