New Radio Title: Bless_Israel_003_WOE_v9

Former IFCJ Title: 25th Anniversary – Bridges of Peace


Ask: $1,500 One Time Gift

$500 One Time Gift

$150 One Time Gift

# Asks in Program: 3 + RYE WOE Flight Plug (Non-Dated)

Donation Provides: Airlift of One (1) Jew on WOE


The cost to rescue one Jew and put them on the next Fellowship Ukraine Freedom Flight is $1,500. $1,000 of your donation goes directly to the Jew you rescue to help them find an apartment in Israel, pay for their food and clothing when they arrive, education them to learn Hebrew, and much more. The balance of your donation pays for the airfare cost and resettlement fees from Ukraine to Israel. You can also give a one-time donation of $500. We’ll join your gift with two others who are also donating $500, and together you’ll rescue one Jew on an upcoming Freedom Flight. Or, lastly, you can give a one-time donation of $150. We’ll join your gift with 9 others who are also giving $150, and together you’ll rescue a precious Jewish soul this Fellowship Flight.

Phone Number →844-80-WINGS


Radio Infomercial

Transcript, Edits & Announcer ASKS


“Building Bridges of Blessings” Booklet



The following program, “Bless Israel with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein,” is brought to you by The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews… presenting the plight facing God's chosen people today so that you can be a blessing to them, through your prayers and Christian love.


The International Fellowship of Christians and Jewswas founded in 1983 to promote understanding and cooperation between Jews and Christians, and to build broad support for Israel.

Our vision is that Jews and Christians will reverse their 2,000-year history of discord and replace it with a relationship marked by dialogue, understanding, respect and cooperation.

Through the financial and prayerful support from Christians and Jews in America and around the world, The Fellowship hashelped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism. They’ve helped return Jewish families, orphans and elderly Holocaust survivors to their biblical homeland, Israel. They’ve provided life-giving aid to Israel’s victims of war and terror, and much more.

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder and president of theInternational Fellowship of Christians and Jews, has devoted more than 30 years to building bridges of understanding between Christians and Jews, and is recognized as the world’s leading Jewish authority on evangelical Christians.

01:25 RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: When I began the Fellowship I was a voice in the wilderness.

There were many moments where I did not know, can this endure?

It’s building a trusting relationship and ah, that’s going to take time…

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Can such a ministry which was seen as naïve after two thousand years you’re going to bring Christians and Jews together? You’re going to get Christians to support Israel?

YAEL ECKSTEIN: He started off in a little office you know and my mom was pregnant with me and they had no health insurance and no income and he was alone in a office with his dream.


RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: A vision that Christians and Jews -- God’s children could get along with one another.

MALE SPEAKER: He says I understand that you want to see come to Jesus as Messiah. He said that doesn’t, that doesn’t offend me.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Could love one another. Could change the course of history together.

MALE SPEAKER: And he says but no matter what it is you want me to do your own scriptures say that the best way for you to do that is to love me.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: I think back nostalgically to those early days when I began the Fellowship --


And I must tell you that I had a prepared speech, remarks that I was going to give this morning and I felt God telling me to rip them up a half hour before I got here. I wish you would tell me earlier!

In all honesty there were many moments of loneliness.


But when you feel like you’re called to something you’re guided by God…

As I was sitting and listening to your praying, your praise I could not help but feel that behold this is a highway to heaven, a gateway to heaven. This is a place of God, God’s presence is here.

Constantly seeking God’s direction ah, rather than my own and rather than by what others will say about you.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: I must admit it was at times very painful.

04:44 RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: There was skepticism on the part of the Jewish Community, a real lack of trust.

04:57 RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: It was you, our friends who held my hands up like Moses with Aaron and Hur. God sent many of his partners like yourselves over the years.

MALE SPEAKER: We are not using Israel or Jewish people as a theological football for our advantage.



REV. ROBERTSON: I want to talk to you about an incredible, fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: I remember Pat Robertson saying I’ll pray for you and your ministry and I walked out of there saying great, another Christian who’s going to pray for my ministry. I don’t have anything and he’s going to pray for me well great, Pat. By the time I got back to my office a day later there was a -- an overnight envelope and in it was a ten thousand dollar check and it was from Pat.

REV ROBERTSON: Is it possible to heal two thousand years of misunderstanding between two religions? Well our next guest has spent his life…

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: And ah, he had a little note I believe that God is working through you and I want to be with you on this journey.

From the first time back in 1983 when you and I sat together and ah…

It wasn’t just the funds which we needed, it was the affirmation from someone like him that this is of God and he wants to be a part of it.

It’s a tremendous bridge and you, you have ah, ah, just gained such acceptance with both communions which is great.


RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: But the breakthrough I think came like fifteen years ago

-- not from dialog but the breakthrough came when we were able to find a project where we could work together.

REV. ROBERTSON: Joining me is Rabbi YECHIEL Eckstein president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the ministry sponsoring this program. Welcome YECHIEL.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Thank you Pat. One of the…

Christians started hearing about this message to bring the Jewish people home. The Jewish people wanted to leave the former Soviet Union but they obviously did not have the resources to do so. Here was the chance to show the Jewish people Christian love in a very real way, in a tangible meaningful way.


By blessing Israel and the Jewish people they’re not abrogating their great commission, they’re fulfilling their great commission.

FEMALE SPEAKER: I know what the scripture says that we are to do the works of Jesus and the works are continuing here.

MALE SPEAKER: People with good hearts and a righteous spirit that’s doing the same thing, trying to help those that are oppressed, help those that are hungry, helping those that are trying to find their roots and, and to be settled again. And that’s such a good feeling to be a part of that.

MALE SPEAKER: This desert is blossoming like a rose ah, here and ah, the land is fertile and um, God’s bringing Jews back to Israel from all over the world.

Long ago we read um, that the Gentiles would bring the Jews back to this country and we read the scripture we said how can we help fulfill that? And then we heard Rabbi and I said that’s a way because we never knew of any organization that supported bringing Jews back to Israel.


The Bible says in Ezekiel 39 verse 28, “Then they will know that I am the Lord their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind.”

When the 74-year reign of Communism ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, the door to freedom opened for one of the most oppressed groups of people on earth -- Soviet Jews, who long had been denied permission to return to Israel, their biblical homeland.

With large-scale emigration finally possible, The International Fellowship of Christians and Jewslaunched a new program called,“On Wings of Eagles,” to transport these Jews on “Freedom Flights” from many places around the world, to the Holy Land.

To date, hundreds of thousands of Jews have been rescued and flown home to Israel.

Here in 2016, with the help of Christians like you, The Fellowship has been able to rescue hundreds of Jewish families, orphans and Holocaust survivors, on monthly “Fellowship Freedom Flights, leaving Kiev Ukraine and arriving in Tel Aviv Israel.

Would you like to be part of fulfilling biblical prophecy and help rescue and return Jews, God’s chosen people, from “the four corners of the earth” home to Israel? You can do that right now.

The cost to rescue one Jew and put them on the next Fellowship Ukraine Freedom Flight is $1,500. $1,000 of your donation goes directly to the Jew you rescue to help them find an apartment in Israel, pay for their food and clothing when they arrive, education them to learn Hebrew, and much more. The balance of your donation pays for the airfare cost and resettlement fees from Ukraine to Israel.

You can also give a one-time donation of $500. We’ll join your gift with two others who are also donating $500, and together you’ll rescue one Jew on an upcoming Freedom Flight.

Or, lastly, you can give a one-time donation of $150. We’ll join your gift with 9 others who are also giving $150, and together you’ll rescue a precious Jewish soul on this Fellowship Flight.

Here’s the number to call to rescue a Jew on our next upcoming Fellowship Ukraine Freedom Flight.

It’s 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647.

You can also donate your tax deductible gift on our ministry website page for these “On Wings of Eagles Ukraine Flights. The website address is:


Please call right now and help us as we fill these flights with Jews who dream of returning to their homeland. Friendly Fellowship operators are waiting to talk with you. The number is 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647.

MALE SPEAKER: When you read in the Bible and it says that God will bring his chosen people home it opens up your eyes to the fact that his chosen people are also little children from all over the world that have either been abandoned or raised in orphanages or refuges of war, whatever it may be. Even though they don’t realize it he’s bringing them back in their infancy.

10:36 RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Christians today are helping bring the Jewish children to Israel, the orphans, the children who have no place else to go.

MALE SPEAKER: (Hebrew spoken.)

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Yes, such a big smile.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Yes, that’s one too.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Hello Rabbi, these are home.

MALE SPEAKER: To see descendants of Abraham, young children that are descendants of Abraham ah, is literally just heart wrenching.

FEMALE SPEAKER: We have to take care of these and I have things -- bad children.

MALE SPEAKER: It, it’s sad to see the children there in the orphanage but at the same time we look at it and we think this is a miracle for them, these, these are God’s chosen people in their infancy being raised in the Holy Land.

FEMALE SPEAKER: It just made me cry and I could feel the power of the Lord among his people and, and the work that he’s doing and I just praise God and, and the Rabbi for, for all of his, his work and his dream and his vision.

FEMALE SPEAKER: I thank Rabbi Eckstein because he started this Fellowship so we can have a part in it. Because the -- God commands us (inaudible). Jesus said this -- as much as you do it to the least of these you do it to me. And we need to remember that more.


FEMALE SPEAKER: Jesus said let the little ones come on to me -- you got to love them, you got to take them, you got to do something.


MALE SPEAKER: You looked in their faces and you saw the, the glow and the joy and the peace that these children had and you knew that it was all because there were people who cared. And the word says that they will know we are Christians by our love.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Christians have a commission to share the Gospel of God’s love through Jesus to the whole world and at the same time the Jewish Community in seeing that these are different Christians from the ones we encountered for two thousand years would begin to trust. Would begin to trust and reach out to those Christians who are helping in blessing them.


FEMALE SPEAKER: I work for the Fellowship and I do a lot of volunteer work with the Fellowship and there are times that I just think it’s futile and I come here and I see this work and I know that what the Fellowship does everyday of every year is coming to good soil like this and helping God’s children, innocent children who are so beautiful.