Supplemental Information to

History Department Reports


Report to the History Articulation Committee

Collected and compiled by

Marcel Dirk

Athabasca University

sections per year x contact hours per week: Full Time Faculty Carry 1 block (30 students) continuous enrollment X 3 hrs.Tutors can carry up to 4 blocks (120 students) x 3hrs

Lectures: Athabasca University has continuous enrollment and courses are offered in an unpaced environment for the most part but classroom based courses are offered through collaborating institutions e.g., 3 sections of HIST 224 was offered at Blue Quills First Nation College over the last 5 years.

Third and Fourth Year Courses: 23 at 300 level + 11 at 400 level. Also note there are 2 at the 600 level which are graduate courses.

Chair: Kathy Williams-Modern Languages-Centre for Humanities

Prior Learning Assessment: Yes. Maximum of 9 credits

Target Audience: Students who can't attend a traditional institution, those who have full time employment, live in rurual communities, students who desire the flexiblity of unpaced individualized study, students who desire online courses.

Other Relevant Information*:

1.Given AU's rolling enrollments the following definitions were set: Summer 2010 defined as May-August 2010. Fall 2010 defined as September-December 2010. Winter defined as January-April 2011.

2.The reported registrations are unweighted therefore no distinction is drawn between registrations in 3 credit or 6 credit courses.

College of New Caledonia

Full Time Regular: S. Clare is on a joint English and History Appointment, and George Davison is on leave.

Part Time Regular: Brad Smith (2 Sections Quesnel Campus) is retiring. No other history instructor planned for hire.

Proposed New Courses:History 230: Canadian Military History from Confederation

Chair:Release Time *1 for course development of History 230 in fall of 2012
College of the Rockies

Chair: Department Head for University Studies

Co-ordinator: Coordinator for Arts and Sciences

Release Time: 100% for Department Head; 20%, Coordinator

Corpus Christi College

Department Home Page Address:

Email Contact and Address: Dr Niall Christie ()

Faculty: Figure includes faculty who taught relevant Classical Studies (CLST), English (ENGL), Film (FILM), Philosophy (PHIL), Political Science (POLI) and Religious Studies (RELG) courses. Two faculty members taught History (HIST) courses this year.

Teaching Loads (sections per year x contact hours per week): To be decided when the college establishes long-term positions.

Course Offerings and Registrations: Figures include both History courses and relevant courses from the other subject areas indicated above. Total course offerings for History courses only were two first year courses, with a total enrolment of 39, and two second-year courses, with a total enrolment of 26.

Other Relevant Information: Enrolments in History and “historical content” courses at CCC continue to be steady, and only one related course was cancelled this year.

Review of the college’s curriculum is continuing. As part of this, the college is planning on introducing “streams” (effectively pre-made course schedules) to help give students direction in how they approach their Associate of Arts degree. Two of these, “Faith and Culture” and “Global Studies”, include History courses and hence may help enrolments in this subject area.

The college is currently in the process of hiring three full-time, limited term faculty, one in each of Philosophy, English and Religious Studies (Theology). No full-time continuing appointments in History are being contemplated for this year. Other than that, the college continues to operate with a faculty body consisting of sessional faculty.

Douglas College

New appointments: 2 (probationary regular, 1 at 8/8; 1 at 7/8 for 2012-2013)

sections per year x contact hours per week: 8x3 or 4 (classes scheduled as 2x2 or 1x3 on new matrix)

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

New Appointments: 50% position in Environmental History to be cross-posted with 50% position in Asian Studies

First Year Courses: 1113, 1114, 1120, 1121, 1130, 1131, 1145, 1146, 1150, 1160, 1170

Second Year Courses: 2101, 2102, 2119, 2301, 2335, 2350, 2355, 2375

Third and Fourth Year Courses: 3340, 3346, 3350, 3360, 3370, 3390, 3392, 3397, 4400, 4407, 4420, 4430, 4435, 4485, 4491, 4497, 4499

Proposed New Courses: HIST 4499: Selected Topics Seminar (new Spring 2013)

Dropped Courses: HIST 1151: Introduction to Modern East Asia (discontinued Sept. 2013)

Langara College

Proposed New Courses: Hist 1195 Islam: Origins to Middle Ages and Hist. 2295 Islamic Art

Northern Lights College

Other Relevant Information*: I am hired as a fulltime History instructor, but I teach 25% POLI Sci courses and 25% FNST courses each semester.

Northwest Community College

The following reports were submitted in lieu of filling out the Departmental Reports from the two faculty teaching history.

This year I had a strangely large geography workload (especially strange considering that I had been laid off for being unqualified to teach geography only to end up teaching more and higher level geog - but I digress) so I only ended up doing 3 history courses.
September: History 231 (Modern Germany) and History 106 (Modern Canada) both of which had 13 students
January: History 205 (Colonial Africa) which has 15 students
Next year I'll be taking a half-year leave and only plan on running courses in September which will include
Asia 101 (Imperial China)
History 105 (Pre-Confed Canada)
History 241 (Soviet Union)

Hondo Arendt

I also didn't fill it out because this was such a strange year due to layoffs and I'm not sure how to fill it out. I was reduced from 4 sections of history to three. I taught Hist 105 (preconfed) in September with about 12 students. In January I taught Hist 106 with 10 students and History 241 (Soviet Union) with 22 students.
I will be going on a two year leave starting in September, and in the academic plan they plan to run 4 history courses again in Terrace, but I am not exactly sure which ones.
Mia Reimer

Okanagan College

Proposed New Courses: HIST 271: Modern India

Classroom / Distance Education Statistical Breakdown

Classroom-Based Delivery

First-Year Courses: 6

Total Sections: 20

Second-Year Courses:5

Total Sections: 11


Summer 2012: 32

Fall 2012: 281

Winter 2013: 314

Distance Education

First-Year Courses: 2

Total Sections: 10

Second-Year Courses:2

Total Sections: 10


Summer 2012: 21

Fall 2012: 32

Winter 2013: 22

Simon Fraser University

Proposed New Courses: Global History from the Revolutionary Era to the Present

Electronic Courses: two: British Commonwealth, WWII

Trinity Western University

Proposed New Courses: one special topics

University of British Columbia

Registrations: NOTE: History enrolments are not distinguished by fall or winter term. The figure of 5451 is for both terms. In these figure, double weight is given to six-credit courses (spanning both terms).

In other words, a six-credit course with 50 students is counted as having an enrolment of 100 and a three-credit course with 50 students is counted as having an enrolment of 50.

University of the Fraser Valley

New Appointments: 1 part time joint appointment

First Year Courses: 101, 102, 103, 105, 108, 109, 110, 115

Second Year Courses: 208, 209, 210,213, 235, 241, 242, 261, 262, 264

Third and Fourth Year Courses: 310, 311, 320, 325, 328, 329, 330, 358, 364, 396i, 396j, 375, 382, 391, 392, 396k, 396l, 396m, 399e, 408, 414, 415, 418, 420, 428, 456, 458, 460, 484, 487, 499k,

Proposed New Courses: HIST 161: Aztecs, Maya, and Spaniards

Dropped Courses: 220, 226, 243, 261, 308, 319, 329, 375, 390, 410, 424, 428, 436, 484, 485

University of Victoria

Electronic courses: 245 (WWII)