Friends of Mayer (FOM )

Board of Directors Meeting

August 30, 2017

Mayer Small Cafeteria

Board Members Present:

Erika Vogel

Julie Zwick

Milly Mast

Sandy Baccam

Julie Schulhof

Melissa Kaeser

Deni Mayer

Roona Shah (via conference call)

Tara Konecny

Board Members Not Present:

Melissa Seiler

Nisha Hazra

Call to Order and Thanks: Meeting was called to order by Erika Vogel at 9:06 am. A Thank You was made to Sandy Baccam for organizing the CYC event. The event was a success, had good attendance and feedback from parents were that everyone really enjoyed it. A Thank You was also made to Julie Zwick for tonight’s Board outing to the Escape Room Races and dinner afterwards.

Elections of Teacher Representatives: Erika V. discussed that Ms. Rory Muchow has volunteered for the role of FOM Teacher Advisor representing ELII and MYP for helping organize and coordinate activities including that part of the student body. Ms. Muchow would like to include support from the MYP students to volunteer their services at FOM events. Motion was made to approve this advisor, motion was seconded, motion passed unanimously

Previous Meeting Minutes from July 14th: A few small grammatical errors were noted. Motion was made to approve as amended, motion was seconded, motion passed approved unanimously

Budget: Sandy B. presented proposed 2017/18 FOM Budget working budget presented

·  FOM Operations include items such as:

·  Payment processing - is for any credit card transactions, FOM pays 3% of all credit cards

·  FOM maintenance – including IT is for our computer service Neon which maintains our website

·  Volunteer Appreciation is for outstanding volunteers that get small gits from FOM Board

·  School Project and Community Outreach hasn’t been used in the last couple years so no monies were budgeted for in the 2017-18

·  FOM Event-Related Costs

·  Benefit – set sub budget to include specific costs like sign up parties, auction items, etc.. Plan to have the event at Salvatore’s again and costs are expected to be similar as last year

·  Walkathon – Mayer Spirit Wear was broken out into a separate budget

·  Beyond the Classroom – There is a line item but these are typically budget neutral because each event will cover its cost with ticket sales

·  Teacher appreciation – Small increase in budget this year

·  Pledge Drive – Increased budget because the decision was made to include specific marketing costs in each event instead of a marketing budget for all events.

·  Mayer Merchandise – own line item so that it is not associated with Walkathon only, will hopefully recoup costs in presales and in person sales throughout the year

·  Business Sponsorship – line item for related expenses to promoting the sponsors such as banners and other items

·  Marketing – smaller budget this year because this is just for FOM overall marketing and not any event related expenses.

·  A small change was made to the proposed budget to increase the spirit wear by $1000. Motion was made to approve the budget as amended, seconded, budget was passed unanimously.

Teacher representatives Katie Edmonds, Rory Muchow and Katie Abraham were able to introduce themselves to the FOM Board. The will work to inform the FOM Board the needs and capabilities fo the students throughout the coming year.

Upcoming Events Overview:


A welcome back to school FOM overview email will be sent out by Erika Vogel during the first week of school. This email will include a list of events planned for the upcoming school year by FOM. The list will be printable but we will also research sending links to automatically input the calendars to people’s online calendar tools such as

·  FOM Event Calendar Erika Vogel

·  To go out to Bulldog blast and include iCal, outlook and/or Google calendar links

·  Website updates/Calendar/Board/Minutes/Etc Roona Shah/Tara Konecny

·  FOM website updates handled by Tara aftertraining by Roona. Remidner to everyone to have updates for the weekly Bulldog Blast in by Tuesday prior to every Friday’s issue.

Community/Beyond the Classroom:

·  Board Outing 8/30 – FOM Board members are invited to attend the Escape Room Races on Michigan Ave this evening. Julie Z. sent along a reminder email with exact details for meeting, It will be a fun team building exercise and then we will go out for drinks/dinner.

·  Meet the Teacher Picnic 9/1 – 11:30 am for EC and 12:00 pm for EL1.

·  Spirit Wear Samples and a FOM stand will be manned by Deni Mayer. Samples for parents to see and flyers to pick up for info on the sales.

·  Room parents meeting -Julie Z. will have a meeting on 9/12 in cafeteria with all Room Parents for the 2017-2018 School Year. Room parents role is very crucial in disseminating information on what FOM is doing and we hope to have everyone engaged in this school year.

·  Boo Hoo/Yahoo Breakfast Monday 9/11 – 8:30 am – 10:00 am at Floriole. Julie S. has planned the event. Right after Drop off 8:30-10am FOM Board members should be there at the restaurant and to help direct people over to the location. Will recruit FOM Volunteers for the event and provide nametags for everyone to get to know eachother.

·  Parent Meet & Mingle on 10/5 7–10 pm at Broken English Taco Pub at Wrightwood & Lincoln. Julie S. updated FOM Board. Event will be free to parents and have food provided by Broken English, cash bar/drink specials. Julie S. to put promotional material out into the Bulldog Blast when school starts in September.

·  Bulldog Ball 10/20 (formerly mother-son dance) – Julie S. provided an update. Plan to schedule meeting for Erika, Julie, Millie, and Jalena to assist in planning/coordination. Volunteers are needed for set up pickup, etc. The OM janitorial staff typically assists and provides great support that night/.

·  Chicago Wolves Hockey Game 11/12 – Julie Z. provided an update. The Wolves reached out to FOM about a fundraiser, a block of 50 tickets were reserved for a minor league hockey game. FOM will sell tickets and can get more tickets if needed. We will start promoting in October.

·  Mom’s Night Out 11/19 – Julie Z. provided an update. It will be at J-9 Wine House and include appetizers, wine, etc. A special wine will be tasted. Event is limited to 50 peoplewho purchase tickets. We will start promoting in October.

Volunteers: Deni Mayer updated the FOM Board.

·  Fall Fest scheduled for 10/6 from 3:00-5:00 pm on blacktop. Jen created Fall Fest and is planning this with activities for the kids, pumpkin painting, face painting, etc.We would like to have e sponsors booth, Menchie’s, Lake Shore, and Columbia Yacht Club, White Tiger, etc. Deni, Julie, and Jen will meet with will coordinate volunteers

·  Moving Sidewalk – Sign Ups to go out for volunteer shifts. First two weeks FOM board, then the schedule will be set up to be sent out to each classroom.

Sponsorship: Millie Mast updated us that our current sponsors are supporting upcoming initiatives/events and we really appreciate their support and their help in making our events to successful. They will review our sponsors until year’s end and are considering updating sponsorship levels for 2018.

Fundraising: School Supply Distribution happedn this week. Erika V. said that it was a huge amount of supplies and we will seek feedback if the teachers/school wants to go this route again. Melissa Kaeser updated FOM Board on the theme for this year’s pledge drive. “Hands Together for Mayer” is the theme

·  Marketing information was presented

·  Week 1 -What does the pledge drive fund?

·  Week 2-4 - Voices of Mayer

·  Families, Teachers, Students

·  Donations – working on a way to acknowledge donors.

Please note that School Tours are 10/11, 12/11, April TBD, June TBD

Meeting was adjourned at 10:56 am.