International Business Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your opinions and attitudes concerning the EU and US are important. There is no right or wrong answer. All your answers will be anonymous and confidential.

Please circle or fill in the best answer for the following demographic questions to aid in the statistical analysis of the data.

/ 19 and under 20-24 25–34 35-44 45 and over
Highest Education Completed
/ Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate student
/ Male Female
International experience
/ Never been out of US Been to 1 country Been to 2 or more countries
/ White Black Asian International Student (please specify)______
Labor union view
/ Very pro-union Pro-union Neutral on unions Anti-unions Very anti-union
Political views
/ Conservative Liberal Other(please specify)______
Please select the rating that best measures your opinion about each of the following statements. / Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
Before taking CBA 396, I knew about the WTO and trade disputes.
I support the US policies of giving tax breaks to exporters, regardless of the WTO position.
I do not support the US tariffs on steel imported into the US.
I support the continuation of tariffs on imported steel.
I believe that the US considers other countries too much when determining trade policies.
I believe that world trade policies have hurt the US economy.
I believe that the US should be more involved in world affairs.
I believe that current US policies are costing US citizens too much in the way of taxes.
I believe that other countries appreciate what the US does for them.
I believe that the WTO offers a level playing field for the US and other countries.
I believe that the WTO applies rules differently with the US and EU.
I believe that the developing countries in the world are considered first by the WTO.
Before taking CBA 396, I knew about the US application of extraterritoriality in other countries.
I support the US position on extraterritoriality.
Before taking CBA 396, I knew about the US-EU disputes over bananas and beef.
I support the US position on bananas before the WTO.
I believe that the EU represents a threat to the US in trade today.
I believe that the euro will be a threat to the US$ position in world trade.
I support the US$ being strong versus all other currencies.
Please select the rating that best measures your opinion about each of the following statements.
Many of the goods and services produced in this country are exported and sold around the world. Many of the goods and services we buy here are imported from other countries. Overall, I think globalization is good or bad for: / Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
Consumers like me
American companies
The U.S. economy
Creating jobs in the U.S.
The environment
Providing jobs and strengthening the economy in poor
I think that expanded trade leads to an increase in the number of U.S. jobs.
I think that expanded trade leads to an increase in the number of foreign jobs.
I think trade agreements with low-wage countries such as China and Mexico lead to higher wages for Americans.
I think trade agreements with low-wage countries such as China and Mexico lead to higher wages for them.
I think that the best way to improve human and worker rights in China is to engage China and give it permanent access to U.S markets
I think that the best way to improve human and worker rights in China is to only give China permanent access to US markets when it agrees to meet human rights and labor standards
Which of the following best describes your views about foreign trade? Do you consider yourself to be someone who believes in free trade or trade without any restrictions, someone who believes in fair trade or trade with some standards for labor and environment, or someone who is protectionist, meaning that there should be rules to protect U.S. markets and workers from imports. / Free trader / Fair trader / Protectionist / Don’t know / Let’s take care of the US
Please give your opinions about the following as to whether they should be a major priority of U.S. trade agreements, a minor priority, or not a priority at all? / Major priority / Minor priority / Not a priority / Don’t know
Keeping foreign markets open to U.S. exports
Keeping prices for U.S. consumers low
Encouraging competition in US markets
Preventing unfair competition
By countries that violate
Workers rights
Protecting the environment
Preventing job loss of U.S. jobs