- Layla Restivo, Jan Hewer, Iram Jamil, Lakpriya Ekanayake, Rachel Ennis, Jing Lu, Meredith Graham Anderson, Dianne Rogers, Irena Dallimore, Nazy Aliyari, Divya Taneja, Erin Strutt
Approval of Agenda /
- Done
Approval of Previous Minutes /
- Done
Principal’s Report /
- School Council Report 2013/14 reviewed
- Budget Report 2013/14 reviewed
- Reorganization affected Kindergarten classes (3rd class added)
- Interviewing for 3rd Kindergarten teacher, ISSP, and Music (positions currently held by Long-Term Occasional teachers)
- Terry Fox Walk successful
- Open House/BBQ successful and very well-attended
- World Teacher Appreciation Day Oct. 5 – in-school celebration
- EQAO – outstanding scores
- Bullying Prevention Plan & 3 in-school presentations (first took place today) covering cyber-bullying, street-proofing, in-school bullying prevention and respect for differences
- Inclusivity Assembly took place on Sept. 26th
Updates/Old Business /
- Review of year-end School Council Report 2013/14
- Review of year-end budget 2013/14
New Business /
- School Council Nomination Forms reviewed
- Description of responsibilities for each position; volunteers sought from pool of Parent Representatives:
- Co-Chairs: Divya Taneja & Rachel Ennis
- Treasurer: Jing Lu
- Secretary: Meredith Graham Anderson
- Fundraising Co-ordinator: Dianne Rogers
Treasurer’s Update /
- Presented by Layla Restivo
- Account at end of 2013/14 school year: $1031.20 in account
- $500 spent on Sept. 2014 Welcome BBQ/Open House
- New balance: $531.20
Fundraising Report /
- Dianne Rogers to coordinate fundraising, may need to delegate some projects
- Discussion of fundraising targets and fund allocation:
- Fundraising goal for 2014/15: $6000
- Library/Forest of Reading: $950
- 3 buses for 2 skating field trips (Gr. 1-6): $1600
- Gr. 6 Farewell: $500
- Healthy Snack: $200 per month (weekly on Thursdays)
- Prologue (a.k.a. Dufflebag Theatre): $750 -> another performance may be added if funds available
- Loretta Penny presentation as alternative to 2nd Prologue performance
- Movie Night/BBQ?
- Pizza Day every 2nd Thursday
- Chocolate sales: aiming to present week before Thanksgiving
- Bake Sale in conjunction with pre-Christmas event: $5 per plate - sold out last year (baked goods donated by parents)
- Healthy Snack: purchasing from Costco may be less expensive and will not require minimum order amounts
- Dianne to liaise with volunteers re. Pizza Day & Healthy Snacks
- Gift card program and greeting card/wrapping paper sale options discussed
Other School Business /
- Welcome Wednesday presentations discussed (last year’s were well-attended): ideas for new topics needed (last year’s topics were Technology, Literacy, Mental Health Awareness, Numeracy, Cyber-bullying, and Healthy Eating)
- Lunch Lady will continue to be offered every Tuesday
- Meredith to look into status of Mabel’s Labels fundraising initiative (per request last spring from Kindergarten team)
- Author Visit this year?
- Where do funds for Gr. 6 Yearbook come from?
School Council Dates /
- Oct. 1
- Nov. 5
- Dec.3
- Jan. 7
- Feb. 4
- Apr. 1
- May 6
Addendum to Minutes (added 10/2/14) /
- First Welcome Wednesday has now been scheduled: Wed., Nov. 12/14 at 8:45 a.m. in the library – Topic: Numeracy