1. Being responsible to the laboratory activities, assisted by the laboratory team,which is called as laboratory assistant, so the laboratory activity runs properly.
  2. Leading, mentoring and coordinating the laboratory activities and making cooperation with external institution, such as the other Department or Faculty in Brawijaya University, other Universities and Construction Company, around Malang city. Developing cooperation with external institution is important to broaden knowledge, technology and information.
  3. Adjusting administrative and financial work, so the laboratory administration and financial system canwork properly.
  4. Managing inventory of the quantity and quality of laboratory equipment, the equipment usage circulation and correspondency (if applied).


  1. Being responsible to provide the equipment for test or research and return it,
  2. Helping the students and lecturers to do a test/ research,
  3. Being responsible to the equipment, especially for sensitive equipment, in order to keepits quality because of improper usage.

Structural Organization of Applied Hydraulics Laboratory




  1. Students who havepracticum program haveto enroll to the laboratory
  2. Students have to check the schedule and practicum group
  3. Students have to perform the practicum based on schedule
  4. If the students areabsent, he/she has to inform to the Laboratory Assistant by phone and give a doctor’s letter or legal letter at least 2 days after the schedule. The student willbe grouped to the other group if there is a group that has not hadpracticum yet
  5. If the laboratory schedule has ended, the student cannot join the practicum and he/she is allowed to join the next practicum
  6. After doing the practicum, the result has to be signed by the laboratory assistant
  7. Students have to make the practicum report
  8. Studentshaveto inform the practicumadvisor to get a report mentoring
  9. Students getpracticum score signed by the practicumadvisor and the Head of laboratory after finishing the practicum report


  1. Students have to come on the schedule
  2. Students have to fill in the attendance listof practicum
  3. If there is a schedule which is conciding with a lecture schedule, student has to fill the practicumpermission letter
  4. The explanation of practicum is conducted by the practicumAdvisor based on the schedule and practicum group
  5. Students have to perform the practicum based on guidance book which is controlled by Laboratory Assistant
  6. The data has to be filled in coloumns in the guidance book
  7. After finish the practicum, the student has to give the practicum data to the Laboratory Assistant to be signed
  8. Student makes the practicum report which is controlling by the Advisor based on his/her schedule and group


  1. Students have to come on time and the maximum deferred for certain reason is 10 (ten minutes)
  2. Students have well dressed,wear shoes, and polite
  3. Students should not be wearing sandals, neckless t-shirt, jacket/sweater and smooking especially in laboratory


  1. Practicum report has to finish not more than 1(one) month after the practicum. If the students haven’t do all practicum yet , the Head of laboratory aborts the practicum and the students have to attendto the next period .
  2. Practicum report has to be typed and printed by provided cover of laboratory.
  3. The original report must be collected in the laboratory as an arcip and the student compulsary copyingthe report according to the number of student of each group


1.Taking pictures and data of Dam Model or Weir Model

2.Measurement Method

- Determine the index of P.G. by touching the tip of P.G. on the crest measuring instrument.

- Set the nonius so zeros right in figure meter level e.g 30. IP = 0 = 30

- Measure High on measuring equipment by touching the tip of the needle P.G At water level, the level meter is read and recorded.

- Perform three times of measuring by different water level

- Enter the Price k into the formula of discharge measuring equipment, it can be calculated the amount of discharge experiment

- Table. (3.4) is the relationship of water level (h) and discharge (Q) Rechbox measuring instrument calibration results

- Measurement of water level, flow velocity, and flowinstruction

Water level caused by the flow of the specific discharge was measured by using a meter level (point gauge) or with a water pass, while the speed is measured by using a pitot tube (pytot tube) and small current meter. The flow instruction is observed by using a series of straps that thread mounted in a row on a piece of wood.


Provisions in the laboratory implementation of this test model of each group is required to follow the treatment with 2 variations of discharge is determined by the Laboratory Assistant.

4. Presentation of Results of Experiments (Count and Analysis)

During the trial against the discharge tested, observation and measurement which is did are:

1. The flow patterns that occur in buildings spillway, side channel, energy absorbers and river flow downstream

2. The danger of cavitation in the spillway and side channels

3. Effectiveness of energy absorbers

4. Local scours the downstream energy absorbers


1. Effectiveness of spillway, side channel or channel transition in the tested discharge flow

2. Security of utility spillway hydraulic construction and energy absorbers

3. Security of river cahnnel in downstream energy absorbers




This instruction was structured tobe carried out by the management and the user of Applied Hydraulics Laboratory. This procedure was prepared by considering the function and sensitivity of the equipment so that the sensitive equipment is not easily damaged and stored in a separate cupboard. These instructions are containing the following matters:

1. Procedures of equipment’s data collection

2. Procedures of equipment maintenance


Procedures of Equipment’s Data Collection:

The equipment being recorded by the year of purchase, price, funding source, and each recent condition.


Maintenance procedures:

The treatment of sensitive equiment, conducted regularly every semester or every year, the treatment also includes calibration of the equipment.


This instruction was prepared to be carried out by managers and users of Applied Hydraulics Laboratory. Thisinstruction was prepared by considering the function and sensitivity of the equipment so that sensitive equipment is not wrong in the operation. This instructions containing the following matters::

1. Procedure of EquipmentBorrowing

2. Procedure of Equipment Operating

3. Procedure of Equipment Returning

  1. Procedure of EquipmentBorrowing

The user that would borrow Applied Hydraulics Laboratory equipment must submit a written request to the Head of Laboratory. The letter contained about borrowed equipment and borrower’s identity, time of borrowing , and the type of testing to be performed by the equipment. This procedure was made for the purpose of laboratory administration, so it can be known about the amount of the borrower's laboratory equipment and frequency of the equipment use.

  1. Procedure of Equipment Operating

The operation of equipment must be supervised by an instructor and the operation can be carried out by the borrower. As for the sensitive instruments must be carried out by instructors who had been trained to operate the equipment correctly.

  1. Procedure of Equipment Returning

Theequipment must be returned in place after used and in such conditions before borrowed. If there is damage caused by faulty of borrower, the borrower is obligated to repair or replace that equipment, and the damage must be reported to the manager of Applied Hydraulics Laboratory.



1. The borrowershaveto apply the equipmentborrowing application to the Head of the Department or the Secretary of the Department

2. The borrowers fill Form. 01 (2 COPIES )

3. The form 01 approved byHead Laboratory and initialed by the clerk of Laboratory

4. The borrowers sign Form. 02 ie statement about "Rules" of laboratory equipment borrowing


Digital stopwatch

Equipment’s identity

Function: Calculate Time

Brand: Quartz

Size: 7,5x6x1,7cm

Instruction ofDigital Stopwatch

  1. This watch consists of different modes to provide with a highly professional chrono-equipment. 6 functions (month, date, date-of-week, hour, minute, second), alarm with snooze and haourly chime, user selectable 12 hour/24 hour format, 4 year calendar, chronograph measure up to 1/100sec with lap function duto ranging after 30 minutes to hour, minutes, second measuring capacity upto 23 hour, 59 minute, 59 second.
  2. To set time, press S1 (middle button) once or more times until normal time display – I.e, Hours, minutes, etc. – appears. Then, pressS2 (left button) once and minutes will begin flashing, press S3 and hold until desired alarm minutes appear.
  3. To set alarm, with watch displayed unreal time, press S1 twice for alarm display mode appear, Press S3 and hold until desired alarm hour is reached. Then press S2 and minute begin flashing, press S3 and hold until desired alarm minutes appear.
  4. To operate stopwatch, press S1 once or more time to reach chronograph display mode. To start, press S3 once and again to stop it. To reset to zero, press both S2 and S3.
  5. For lap measurement, while stopwatch is running, you can measure elapsed time by pressing and release S2.

Maintenance Instructions

1. Always check the condition of the equipment before and after the use of equipment.

2. Keep the equipment back into the storage box when not in use

3. Avoid it from vibration, magnetic fields, strong sunlight and rain (water)

4. Prohibited to open the rear cover hours to avoid the entry of dust and damp air.

Roll Meter

Equipment’s Identity

Function: Measuring distances

Brand: Jason

Type: -

Size: 50m

Meter Roll Machine Operating Instructions

1. Make sure that rollmeter is not locked. If it is locked , unlock the rollmeter by reversing the spindle rod outwards.

2. Pull out the measuring tape to make sure that the position of figures is facing forward.

3. Read the assigned number to know the measured object.

4. Always check the condition of the equipment before and after the use of equipment

5. Save rollmeter in a state rolled up and do not let it be separate

Camera Digital

Equipment’s identity

Function: Documenting events Visually






Instructions of The Way to Use Digital Camera

  1. This camera using batteries 2x AA Alkaline (High Capacity), CR – V3 type Lithium lon battery or 2 x AA ni – MH (SNB-2512)
  2. Insert the battery and insert the memory card. As this camera has a 24MB internal memory, You do not have to insert the memory card. If the memory card is not inserted, an image will be stored in the internal memory. If the card is not inserted, an image will be stored on the memory card. Memory card is inserted, an image will be stored on the memory card.
  3. Close the battery chamber cover
  4. Press the power button to turn on the camera.
  5. Select the Scene mode by pressing the M (Mode) button.

The scene modes are listed below.

Night: Use the for shototing still images ot night or in other

dark conditions.

Portrait: To take a picture of a person

Landscape: To take a pictures of distant scenery

Sunset: For taking pictures of sunsets

Dawn: Daybreak Scenes

Backlight : Portrait without shadows by backlight

Fireworks: Firework scenes

Beach & Snow: For ocean, lake, beach andsnowscape scenes.

  1. Point the camera towards the subject and compose the image by using the LCD monitor
  2. Press the shutter button to capture an ima

Instructionof EquipmentMaintenance of Digital Camera :

  1. Don’t remove the memory card when the camera status lamp is blinking as this may cause damage to data in the memory card.
  2. Using the flash frequently will reduce the life of the battery
  3. Use a soft brush (available from photo stores) to gently clean the lens and LCD assemblies. If this does not work, lens – cleaning paper with lens cleaning fluid can be used


Equipment’s Identity

Function: Measuring Altitude Air

Brand: Made in Japan and Armfield


Point Gauge

  1. Left and Right Brand Armfield
  2. Central is Made in Japan

Instructions Point of Use Equipment Gauge:

1. The tip of the needle is placed at the base of the channel or the BM then read nonius

2. The tip of the needle is placed on the surface of the water, if there is a stream, then read Nonius

3. High / water depth can be determined from the difference between the second reading and third reading above

Maintenance instructions:

1. Check the condition of the equipment before and after the use of equipment

2. Once done remove and store the used needle point gauge


Equipment’s Identity


- Measuring horizontal and vertical angles

- Measuring the distance between two points

- Measuring the height difference between two points

Brand: Topcon

Type: DT-2009L-Digital Theodolite

Equipment: -Ruler

- Yalon (Anjir)

- Roll Meter

- Umbrella

Parts of theodolites

1. Lenses and Binoculars

2. VizirEquipment

3. Niveau (NIVO)

4. Construction of axis, driving smoother and clamps (Lock)

5. Equipment reading corner

6. the stand (three feet) to hold the measurementequipment

Front Side /
Left Side /
Right Side

Stick Ruler /
Plummet /

Instructions of Vizir Equipment

Vizir lines are lines that remain to lead the connecting line between the midpoint of the optical and objectivity as well as the cross point of the diaphragm cross thread

Cross Hair Form

v= Vertical Hair

a= UpperHair

b= Lower Hair

t= Center Hair

Binoculars View Point

V= Vertical Hair

A= Upper Hair CROSS HAIR

T= Center Hair

B= Lower Hair

Funtion :

v= Making positions or positions between the equipment and the appropriate object

a= Getting the reading numbers of ruler (m)

Sign formula height difference betweeen 2 points

b= Getting the reading numbers of ruler (m)

Sign formula height difference between two points

t=Getting digit readings of ruler (mm)

enter the formula height difference between two points

= As a control reading of ruler

→ t1 = t1 = numbers of counting

t = numbers of observation



t =

Intructionsof RulerEquipment

1. Materials: - Wood

- Aluminium

2. Length: 3 3/2 5 meters, can fold shorter.

3. Ruler distribution: generally the division tub in centimeters, but the ad also

Another division (to get the specific measurement) each 1 meter are colored.

4. Function: to get a reading of the tub (in units of length) and from the reading of this ruler it can be calculated height difference between two points.

Instructions of YALON Equipment

1. Material: Wood, metal pipe

2. Length: 2 3 / d 3 meters is colored red or white every 20 cm in alternately.

3. Function: As a mark in the field to facilitate the search for a point (point while).

InstructionROLL METER

1. Materials: - steel plate (meetveer)

- Special fabric (meetband)

- Fiber glass

2. Length: 30 3/50 meter

3. Function: To measure the horizontal distance directly in the field.

Instructionof Umbrella

Function: To protect the measuring equipment against sun and rain.

Radiation will directly result in:

1. Nivo rupture due to evaporation of liquid on nivo.

2. harden clamps.

3. Changing the requirements set of equipment.

Instructions of How to Readout the Right Angle

1. Center the the nivo bubble upright using bolt

2. Look through the lens eye upright scale readings

3. If the reading figures is unclear, then adjust the eye lens adjustment bolt upright scale readings

Instructions of How to Readout the Horizontal Scale

The way to readout the Horizontal Scale are:

1. After the telescope is directed at signs

2. Look through the eye lens horizontal scale, if the figures horizontal scale is not visible, set using the adjustment bolt so that the eye lens is appropriate with the capability of accommodation of eye measurement

3. Turn the micrometer drum until there are the state of the lines above scale and below scale is coinciding each other.

4. Read the horizontal scale:

, Readings degree / grade through the eye lens horizontal scale readings

, Reading tens of minutes and units of minutes through a micrometer scale.

Instructions of Installation and Settings ofTheodoliteEquipment

1. Place the measurementequipment on statip theodolite compass just above the point.

2. Center the box with the bubble third set while fruit horizontal adjustment bolt.

3. The equipment has been prepared for observation.

4. The order of work on the observation of detail

- The order of reading the data field is:

1. High equipment

2. BT, BA and BB

3. oblique angle

4. magnetic azimuth

- Implementation:

1. The equipment has been installed above a given point

2. Measure the height appliance (i)

3. Install signs at some point, erected upright

4. Open the locking screw horizontal movement

5. With the help of sight (vizier) rotate and point the telescope roughly at the s signs.

6. Lock the locking screw by horizontal movement.

7. Using a smooth motion screw thread horizontal vertical diaphragm align with the middle of the sign.

8. To facilitate the calculation of the height difference take center hair reading as high as a equipment.

1. First open the locking screw by vertical movement

2. Turn the telescope in the vertical and point the crosshairs at honing the desired readings middle thread

3. Lock back upright movement

4. To fine tune the readings do by setting screwsmooth motion upright.

9. Read:

1. BB, BA

2. The vertical angle (oblique or zenith)

3. The magnetic azimut

Instructionof Maintenance Procedure

1. Always check the condition of the equipment before and after the use of equipment

2. To avoid avoid damage to the lens, store it in a dry place and make sure it is not damp. Suggested stored in a special cabinet large illuminated.