Impact identified


display section title (not name) in the current language of the interface

display one concrete document in the current language of the interface

display concrete document’s title (not name) in the current language of the interface

for translated document, we will display titles, not filenames. Therefore we will have no file extension (.doc, .xml …). Although we can still display the icon corresponding to the format of the concrete document, it may be interesting to dissociate the document and its format, especially if we intend to provide some rendering features.

For example, on this web site of the EP, the document , its language and its physical format are dissociated.

use a dedicated icon that could indicate that there are several docs (like a stack of docs for example).

action to select another concrete document (sibling)

every action (copy …) is applied on the currently displayed concrete document

How to perform actions for the logical document?

  • New edition: can be applied on any concrete document because it will impact all its siblings anyway
  • Access a former edition (= old version): an additional action “View Editions” available on any concrete document
  • Add a translation: can be applied on any concrete document because it will become one of its siblings
  • Copy, move, delete, deep copy, take ownership:
  • We can use specific actions like ‘copy all’ that would then be applied on any concrete document.
  • Another option is to add an entry ‘All languages’ in the language menu. Afterwards, the actions are applied on ‘all’ languages, i.e. on the LD.
  • Edit properties:an additional action “View Editions” available on any concrete document
  • Discussion: if we need to have discussions for the translations and the LD, then we should rely on the language information as mentioned above.

- View details

displays details of the concrete document (which are editable)

AND displays details of the LD but the values are in the language of the concrete document (which is editable for values associated to this language).

- Add a translation process

Similar to upload process but the concrete document is associated to a LD

This action can only be available on concrete documents that already have a language information.

I see no impact on the UI. Of course the language information will be a mandatory metadata.

- Search

For both simple search and advanced search, add a language selection component that will be taken into account for:

- Linguistic sensitive search (stop words …)

- restrict search to concrete document with the corresponding language information

- restrict search on metadata that have values matching the query in the requested language

Results list: same as ‘Browse’

Table of content

1List of pages to be defined

2List of items per page



2.1.2Logical documents

2.1.3Concrete documents

2.1.4Locked & working copies



2.1.7Forums spaces, forums, topics, posts …

2.1.8Surveys space

2.1.9Links & Dossiers



2.2.2Logical documents

2.2.3Concrete documents

2.2.4Links & Dossiers

2.3Deleted files


2.3.2Logical documents

2.3.3Concrete documents

2.3.4Links & Dossiers


2.4.1Posts & replies

2.5Upload wizard

2.5.1File name


2.6View details



2.7Simple search

2.7.1Text field

2.8Advanced search

2.8.1Text field

2.8.2List of Meta data

2.9Results list


2.9.2Logical documents

2.9.3Concrete documents

2.9.4Dossiers & links

2.9.5!!! IG & VC should be excluded?? They can be found by their keywords if user has access.

3List of context actions for every item

3.1Logical Doc

3.1.1Add new translation

3.1.2Copy & Paste

3.1.3Deep Copy




3.1.7Take ownership


3.1.9Edit Properties

3.2Concrete Doc

3.2.1Add new translation

3.2.2Copy & Paste

3.2.3Deep Copy


3.2.5Check out

3.2.6Check in

3.2.7Take ownership


3.2.9Edit Properties






4Actions menu available on every page


4.1.1Actions on current space

4.1.2Manage space (rules & users)

4.1.3Some administration (manage deleted files)

4.1.4Add Content (concrete & logical docs)

4.1.5Create (space)

4.2Clipboard (icons)

4.2.1Copy & Paste

4.2.2Deep Copy


4.3Deleted files

4.3.1Show all



4.3.4Restore concrete doc (all versions)

4.3.5Restore logical doc / Restore all siblings



4.5Upload wizard

4.6View details

4.6.1Dash board

4.6.2Edit details

4.7Simple search

4.8Advanced search

4.8.1Select a saved search

4.8.2Reset criteria

4.9Results list

4.9.1Save new search

5Navigation between pages

1List of pages to be defined

  1. Browse
  2. Clipboard
  3. Manage Deleted files
  4. Discussions
  5. Upload wizard
  6. View details
  7. Simple search
  8. Advanced search
  9. Results list

2List of items per page



The space title must be displayed in the same language as the User Interface

User must be able to select another language to display the title NO, not on spaces

2.1.2Logical documents

Logical docs are not displayed. The space will show the concrete document’s title that corresponds to the language of the User Interface. If there is no concrete document in that language, the space will try to show in order: the concrete document that corresponds to the favourite language of the user (from his user preferences); the concrete document that corresponds to the second favourite language of the user (from his user preferences); the concrete document that corresponds to the English translation; any one concrete document available.

2.1.3Concrete documents

Not displayed

Note: usual documents (non-multilingual) are unchanged in display and behaviour.

2.1.4Locked & working copies

The concrete document can be displayed as any other document.

The locked version will have the lock icon, the working copy will be in the same language as the locked document.


A specific display is required.

Ideally a FTL template should hide the ‘Content Repository’ look and feel at this stage


A specific display is required.

Ideally a FTL template should hide the ‘Content Repository’ look and feel at this stage

2.1.7Forums spaces, forums, topics, posts …


2.1.8Surveys space

See specs on CIRCABC integration with IPM.

2.1.9Links & Dossiers



2.2.2Logical documents

More precisely: all the translations available.

Alfresco manages the versions ‘internally’; in the document itself. Every actions applied to a document is applied to its versions.

If a document is versioned, only one document is displayed in the Clipboard.

The same behaviour can be done for translated documents (if the action is applied on the logical document).

2.2.3Concrete documents

As any standard document

2.2.4Links & Dossiers

As any standard document

2.3Manage deleted files



2.3.2Logical documents

Not displayed. Actions are applied in the concrete document

2.3.3Concrete documents

Restore only one file,

Restore all versions

Restore all translations/siblings (with their version)

2.3.4Links & Dossiers

As any standard document


2.4.1Posts & replies


2.5Upload wizard

2.5.1File name


Metadata of LD in read only

+ input metadata for this language

+ language selection

+ dynamic metadata

The concrete document is added ‘in’ the list of translation for the LD.

2.6View details


Metadata of LD in read only

+ input metadata for this language

+ language information

+ dynamic metadata


Links to the latest versions of other translations

2.7Simple search

2.7.1Text field

2.8Advanced search

2.8.1Text field

2.8.2List of Meta data

2.9Results list


2.9.2Logical documents

2.9.3Concrete documents

2.9.4Dossiers & links

2.9.5!!! IG & VC should be excluded?? They can be found by their keywords if user has access.

3List of context actions for every item

3.1Logical Doc

3.1.1Add new translation

This action can be performed on any concrete document

3.1.2Copy & Paste

Some kind of “copy all translations”

3.1.3Deep Copy


In Alfresco all versions of a document are moved.

All translations of a document should be moved.

What if a user wants to move only one concrete doc? Not possible: a concrete document cannot be removed from the LD.


Delete all translations

3.1.6New Edition

Uploads a new concrete document and creates a new edition/version of the LD.

The uploaded concrete document is the original version for the new edition.

3.1.7Edit Former Edition

That could display the edition/versions history of the LD.

Available actions are:

For every edition of the LD, open the ‘view details’ of one concrete document (latest version obviously).

For every edition of the LD, download the latest version of one concrete document.

3.1.8Take ownership

Take ownership of all translations (implicitly all their versions)


Not applicable

3.1.10Edit Properties

Not applicable.

Edit properties of a concrete doc. Changes on the properties of the Logical Documentare possible via the properties of any translation

3.2Concrete Doc

3.2.1Add new translation

3.2.2Copy & Paste

3.2.3Deep Copy


3.2.5Check out

3.2.6Check in

3.2.7Take ownership


3.2.9Edit Properties






4Actions menu available on every page


4.1.1Actions on current space

4.1.2Manage space (rules & users)

4.1.3Some administration (manage deleted files)

4.1.4Add Content (concrete & logical docs)

4.1.5Create (space)

4.2Clipboard (icons)

4.2.1Copy & Paste

4.2.2Deep Copy


4.3Deleted files

4.3.1Show all



4.3.4Restore concrete doc (all versions)

4.3.5Restore logical doc / Restore all siblings



4.5Upload wizard

4.6View details

4.6.1Dash board

4.6.2Edit details

4.7Simple search

4.8Advanced search

4.8.1Select a saved search

4.8.2Reset criteria

4.9Results list

4.9.1Save new search

5Navigation between pages