Names of Saints are chosen to serve as patrons and models for those being confirmed. The preferred name, however, is the Baptismal name because it expresses the relationship that exists between Baptism and Confirmation. Please note that if the baptismal name is not that of a recognized Saint, a new name should be chosen for Confirmation. If a new name is taken, it should be the name of a recognized Saint of the Roman Catholic Church. Do not choose a patron Saint’s name because of the attractiveness of the name, but because of the attractiveness of the Christian life that the person led.

Whether you choose your baptismal name or another Saint’s name, make sure you understand that that Saint will become your confirmation patron and your Confirmation name. Write a paper about 250 words that include the following information listed below and be ready to briefly present it to your class, assigned by your teacher. Your paper will be considered incomplete if all this information is not included. If you cannot find a certain piece of information, please state that in your paper. A good source of information is the “Butler’s Lives of the Saints” and the following websites have short summaries on all the saints:,,

There is also an App called Catholic Calendar by Universalis Publishing that is free for your iPhone.

There are many other books that can be found in the most libraries.

·  Name of Saint

·  Feast day

·  Years lived, died and was canonized

·  Their background, family, occupation, life and death

·  Virtues that this Saint practiced

·  Why did you choose this Saint as your role model?

·  What did this Saint do that I want to follow in their footsteps?

·  What did this Saint teach me? Knowing times are different now, how can I follow his/her example in my life today?