2015 Best Practices Conference of the Research Facilities Benchmarking Group

Tuesday, June 23, 2015 — Argonne Guest House9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL

6:00–8:00 p.m. Reception in the Guest House lounge?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 — Argonne Labs

7:45–8:30 a.m. Continental breakfast at Argonne

8:30–8:45 a.m. Welcome to Argonne – Name - TBD

8:45–9:45 a.m. Introductions, general information, and acknowledgements (Maryellen Becken, Chair, Corning; Keith McClanahan, Facility Issues). One representative from each organization will…

·  Show introductory company slides (3 slide max)

·  Introduce everyone attending from their organization

·  Describe an issue or problem you are working on

·  Describe a successful change or process you have implemented

9:45–10:00 a.m. Break

10:00–11:00 a.m. Benchmarking Review of Cost Trends and Hot Topics (Keith McClanahan, Facility Issues)

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Energy & Utilities: Best Practices Presentations (30 minutes each)

·  Sustainability Reinvestment Program

·  Smart Campus - Building Intelligence & Automation

12:00–1:00 p.m. Lunch; flip charts available to collect and identify Town Hall discussion items

1:00–2:00 p.m. Tour of Advanced Proton Source Argon

2:00–3:00 p.m. Energy & Utilities Town Hall: Hot Topics & Emerging Issues:

·  Presentation – Bob Einspar - Combined Heat and Power Plant Benefits, Construction Plans and Q&A

·  How to obtain employee support/engagement for energy conservation – coffee pots, microwaves, refrigerators.

·  Strategies for reducing demand charges (co-generation, ice or chilled water storage, peak shave with on-site generation.)

·  Waste management programs: What is recycled and how is it collected, ISO 14001?

·  Energy Star Award

3:00–3:20 p.m. Group photo and break

3:20–3:45 p.m. Reduced Footprint presentation – John Parent, Battelle

3:45–4:45 p.m. Hot Topics & Emerging Issues Town Hall:

·  What is a good facility renewal rate as a percent of replacement value?

·  Strategies to maintain closed facilities

·  From flip charts developed during lunch

·  From input received prior to conference

·  What can you do with your lab equipment and engage the research community

4:45–5:00 p.m. Wrap up / conclude day one

6:00 p.m. Group dinner: Location TBD

Thursday, June 25 — Argonne Labs

7:45–8:30 a.m. Continental breakfast at Argonne; flip charts available to identify town hall discussion items

8:20–8:30 a.m. Opening remarks (TBD Argonne; Maryellen Becken, Chair, Corning, Keith McClanahan, Facility Issues)

8:30–9:30 a.m. Space Planning: Best Practices Presentations

·  Space Planning at Battelle – John Parent

·  TBD:

9:30–10:15 a.m. Tour Argon SR program building(s)


10:30 – 11:30 p.m. Space Planning - Town Hall Hot Topics and Emerging Issues, continued

·  Space charge-backs (open plan)

·  Using GIS for Space Planning

·  Energy Modeling and BIM interfaces to other capabilities

·  Facility utilization justification – Justification of new vs. existing space

·  Metrics used for facility modification? Lab repurposing

·  Modular lab/office design

·  “Sketch Up” – Space Visualization

11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Maintenance: Town Hall Hot Topics & Emerging Issues

·  Maintenance budgeting approach – How do you do it?

·  Predictive/Conditional Maintenance


·  Project Transition to Operations : Maintenance considerations

12:00–1:00 p.m. Lunch; flip charts available to identify Town Hall discussion items.

1:00–1:30 p.m. Maintenance - Town Hall Hot Topics and Emerging Issues, continued

·  CMMS systems – what do you use and why?

·  The changing lab: modifying spaces based on new functionality requirements. (Lab conversions, construction projects.)

·  Lab process cooling water system

·  Elevator maintenance and replacement plans

·  Discussion of Facilities Condition Index Assessments

1:30–2:15 p.m. Sustainability and LEED implementation Best Practices Presentations

·  SF6 Capture and Green House Gas Reduction – Argonne Labs

·  TBD

2:15 – 2:45 p.m. Sustainability - Town Hall Hot Topics and Emerging Issues

·  Issues identified on flip charts during lunch

·  Issues identified from input received prior to conference

·  LEED and LEED-EB certification (costs, consultants, schedule, management support)

·  Sustainability metrics

·  Photovoltaic

·  Net-zero energy buildings (NZEB)

·  Energy Star

·  IAQ issues with sustainability

·  Green cleaning

2:45–3:00 p.m. Break

3:00–4:00 p.m. Safety: Town Hall Hot Topics & Emerging Issues

·  Contractor Safety Management

·  Value-based safety training

·  Issues identified on flip charts during lunch

·  From input received prior to conference

·  Behavior Based Safety Management

·  Chemical Tracking

·  Facility Security

·  IP Protection

4:00–4:45 p.m. TBD

4:45–5:00 p.m. Wrap up / conclude day two

Dinner on your own

Friday, June 26, 2015 — Argonne Labs

8:00–8:30 a.m. Continental breakfast at Argonne; flip charts available to identify Town Hall discussion items

8:20–8:30 a.m. Opening remarks (TBD Argonne, Maryellen Becken, Chair, Corning Keith McClanahan, and Facility Issues)

8:30–9:30 a.m. Using the Power of Benchmarking to Improve Utility Processes – Thorough review to determine differences in costs and identify best practices. Facilitated discussion of drivers and processes for best practices. – Keith McClanahan, Facility Issues

9:30–9:45 a.m. Break

9:45–10:45 a.m. Other Issues & Hot Topics

·  Leasing land or roof space for cell tower installations. Has anyone done this and if so, how do you find out what your land or roof is worth?

·  Social Media – Blogging Your Facilities Management Activities

·  Outsourcing utilization and strategies

·  Integrated workplace management systems (IWMS)

·  Security training

·  Workforce strategy benchmarks that would assist setting the appropriate level of spending and FTE allocations for specific areas

10:45–11:00 a.m. Meeting wrap-up: key learning discussions, critique of conference

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tour TBD

12:00 p.m. Meeting concludes

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