January 20, 2015


To: Shona Wilson

CC: Mark Wilson, Laura Suddon, Stuart Tonks, Trudie Foley, Pauline Scrivener, Chandy Moody, Gary Burton, Andrea Ainsworth, Emergency Contact Person (Laura Suddon/Mark Wilson/Stuart Tonks), Julie Griffith, Garry Hawkins, Pam England

From: Maggie Cook

Date: 20 January 2015

Re: Educational Visit to Space Centre, Leicester

Your above request has now been authorised with the following details:

Name of Trip National Space Centre

Location Leicester

Date of Trip 22 January 2015

Year Group 8

No of Pupils 140

Times Leave at 9.00 am – Return to Lode Heath between 3.30 – 4.30 pm

Transport Coaches x 3

Staff Attending Shona Wilson, Jamie Ferguson, Debbie Wallice, Andy Yeomas,

Jackie Halley, Richard McLaughlin, Maggie Cook. (Rachel Matthews one-to-one with Alex Thorne)

Emergency Contact Laura Suddon

Can you please ensure that:

You have notified all staff that your trip has now been authorised (via EMAIL) confirming Dates/Times/Year Group involved

A list of students who will be absent from lessons is displayed on the Staff Noticeboard (in advance)

Cover, if necessary, has been organised.

Emergency Contact Person has been notified

Staff members accompanying/involved with the trip are fully briefed

You have liaised with Julie Griffith regarding collection of medications for students who have a Medical Care Plan

You have liaised with Andrea (Canteen) regarding collection of any free school meals (if applicable)

If you are taking the school mobile you must reserve it via Reception prior to your trip, and collect it the day before/on the day

You have collected a First Aid Kit from Reception

On the day a register (which includes up to date emergency contact details) should be taken on the minibus/coach and a copy left at Reception.

Any last minute changes e.g. staffing must be notified to me prior to the visit to ensure all paperwork is accurate

If you are on a residential trip you must contact your Emergency Person at the end of each day to confirm ‘no problems’.

At the end of the trip please contact Emergency Contact Person to confirm trip has finished and all students have been collected safely by parents.

o  PLEASE NOTE: Up to date Contact/Medical Information Report, Registers and any other corresponding paperwork must be taken on the trip and carried with staff members at all times.

Many thanks, Maggie