Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool

Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool



Page 7 of 7 Dec-15

Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool

Page 7 of 7 Dec-15

Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool

Page 7 of 7 Dec-15

Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool

Page 7 of 7 Dec-15

Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool

Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool

The Healthy Early Years Silver & Gold Reporting Tool is for use by all early years settings including Children’s Centres and Nurseries working towards the Healthy Early Years Silver and Gold awards.

Healthy Early Years Silver Award

To achieve the Healthy Early Years Silver Award settings should:

·  Have achieved the Healthy Early Years Bronze Award (within the last 2 years)

·  Undertake a needs analysis to identify a health issue and priority for the children and their families at the setting

·  Collect baseline data to evidence the health issue / priority

·  Develop an action plan to address these health issues and priorities

·  Set measurable planned outcomes that demonstrate the impact you would like your action plan to have on the identified health issue /priority

You can use Part 1 of this document to record the details of your action plan, once completed you will need to send it to the Healthy Early Years Coordinator. This should be done before you start to implement any of the actions detailed within your plan. The Healthy Early Years Coordinator will send your application and any supporting documents to the Steering Group who will review your application and will either approve it, or feed back suggested changes. Once approved, you’ll receive email notification of success along with electronic logos. Each setting to achieve the Healthy Early Years Silver award will also be given a framed certificate.

Healthy Early Years Gold Award

To achieve the Healthy Early Years Gold Award setting should:

·  Have achieved the Healthy Early Years Bronze and Silver Award (within the last 2 years)

·  Implemented the actions within your setting’s Silver action plan

·  Collect endline data and report on the impact of your action plan in relation to your planned outcomes

·  Sustain successful activities

You can use Part 2 of this document to write the report demonstrating the impact of your action plan. Once completed, you will need to send it to the Healthy Early Years Coordinator. The Healthy Early Years Coordinator will send your application and any supporting documents to the Steering Group who will review your application and will either approve it, or feed back suggested changes. Once approved, you’ll receive email notification of success along with electronic logos. Each setting to achieve the Healthy Early Years Gold award will also be given a framed certificate.

Anna Brennan-Craddock

Healthy Early Years Coordinator


Part 1: Healthy Early Years Silver Planning Tool

Name of Setting / Borough
Key contact and job title
Date achieved HEY Bronze Award
Health Priority / Target Group / Planned Outcomes
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Healthy Priority / Needs Analysis (the data and evidence to demonstrate why you have identified this as a priority).
Target Group
Planned Outcomes / Activities / Timescale / Lead and job title / Monitoring and Evaluation
What are your targets? / What are you going to do to achieve your targets? / How long will it take to achieve? / Who will lead on each aspect of the work? / What will you use to measure your success and demonstrate your improvements?

Part 2: Healthy Early Years Gold Reporting Tool

Date Achieved HEY Silver Award
Consent to share report and photographs
Record and Report Impact: Evidence of what has changed as a result of the project
Planned Outcomes
Outcomes Achieved and Detailed Results
Analysis of results
What worked and why?
What did not work and why?
Unintended outcomes / wider impact

Page 7 of 7 Dec-15