South West of England

NNPCF representative update

November 2017

Tina Emery

Most of you know how important I think communication is for the NNPCF– both from me to you and more importantly from you to me – otherwise I cannot understand and represent your views. Here is my update for November – I will try and issue one of these each month.

Item / Description / Action required
NNPCF Update
1 / NNPCF Annual Conference, Etihad Stadium Manchester, 27th & 28th November
Wow what a few days they were! Lovely to see some many from our lovely region and finally meeting the lovely forum from the Isles of Scilly!!!
There was so much shared, but there was some news, which we have shared on our social media instantly but DfE haveconfirmedthat forums will be funded for the next two years.
There was a fantastic report developed by NNPCF and a separate one done by the parent participation team at Contact. It was also announced that Gethyn Williams will be leaving Contact at the end of December. My report on the day will be uploaded to my sharing file.
Regional Update
10 / Making Participation Work - Effectively Engaging Children and Young People
Engineers House, Clifton Down, Bristol
This took place on 1st November and was attended, mainly by LA’s, with Torbay Parent Carer Forum, the only other forum in attendance. I have a list of attendees and the slides from the day. These will be uploaded onto my sharing file, link to that is here:
Swindon LA Visit 9th November
I was asked by the new SEND commissioner to visit Swindon alongside the Contact Advisor. The meeting went well and discussions around how to appropriately co-produce were had. The new SEND commissioner was based in Somerset until very recently, hence why I had the invitation. The meeting went exceptionally well and I have great hopes for Swindon!
Swindon Visit Part 2 – 10th November
On the back of a great LA meeting the Contact Advisor invited me to speak to parents at their forum launch coffee morning. About 15-20 parents turned up and I believe nearly all (if not all) signed up to be part of the new forum. It was a great event, in a community room in Tesco (I love these rooms btw, great resource!)
Expert Parenting – Train The Trainer – 24th November
Not really my Regional rep role/news however I just wanted to make you aware that a number of us in the region have now had the trainer training for the above workshop. An excellent resource for parents.
Big Thanks to Stuart Hall from Wiltshire who organised it!
South Glos, Gloucester, Wiltshire and Somerset have now had the training!
Upcoming Events
Ipsea and DfE Day – 1st December
I will feed back on this, but as a rule, Parent Carer Forums are not part of this and I am going as an observation role.
The purpose of the day is to assist senior education, health and social care decision makers to interpret and apply the legal requirements of the Children’s and families Act 2014to some key decision points.
Steering Group Meeting – DfE London 6th December
This will mainly be to disseminate the AGM so if you have thoughts around this, let me know, as I am aware a lot of the forums didn’t go for a variety of reasons!
SW Region Teleconference 6th December
I’m also doing a SW region teleconference and will be asking you for any updates, other than the ones you’ve given at clusters, well anything else in addition of that you need me to know about.
Regional SEND Network – Dillington 7th December
I have prepared my presentation for this event. Booking for this event is now closed. If your SEND lead did not approach you for this event, please can you let me know. The agenda is still available in my sharing file on onedrive.
SouthWest Regional Event – Exeter Racecourse 6th February
Once the new regional admin is in post, invitations and booking will commence, but we still need an agenda. It’s your day, so you tell me what you would like from the day. Send your requests into me! Ta! / All PCF’s