Grant Wood AEA 10 Iowa Core Update
December, 2011
Outcomes / Updates#1 Leadership
/ Next Sessions: Iowa Core Leadership and Learning
AEA 10 Northern Districts
January 17, 2012
May 8, 2012
GWAEA 6th Street Conference Center
AEA 10 Central and Urban Eight Districts
January 24, 2012
May 15, 2012
GWAEA 6th Street Conference Center
AEA 10 Southern Districts
January 31, 2012
May 22, 2012
Coralville Public Library Conference Center
Session 2: Monitoring and Evaluating Implementation: Iowa Core Outcomes 4, 5, and 6
Details and session preparation information will be sent via Iowa Core Leadership google site
and e-mail.
Please contact Myra Hall, Iowa Core Facilitator, with questions. (319-399-6820)
#2 Community
/ Service Learning: Contact Susie Green for information and resources.
AEA 10, Susie Green, Student Programs Specialist, , 399-6775.
#3 Continuous Improvement
/ Legislated Due Dates
Iowa Core Implementation Plans submitted to state will be included in the Consolidated Plan (C-Plan includes: APR, DDSDP, SINA/DINA, Iowa Core, CSIP) which will go live mid-year 2012. Stakeholder group from across Iowa is providing input and recommendations to C-Plan developers. AEA 10 has LEA and AEA representation in the stakeholder group.
Question posed: What will happen with Iowa Core requirements? Will 2012 Iowa Core Implementation Plans (for 12-13) be submitted in the C-Plan? …Current Iowa Core Implementation Plan program? …No longer required?
Answer as of December 2011: The current legislated requirements remain in effect:
Districts and accredited nonpublic schools must: Respond to all outcomes and targets of the Iowa Core Implementation Plan (Leadership, Community, Schools, Alignment, Professional Development, Instruction and Assessment).
Due July 1, 2012
Implementation Plans for all accredited public and non-public schools K-8.
Initial alignment of local content with Iowa Core in Literacy (English Language Arts & Literacy in Social Studies/History, Science, and Technical Subjects), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and 21st Century Skills, and steps to address any gaps for grades 9-12
Initial analysis of professional development needs in the areas of instruction and assessment and integrate into the District Professional Development Plans, grades 9-12
Iowa Core Implementation Plans are accessible on DE secure site (access limited)
1. Go to Iowa Department of Education homepage
2. Click on DE Secure Reporting Site
3. Secure site log-in screen will appear
Public access to the Iowa Core Implementation plans are from the initial plans that were due in July 2010 and finalized in October of 2010 after collaborative peer review.
Districts are encouraged to update their plans and post current plans on school/district’s site.
#4 Alignment / Please contact Myra Hall, AEA 10 Iowa Core Facilitator, for C-I-A alignment information, resources, and technical assistance. (319-399-6820 or 319-350-5464)
Workshop: Iowa Core Alignment Learning and Collaboration
Number: 19049-11-01 Date/Time: Dec. 12, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Grant Wood AEA, 4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids
Audience: District staff/leaders/administrators who are responsible for supporting alignment work. registration form or register electronically
Cognitive Complexity
All students having opportunity to learn the Iowa Core is fundamental. Providing students with opportunities to engage in higher order and critical thinking is also an expectation. Range of cognitive complexity and depth of knowledge achieved through instruction of the Iowa Core standards is under review. Blooms Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge frameworks are being applied at this point.
· Webcasts: Iowa Core Mathematics and English Language Arts webcasts are available. index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2111
· Iowa Core Content Standards and Appendices: Iowa DE site or GWAEA Iowa Core site
Please contact Myra Hall, AEA 10 Iowa Core facilitator with questions and requests.
#5 Professional Development
#6 Instruction and Assessment / · The IPDM email (survey information) sent out on 11/13/11 has been posted on the AEA 10 Iowa Core Leadership Google site under Resources.
· Formative Assessment to Increase Instructional Effectiveness Number:
4535-11-01 Dates/Time: Feb. 27, Apr. 9, & 30, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Tipton Public Library, 206 Cedar Street, Tipton
Audience: PK-12 Administrators, General and Special Education Teachers
registration form or register electronically
· Aligning Social Studies for the Iowa Core
Number: 19057-11-01 Dates/Time: Feb. 1, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Grant Wood AEA, 4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids
Audience: K-12 Teachers
registration form or register electronically
· Iowa Core Professional Development Resources Moodle:
Fine Arts resources are now posted.
o Teaching and Learning
o Scroll down to #10
For Your Reference: The fine arts learning opportunities organizer has been posted on the AEA 10 Iowa Core Leadership Google site under Resources.
A “customized” moodle can be developed for your district/team using materials from Iowa Core PD moodle. If interested, contact Myra Hall at for additional information
AfL_2011: password for Iowa Core Assessment for Learning materials.