Company Name / PG&E Project #
City / State / CA / ZIP
Contact Name / Phone #1
Email / Fax # / Phone #2
Company Name
City / State / ZIP
Contact Name / Phone #1
Email / Fax # / Phone #2
*ADR Customer Lead in absence of Project Sponsor
Auto DR Project Sponsor*: Please complete Sections 1-5:
TC / Section 1: Communications between DRAS and Client /□ Yes
□ No / a. Does the DRAS Installer Portal page on DRAS show that the client (hardware or software client) is
If no, please diagnose the problem and provide a description of the problem below. Please also describe how you resolved the problem.
□ Yes
□ No / b. Has communications between DRAS and the client been inconsistent? (Has the device been OFFLINE from the DRAS repeatedly, or for longer than 1 hour?)
If yes, please diagnose the problem and provide a description of the problem below. Please also describe how you resolved the problem.
TC / Section 2: Communications between Client and Controls System /
□ Yes
□ No / a. Please manually trigger the Moderate and/or High shed mode (s) using the DRAS Installer Portal
page. Does the facility/process controls system execute the designed sequence of operations?
If no, please diagnose the problem and provide a description of the problem below. Please also describe how you resolved the problem.
□ Yes
□ No / b. Was the customer able/willing to execute the sequence of operations during your
site visit?
If no, please describe the alternate method you took to verify that the client would respond appropriately to the shed mode signals from DRAS. Also provide your opinion concerning whether the controls system would execute the designed sequence of operations appropriately during an actual CPP and/or DBP event.
TC / Section 3: Customer’s ADR Capability /
□ Yes
□ No / a. In your opinion, is the customer’s ADR system fully functional?
If no, please explain why not and recommend steps for restoring the customer’s
ADR capability.
□ Yes
□ No / b. Is the customer’s DR response strategy fully automated? (Verify manual intervention is not
required for shutdown preparation, or to prevent equipment damage or alarms being tripped/triggered)
If no, please explain to the customer that if there are manual or semi-automated measures, only the fully automated measures can be implemented as part of the final ADR testing process.
□ Yes
□ No / c. If PG&E were to call a demand response event, can the customer’s ADR system
deliver the same amount of kW reduction as stated in their agreement (provide to the TC)?
If no and a different amount of kW reduction is to be expected (higher or lower than that stated in the agreement), please explain the reasons why.
□ Yes
□ No / d. Are all portions of the included project [costs?] related to ADR? (No metering, service
contracts, monthly fees or other costs not covered by ADR funding)
If no, please remove any unrelated costs from the submitted invoicing so that there will be no confusion regarding ADR funding.
□ Yes
□ No / e. Was customer informed, if they are installing additional hardware while they are
installing the ADR controls to save on downtime and/or installation costs, these costs will not be reimbursed through the ADR program?
If no, please explain that only the cost of hardware and installation that enables Auto-DR is eligible for funding through the ADR program.
TC / Section 4: Customer’s Load Shed Strategy /
□ Yes
□ No / a. Will the “Pending” signal affect the designed sequence of events? Pre-cooling for
If yes, please explain what effect the Pending signal will have on the equipment and/or processes.
□ Yes
□ No / b. Will the Moderate and/or High mode signal affect the designed sequence of events?
If yes, please explain what is the designed sequence of events for the Moderate and High modes? What can the customer expect? What equipment or processes will be effected?
□ Yes
□ No / c. Does customer facility require any specific shutdown sequence to bring the system down in a safe manner consistently and repeatedly?
If yes, please explain what timing, if any, needs to be programmed into the EMS to initiate the sequence. (How many hours prior to the event does the sequence need to begin? What triggers are used to initiate the timing? Etc.)
TC / Section 5: Bids Mapping Configuration /
□ Yes
□ No / a. Is the customer enrolled in the Demand Bidding Program (DBP)?
If yes, please enter the customer’s default bid configuration for DBP Day Ahead and/or DBP
Day of tables below.
Auto DR Project Sponsor: Complete one of the two tables below only for DBP projects:
Time Block / Norm. / Mod. / High / Affected Process or
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 18:00
18:00 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:00
Demand Bidding – Day Of
Time Block / Norm. / Mod. / High / Affected Process or
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 18:00
18:00 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:00
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Form 5b v1.11 510-482-4420 xt.275
Other considerations:
Project Sponsor:
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Customer: Please initial Section 6 (a-f) and complete and sign “Customer Declaration”:
CustInitials / Section 6: Customer’s ADR Capability
_____ / a. I am able to access the “DRAS Installer Portal” page on the DRAS by logging in with my client name and password.
_____ / b. I have been trained on how to use the “DRAS Installer Portal” pages (including placing standing bids if I am a Demand Bidding Program customer, Bid Mapping, and/or Shed Strategies as applicable). I have also been trained on how to invoke the ‘Opt Out’ option if I cannot participate during a demand response event.
_____ / c. The ‘Client Control Type’ within the “DRAS Installer Portal” page has been set to “Auto-DR” mode and verified. I understand that the final ADR incentive payment will require the Shed Level Control set to Auto-DR.
_____ / d. If I am a Demand Bidding Program customer I have entered a standing bid on Interact that corresponds to my ADR incentive amount.
_____ / e. I understand that service accounts in different geographical regions (banks) must be connected to separate clients.
_____ / f. I understand that service accounts on different DR programs should be connected to separate clients. If service accounts on different DR programs are connected to the same client, all service accounts will be affected during events regardless of program participation.
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Form 5b v1.11 510-482-4420 xt.275
CUSTOMER DECLARATIONAutomated Demand Response Enablement
I ______am authorized by______(“Customer”) to make this declaration.
I acknowledge and agree that this account has been Automated Demand Response enabled. In this mode, the tested load shed strategy will be automatically executed in the demand response (DR) events for the DR programs in which the account is enrolled, unless the ADR opt-out option is invoked.
I acknowledge and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, and releases PG&E, its affiliates, parent company, agents and employees, from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses, and liability (legal, contractual, or otherwise), which arise from or are in any way connected with any: injury to or death of persons, including but not limited to employees of PG&E or Project Sponsor; (ii) injury to property or other interests of UTILITY, Project Sponsor, or any third party; (iii) violation of local, state, or federal common law, statute, or regulation, including but not limited to environmental laws or regulations; or (iv) strict liability imposed by any law or regulation; so long as such injury, violation, or strict liability (as set forth in (i) (iv) above) arises from or is in any way connected with Project Sponsor's performance of, or failure to perform, this Agreement, however caused, regardless of any strict liability or negligence of PG&E whether active or passive, excepting only such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability, strict liability, or violation of law or regulation that is caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of PG&E.
Printed Name of Authorized Customer Signature of Authorized Customer Date
(Must match name on page 1)
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Form 5b v1.11 510-482-4420 xt.275