Redbud Class News

Four Corners Montessori Academy

November 4th, 2011

Classroom Happenings…

Thank you to all of your support with our first classroom celebration. Our Harvest Celebration was a complete SUCCESS!!! The children really appreciate you taking the time to come in and spend with our class, supervising certain activities and just being a supportive presence. THANK YOU!!!

Our students were introduced to using work plans within the last two weeks and for some students this was familiar but for many this was a new concept, but they all seem to understand the idea of what a work plan means and the accountability that it provides. The work plan is very simple to start but it will vary from student to student eventually because each are on their own individual path and we will honor that path. The children are excited about using work plans. Ms. Maya or myself will place a check and our initials within the boxes per content area. These work plans will be sent home every Friday in their Friday folders.

Going home this week is a packet explaining the upcoming Read-a-thon and Reading Olympics Night, please read it thoroughly. All classrooms will be participating and we hope that you are able to participate while at home and commit to reading 20-25 minutes a day with your children. Let’s get ready to READ, READ, READ!!!!



November 11th- No School, Kids Club Available

November 21st-22nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences (1pm-6pm both days

November 23rd-25th- Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL

November Birthdays

Logan 11/10

Isidro 11/10

Ellablue 11/16

Anthony 11/18

Samuel 11/23

*Please remember to offer only fruit or veggie choices if providing a birthday snack and we have a class size of 26 students, thank you.*


Try these at home...

● Practice hand washing and tying shoes

Introduce an activity around the house that your child is capable of doing, such as sorting socks or folding work allowing them to take part in their own practical life

● READ at least 20-25 minutes a day or have your child read to you

● Discuss peace, respect, and behavior expectations

Review almost daily that 'our hands are for helping and not hurting'

● Try quiet concentration activities such as yoga, memory games, or creating a collage! 

● Visit great source for letter and sound recognition, number sense, and a fun way to learn!
