KIDSPY CAMP: Operation Beat the Heat


1.  I am the parent/legal guardian of ______, (the “Minor Child”) who is, participating in Spy Camp sponsored by the International Spy Museum.

2.  As parent or legal guardian, I, to the extent permitted by law, individually and on behalf of the Minor Child, do release, discharge, waive, and covenant not to sue the Museum, its personal representatives, employees, agents, assigns and successors and hereby release them from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury, or expense that I or the Minor Child may suffer, as result of our participation in the program or any other activities, facilities, accommodations, or property offered by the Museum and due to any cause whatsoever including mistakes or errors in judgment, negligence, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty of care on the part of the Museum or its personal representatives, agents, successors and assigns. This release shall not apply if the loss, damage, injury, death, or illness is the result of willful misconduct.

3.  As parent or legal guardian of the above minor, I further understand that:

(A)  I am financially responsible for any damages the minor causes while on the premises at the Museum.

(B)  I am responsible for the conduct of the Minor Child while he or she is on the premises of the Museum and in the event the Minor Child disrupts the Program, the Museum reserves the right to dismiss us from the program with no refund of fees paid.

4.  I am satisfied that I have been informed of my right to obtain as much information about any risks or hazards as may be associated with the program, or the other activities, facilities, and accommodations of the Museum as I feel necessary.

5.  I hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Museum, its employees, agents, assigns, and successors from any and all liability for any property damage or personal injury to any third party resulting from my participation in the Program, or otherwise in the activities, facilities, and accommodations of the Museum.

6.  I confirm that I have had time to read and understand this document and have read and understand the release contained above prior to signing this document.

Signature: ______Date:______


Print Name: ______

Relationship to child: ______