Budapest, 6th December 2012

MOL New Europe Foundation awards Journalists


The ’Media for Talent’ awards were distributed ceremoniously to journalists. The award created by MOL New Europe Foundation can be granted to journalists having successfully applied with their work presenting young talents in sports, sciences and culture. The awards were handed to media experts by trustees of the New Europe Foundation, by Sándor Csányi Goodwill Ambassador for the Foundation and by Áron Szilágyi champion of the Olympics in sabre fencing, former supportee of the Foundation, on the 6th of December.

Winners of the Media for Talent Award were ceremoniously handed their prizes. In 2012 for the first time, the New Europe Foundation called for applications from journalists. Applications had to consist of material having been used on TV, radio, in printed or online press before the 30 September, presenting talented young people (under 25) and their masters, in the domains of sports, sciences and culture.

It is more difficult to trumpet abroad good news, even when it is not about a given firm but about talent, about men, about their perseverance, their good example. By announcing „The Media for Talent Award” we invite journalists to be our partners in presenting the career of exemplary talented young people. We are happy to see and thank them for many of them having taken the challenge” – said Dóra Somlyai, trustee for the New Europe Foundation and MOL Company Communication Manager at the distribution ceremony.

The applicants - nearly one hundred of them - uploaded their material on the webpage Winners were selected by a three-member journalists’ jury: Ilona Keresztes and Dániel Mezei from MTVA and András Stumpf from Heti Válasz (Weekly Response).

First prizes were given: in the category radio, to Bea Kiss, from Kossuth Rádió, for her unique reportage-arrangement about the past few decades of Richárd Veres, world champion in kick-box and his master. In the category print-online to Attila Szalay, journalist for Képes Sport (Sports and Images) for his material about Richárd Magyar second-line football player in Sweden, who is of Hungarian origins. In the category TV and video a shared first prize was given out, for the short film about Attila Ősi paleontologist by Dániel and Krisztián Bárány from, and the short summary of Áron Szilágyi’s career so far by Mária Takács from

As a result of online voting, the audience award was given to Erika Farkas and Bea Kiss from Kossuth Rádió for their reportage on the Nyilas Misi Association of Kolozsvár.

The Media for Talent Award was completed by bounties, those having receive the shared first prize received 100,000 – 100,000 HUF, while the other first prize winners and those having received the Audience Award, 150,000 HUF.

Awards were handed over by trustees of the New Europe Foundation, by actor Sándor Csányi goodwill ambassador for the Foundation and by Áron Szilágyi sabre fencer, champion of the Olympic Games, himself an ex-supportee of the Foundation.

The New Europe Foundation has supported the development of talented young people through the MOL Talent Support Programme, and recognized the work of teachers and coaches working for talented young people through the MOL Talent Care Award since 2006.