Minutes from 28/04/10 - CONSULTATION WITH JAMES RULE

Attendees – Pete Allen, Karen Wark, Chris Johnson, Lisa Jewitt, Steph Miller, Jed Rust, Steve Wray, Barry Edwards

Apologies – Richard Kirk, Diana Elm, Neil Ager

Please find below a bullet point list with all significant points from the above meeting:

Pete welcomed James to the meeting and thanked him for his time and for agreeing to meet with FC Voices.

The points discussed were as follows:

West stand unreserved seating – Steve referred to questions he had received from fans in the West Stand and asked James why there is no unreserved seating in that area. James responded that he was not aware of this and could see no reason why the end blocks couldn’t be unreserved. JR agreed to look at the matter with the Stadium Management Committee (SMC). JR also advised the group that due to growing demand the East Stand will potentially become entirely reserved seating. The number of reserved areas within the stadium has increased with demand.

Chairman’s Note: Since this meeting the club have agreed to implement this change next season

Pre match team announcement – Steve asked James if it would be possible for the team line up could be announced in the Kingston Suite pre match as many fans in that area stay inside until just before the match. Use of the TV screens within the Suite was also suggested. JR is to investigate whether this is feasible and feed back to the group.

Chairman’s note: Since the meeting the club have agreed to have the teams read out in the Kingston Suite before games.

Announcement of substitution number – The group asked if the substitution number, as well as the name and squad number of the substitute and player that he is replacing, can be made at each substitution – ie ‘Substitution number 10 for Hull FC sees number 8 Ewan Dowes replacing number 17 Peter Cusack’. Numerous fans have asked the group about this as they feel that this will make it easier to follow the progress of the game. JR agreed to this request and agreed to try and implement it from the next home game.

Lighting around the stadium – the group again raised the issue of the quality lighting in the perimeter of the ground on an evening. JR is to discuss this matter when he meets John Cooper in the next week and will flag that the matter has been raised by the fans once again. The group told James that they appreciate that work is now underway within WestPark but do feel that the lighting levels within this area and the perimeter bowl are inadequate.

Friday night / Sunday matches – the group asked James if a review would be made on the move to Friday night matches. James advised that the situation would be reviewed ongoing but the move to Friday nights had been positive so far. The group told James that as there are fans both for and against the change they could not take sides on the matter but would continue, on behalf of the fans, to monitor the clubs reviewing of the situation.

HullCity and future development plans – The group asked JR about any impact that HullCity’s relegation from the Premiership could have on Hull FC. JR advised that City and FC are on an equal footing at the stadium and neither club has priority over the other. The club is in constant dialogue with Adam Pearson to ensure that the financial position of HullCity and any ramifications with regard to the Stadium Management Company do not compromise Hull FC.

Boulevard plans – Pete asked JR what the current situation is regarding the redevelopment plans for The Boulevard. JR advised that things are on track and he hopes that matters will begin to move forward soon.

Fans forum – Pete advised JR that half of the funds generated by the next fans forum will be donated to the clubs charity of the year, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). James thanked the group for their support and said that he is looking forward to the next event.

Any other business:

There being no further business the meeting closed at 6.15pm. The group thanked James for his time.

Date of next meeting – Saturday 8thMay, 10am,Box 13.

I declare these minutes to be a true and accurate account of the meeting held on 28th April


……………………………………………………(James Rule)



……………………………………………………(Minutes secretary)