With the words, God of healing, Spirit of wholeness, you are invited to respond Your mercy is great.

As part of the faithful people in all times and all places, we pray for our church, for those in need, and for all of creation.

a brief silence

With your Spirit whispering in our ear, we ask "may we be free from danger, may we be free from fear, may we be healthy, and may we dwell in peace." Feed these qualities into our relationship with our partner Anglican Church of Canada, Bishop Logan, Bishop Greg and the congregations of our synod. We pray especially today for Hills of Peace Lutheran in Kamloops and Rev. Jane Gingrich and our Missionaries Rev. Yoli Zavaleta in Peru and Andrea Andrea Baez in Argentina.

God of healing, Spirit of wholeness

Your mercy is great.

Open the doors of our church and the deep places in our hearts to those who feel distant or estranged, those who feel disconnected or adrift in our ever-hectic society. Give us the courage and compassion to listen and converse with those in pain.

God of healing, Spirit of wholeness

Your mercy is great.

Reconcile and bring peace to communities that suffer, especially Syria, other hot spots in the Middle East, and on the continent of Africa. Stop the profiteering on the backs of refugees desperate to find a safe place to live, work, and raise their children.

God of healing, Spirit of wholeness

Your mercy is great.

Open our eyes to see brokenness in others and in ourselves, and respond with compassion and self-compassion. Help us to trust the promise of grace: that we are loved, we are enough, we are your agents in our world. We pray especially for those we name aloud or in the depths of our being. Bless those who have requested your care and strength (name those on the prayer list)

God of healing, Spirit of wholeness

Your mercy is great.

Inspire and protect campers, counsellors, and families who experience the gift of outdoor ministry at camps this summer. Make their time together ring with laughter, muscles thrum with exercise, and hearts and minds turn to the fullness of life together.

God of healing, Spirit of wholeness

Hear our prayer.

Remind us each day that life in you is stronger than death. Bring to our minds today the work and witness of Bartolome de Las Casas, 16th century missionary to the Indies; Mary Magdalene, apostle to the apostles; and Birgitta of Sweden, renewer of the 14th century Swedish church.

We close in the mystery that: Christ has come, Christ has died, and Christ will come again. Alleluia.
