Crime Scene Re-enactment Grading Rubric

Solution: What does your group think happened to John Doe? Reenact the crime scene and/or perform a mock trial answering the following questions: Who killed John Doe? Why did he or she kill him? When did he or she kill him? What evidence can be provided to prove guilt?

Category / 20 Points / 15 Points / 10 Points / 5 Points
Completeness & Clarity / Very Good – All requirements were met and clues used in completion. / Good – Mostly complete with just
one or two missing parts or clues. / Mostly incomplete with missing clues and parts to presentation. / Hmm – did you understand the directions and the assignment?
Answers Observed Questions / OHEC – You got it! Fully explained all questions. Easy to understand. / Good flow & explanations. Most answers to questions are included. / Sketchy. Important steps and answers to questions are not included. / Parts missing
Most answers to questions not provided.
Sequence of Events & Logic / All clues fit into a logical order of occurrence fully explaining what happened to John / Most clues fit into a logical order of occurrence explaining what happened to John / Hard to understand logic and sequence of where things fit into what happened to John. / Totally illogical sequence of events leading up to the murder of John.
Results / Logical, well stated. Good relation to clues and logic. / Fairly well stated. Acceptable solution – results work along side of given clues. / Fairly logical but not very well explained to follow given evidence. / Totally illogical or not supported by the clues or investigation
Teamwork & Organization / All students were helpful &productive in the final product of the crime. / Most students were helpful & productive in the final product of the crime. / Few students were helpful &productive in the final product of the crime. / Off task and lost in the wilderness. What are we doing again?